Representative Larry Sheets View All Years
Larry Sheets
Appanoose County
Serving first term in House.
Retired electrical engineer. Tree farmer, self-employed, 2000–present. Holds 16 U.S. patents.
B.S. electrical engineering, Purdue University, M.S. electrical engineering, University of Michigan, and M.B.A., business, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Memberships and Activities
Served as a member of the Moulton-Udell School Board, Moulton Economic Development Association, Judson University President’s Advisory Board, Hope Pregnancy Center Board, Christian Education Chairman/church board. Received a conservation award for planting 120,000 trees, and is a member of the Indian Hills Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Board.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1943 in Hammond, Indiana. Resides in Moulton.
Family Members
Wife, Carol; eight sons and two daughters.