Representative Darrel Branhagen View All Years
Serving first term in House.
Graduated from Decorah High School. Received undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Wisconsin. Received J.D. from Drake University in Des Moines and M.S. in Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College.
Military Service
30 years in U.S. Army, retiring as a Colonel. Served in Panama, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, served as Chief Coalition Military Advisor to the Afghanistan government. Awarded the Bronze Star and Combat Badge.
Memberships and Activities
Served as the Winneshiek County Attorney and on the Decorah City Council. Luther College Assistant Professor of Business and Economics, and Commander of the local U.S. Army Engineering Company. Attends Washington Prairie Lutheran Church in Decorah.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1949 in Decorah. Raised and resides in Decorah.
Family Members
Wife, Betty.