Representative Ruth Ann Gaines View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Birth Place: Des Moines, Iowa
Birth County: Polk
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 84 (2011) - 91 (2025)
Home County: Polk
Ruth Ann Gaines
Polk County


Serving second term in House.




Received B.A. in drama/speech from Clarke College, Dubuque. Received M.A. in dramatic art from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Memberships and Activities

Served on State Foster Care Review Board, Loras College Board of Regents, Very Special Arts Iowa, Prevent Child Abuse Iowa, Eyerly-Ball Board, YWCA Board, NAACP Board, Hospice of Central Iowa, Repertory Theater of Iowa, Drama Workshop, Iowa Arts Council, Holy Family Foundation Board, and Des Moines Area Religious Council. Currently is president of Friends of Des Moines Human Rights.

Birth and Residence

Born in 1947 in Des Moines. Raised and resides in Des Moines.

Family Members

One son.

Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
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