Representative Sandy Salmon View All Years
Sandy Salmon
Black Hawk County
Serving second term in House.
Family farm owner, retired home educator.
Graduated from Kingsley-Pierson High School. Received B.A. in business management from University of Northern Iowa.
Military Service
U.S. Marine Corps.
Memberships and Activities
Member of Cornerstone Fellowship Church, NICHE (state homeschool organization), Farm Bureau, Marine Corps League, Bremer County Corn Growers, Black Hawk County Republican Women, and Black Hawk County Republican Central Committee. Served as a 4-H leader in Black Hawk County and with Metro Home Educators (Waterloo/Cedar Falls).
Birth and Residence
Born in 1955 in Lawton, Oklahoma. Raised near Kingsley and resides near Janesville.
Family Members
Husband, Matt; three sons and one grandchild.