Ames Story County Republican. Born July 14, 1893, in Spink County, South Dakota, son of E. P. and Isabelle Cunningham. Graduate of South Dakota State College. Served as a commissioned officer in World War I. From 1919 to 1926, assistant secretary of Y. M. C. A., University of Minnesota; from 1926 to 1953 was general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Iowa State University. Retired from Y. M. C. A. Sept. 1, 1953, at the retirement age of 60. Served on Ames school board and city playground commission. Married Ethel Hutchinson May 11, 1918. Two sons, Glen and Wayne, commissioned officers in the U. S. Army, both killed in action in World War II; two daughters, Dorothy Beverly, and Virginia Gordon; and six grandchildren. Member of the Presbyterian Church, Rotary Club, honorary member of 4-H Club. Serving his third term.
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