Representative Mark I. Thompson View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 90 (2023) - 91 (2025)
Home County: Wright
Mark I. Thompson
Wright County


Serving first term in House.


Worked for U.S. Department of State as a counter-terrorism team leader for 20 years. Substitute teacher, farm work during harvest.


B.A. from Buena Vista University, Command and Staff, U.S. Marine Corps.

Military Service

Served 20 years in U.S. Marine Corps Infantry and Reconnaissance.

Memberships and Activities

Co-chair of Republicans of Wright County. Vice commander of local American Legion.

Birth and Residence

Born in 1955 in Clarion. Raised on farm near Eagle Grove and resides outside of Clarion.

Family Members

Wife, Jacquelyn Umthun Thompson; two daughters, six grandchildren.

Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
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