Representative Dwayne Alons View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 11/29/2014
Birth Place: Hull, Iowa
Birth County: Sioux
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 78 (1999) - 85 (2013)
Home County: Sioux
Dwayne Alons
Sioux County


Dwayne Alons was born on October 30, 1946 in Hull, Iowa. He was raised in the Boyden-Hull area attending grade school, high school and graduating in 1964. He married Clarice Elaine Ahlers in Yankton, South Dakota on July 15, 1967, and their union created four children together.

By 1968 he had earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics at Northwestern College in Orange City. Alons began his military service in 1969 serving in the United States Air Force in Texas, Arizona, West Germany and Pennsylvania. He also served in the Iowa Air National Guard as chief of staff and at retirement had reached the rank of Brigadier General. He logged over 3,800 hours flying F-4s, F-100s, F-7s and F-16s. He earned a Master’s Degree in management as well as graduated from the Air Command and Staff College and Army War College during his time in the Air Force.

After 1975, he and his family moved to Boyden to farm. In 1991 they moved into the town of Hull after he retired from farming. He was a member of the Christ Community Church in Sioux Center where he had served as a deacon and as an elder. He was also a member of the Gideon’s International, American Legion, Kiwanis, Sioux County Pork Producers, Iowa Soybean Association, Farm Bureau, Iowa Corn Growers Association and Cattlemen’s Association.

Alons had recently been awarded the Champion of the Family Award by the Family Leader on November 2014. He was known as a passionate, dedicated lawmaker as well as dedicated father, grandfather, husband and man of faith.

Alons was a Republican from Sioux County. He was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives in the fall of 1998, serving for eight terms. During his time he served on many committees; Agriculture, Appropriations, Economic Growth, Human Resources, Public Safety, Judiciary, Local Government, Veterans Affairs as the Chair and several Appropriations Subcommittees.

Representative Alons passed away on November 29, 2014 at the age of 69.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EIGHTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF IOWA, That in the passing of the Honorable Dwayne Alons, the State has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this Resolution would express its appreciation of his service.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.




