Daily Receipts

Due to the upgrade of the State of Iowa's financial system from March 11-15, 2024, cash receipts published on March 19, 2024, for the week of March 11-March 15, 2024, will all have a transaction date of March 18, 2024.
Title Balance 2024 Balance 2025 Percent Change
Gross Receipts
Tax Receipts
Personal Income Tax 2,787,018,284.58 -100.00 %
Sales/Use Tax 2,726,366,356.28 -100.00 %
Corporate Income Tax 513,380,095.62 -100.00 %
Inheritance Tax 40,468,410.10 -100.00 %
Insurance Premium Tax 81,923,947.47 -100.00 %
Cigarette/Tobacco Tax (1,411.13) -100.00 %
Beer/Liquor Tax 7,782,591.41 -100.00 %
Franchise Tax 49,256,419.10 -100.00 %
Miscellaneous Tax 444,095,544.21 -100.00 %
Total Tax Receipts $ 6,650,290,237.64 -100.00 %
Other Receipts
Institutional Payments 7,631,316.61 -100.00 %
Liquor Revenue 99,206,108.05 -100.00 %
Interest 76,251,672.46 -100.00 %
Fees 15,631,432.01 -100.00 %
Judicial Revenue 43,381,547.29 -100.00 %
Miscellaneous Receipts 44,391,098.34 -100.00 %
Racing and Gaming 2,250,000.00 -100.00 %
Total Other Receipts $ 288,743,174.76 -100.00 %
Total Gross Receipts $ 6,939,033,412.40 -100.00 %

Cash Refunds
Cigarette Stamp Refunds (49,024.99) -100.00 %
Income Tax Refunds (335,199,768.67) -100.00 %
Sales Tax Refunds (41,391,452.42) -100.00 %
Refunds - Other (14,080,573.86) -100.00 %
Corporate Tax Refunds (105,169,133.72) -100.00 %
Use Tax Refunds (9,002,186.24) -100.00 %
Franchise Tax Refunds (6,336,003.67) -100.00 %
Tobacco Tax Refunds (30.65) -100.00 %
Inheritance Tax Refunds (1,182,396.12) -100.00 %
Refund Reimburse-RUTF 671,755.02 -100.00 %
Pass Through Entity Tax Refunds 0.00
Total Cash Refunds $ (511,738,815.32) -100.00 %
School Infrastructure Refunds $ (404,323,682.37) -100.00 %
Total Refunds $ (916,062,497.69) -100.00 %

Net Receipts $ 6,022,970,914.71 -100.00 %