Thornburg Keokuk County Democrat. Born on a farm in Poweshiek County, near Deep River, Iowa, March 20, 1915. Son of Sarah Faye and LeRoy Dunton; moved to present farm home near Thornburg in Keokuk county in 1920. Graduated from Thornburg high school in 1932. Married Ethel Cowan of What Cheer, Iowa, March 7, 1937. Father of one daughter, Cynthia Kay, age 9. Actively engaged in large farming with livestock operation, formerly in the hardware and implement business. Chairman of the board and lay leader of Methodist Church in Thornburg; former member of Keokuk county school board and chairman for 10 years; member of State School Board Association; member of Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star, Consistory and El Kahir Shrine of Cedar Rapids, Elks, Lions, Izaak Walton League, charter member of Flying Farmers, member of Farm Bureau. Serving second term.
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