Cedar Rapids, Linn County Democrat Born July 8, 1926, at Keokuk, Iowa. Son of Floyd and Beatrice Martin. Graduated St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Iowa, 1949, and University of Iowa, College of Law. 1952. Practices law as a partner in the firm of Martin & McGuire. Married Mary A. Mallon, June 21, 1952. Four sons, Stephen F., David M., Joseph M. and Timothy J. Served in U.S. Navy Air Corps for three years during World War II. Member district and state Bar Associations, Catholic church, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, Lions Club, Elks. Serving first term. The state was shocked to hear of Frank Martin's death from a heart attack on July 15, 1959, at the age of 33, and at the end of his first session as a Democrat representative from Linn County to the Iowa House of Representatives.
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