Senator Linn Fuhrman View All Years
Linn Fuhrman was born on November 14, 1944, on the family farm in rural Brooke Township, near Aurelia, and passed away on January 23, 1994, at the age of forty-nine. His parents are Naomi Fuhrman and the late Carl Fuhrman of Cherokee. His only sister, Beverly, lives with her family in Vienna, Virginia.
Senator Fuhrman graduated from Aurelia Community Schools in 1962 and attended Morningside College and Buena Vista College, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1968. He later attended the Graduate School of Economics at Iowa State University and seminary training at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
Senator Fuhrman was a Vietnam War veteran who served as a chaplain’s assistant. He was a member of the VFW, AMVETS, and the American Legion, where he served a term as Commander of the Aurelia post.
Senator Fuhrman was a lifelong farmer, who took over the family farm operation after his parents retired. He moved into the home place in rural Buena Vista County and resided there until his death. He was a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation, serving as Buena Vista County President and on numerous Farm Bureau state boards and committees. He represented the state of Iowa on the American Farm Bureau Field Corps Advisory Committee in 1986. He was a member of the Iowa State Extension Service, the Iowa Corn Growers Association, the Soybean Producers Association, the Aurelia Farmers Co-op and the Overall Economic Development Program (OEPD). He was a lifelong member of the Aurelia United Methodist Church and served on the Buena Vista College Alumni Board.
Senator Fuhrman’s political career began when he was elected to the Iowa State Senate and served in the 72nd through 75th General Assemblies. He served on the. Commerce, Ways and Means, Judiciary, Business and Labor Relations, and Communication and Information Policy Committees, during his final term. He was ranking member of the latter two committees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE SEVENTY-FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF IOWA: That in the passing of the Honorable Linn Fuhrman, the State has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and that the Senate by this Resolution, expresses its appreciation of his service to the State and tenders its sympathy and kindest regards to the members of his family.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the Senate and that the Secretary of the Senate be instructed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.