Senator Kathleen Rehberg View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
Senate: 77 (1997) - 80 (2003)
Home County: Buchanan
Kathleen Rehberg
Buchanan County
Farmer. Born in Cedar Rapids. Raised and resides in Buchanan County near Rowley. Graduate of Rowley Consolidated School and attended Kirkwood Community College. Member of Farm Bureau, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Pork Producers Association, and Presbyterian Church. Past board director of Independence Community School, past Rowley Little League manager, and past Brownie leader. Served on congressional staff under Congressman Jim Nussle and served as administrative assistant to Representative Joe Kremer. Husband Franklin; two sons and one daughter. Serving second term in Senate.