Senator Mark Costello View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
Senate: 86 (2015) - 91 (2025)
House: 85 (2013)
Home County: Mills
Mark Costello
Mills County


Serving second term in Senate. Served one term in House.




Graduated from Nishna Valley High School. Received B.A. in computer information systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

Memberships and Activities

Past president of Mills County Farm Bureau and member of the county legislative committee. Served as trustee for Deer Creek Township in Mills County. Elder at Sunnyside Bible Chapel in Atlantic.

Birth and Residence

Born in 1961 in Omaha, Nebraska. Raised and resides in Imogene.

Family Members

Wife, Rachel; four sons and one daughter.

Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
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