Representative Roger F. Wendt View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 3/30/2011
Birth Place: Staplehurst, Nebraska
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 80 (2003) - 83 (2009)
Home County: Woodbury
Roger F. Wendt
Woodbury County


Dr. Roger Wendt was born December 31, 1933 in Staplehurst, Nebraska. He graduated from Seward High School in Seward, NE, served in the U.S. Army from 1952 to 1954. After the Army he got his bachelor’s degree from Wayne State College in 1958. August 10, 1958 he married Anita Freudenburg in Norfolk, NE. Together they moved to Sioux City, made a home and raised their two children. He continued with his education at University of South Dakota where he earned his masters’ degree in Educational Administration and was awarded his doctorate in 1967.

Dr. Wendt spent 9 years as a teacher in the Sioux City Community School System. After his time as a teacher he served as an administrator in Sioux City District. Additionally he spent 35 years as an assistant principal, principal, director of secondary education and assistant superintendent. He proudly retired in 2002 after serving for 44 years the students and families of Sioux City Community Schools.

He was very active in his community when he wasn’t with his family. A lifetime member of Phi Delta Kappa also serving as Siouxland chapter president. He was a lifetime member of the National Education Association, School Administrators of Iowa, and Commissioner of Midwestern Higher Education Compact. He served as a board member and president of the Boys and Girls Home, a member of the Elk’s Club and was a charter member, elder, and past president of Faith Lutheran Church. He enjoyed spending time with his family; playing cards, boating fishing, hunting and many other activities when they were all together.

Roger was a Democrat from Woodbury County. He was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives in the fall of 2002 serving four terms. During his time in the House he served on the education committee in a leadership role, and served on almost every other committee as well. His life and career can be best thought of in terms of service to others.

Representative Wendt passed away on March 30, 2011 at the age of 77.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EIGHTY-FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF IOWA, That in the passing of the Honorable Roger Wendt, the State has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this Resolution would express its appreciation of his service.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.



