Representative Wayne H. McKinney Jr. View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Birth Place: Story County, Iowa
Birth County: Story
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 72 (1987) - 75 (1993)
Home County: Dallas
Wayne H. McKinney Jr.
Dallas County
Birth: September 15, 1950, Story County. Parents: Wayne and Gloria McKinney. Education: Attended Earlham Community High School; graduated from West Des Moines' Valley High School, 1969; B.S., Iowa State University, 1973; J.D., University of Iowa Law School, 1976. Spouse: Debra K. Lund, 1980. Children: 1 daughter; 1 son. Activities: Attorney and farmer. Assistant Polk County attorney, 1976-1978. Dallas County Compensation Board, 1983-1985. Dallas County Democratic Central Committee. Waukee Business Association. Waukee Lion's Club. Waukee Jaycees. Member: Dallas County Bar Association, Iowa Bar Association, Iowa Trial Lawyers Association, and St. Boniface Catholic Church, Waukee. Term: Third.