Representative Thomas R. Sands View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Birth Place: Muscatine, Iowa
Birth County: Muscatine
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 80 (2003) - 86 (2015)
Home County: Louisa
Thomas R. Sands
Louisa County
TOM R. SANDS Ag/commercial loan officer, certified real estate appraiser and farm owner. Resides in Columbus Junction. Graduated from Columbus Community High School and attended classes at Muscatine Community College. Serves on the Columbus Junction City Council. Past Township trustee for Concord Township and Louisa County Central Committee chair. Charter member of the Sons of the American Legion, past 1st commander; member of Farm Bureau, KIDS Committee, certified lay speaker, Columbus Community Club, Finance Chair for city of Columbus Junction, and Columbus Junction United Methodist Church. Three children and one grandchild. Serving first term in House.