Brooklyn Poweshiek County Republican Born in Newton, Iowa, April 30, 1903. Moved to Grinnell in 1907. Attended Grinnell public schools and was graduated from Grinnell College in 1925. Worked in Chicago for Hart, Schaffner and Marx, clothing manufacturer and wholesaler. Married Rachel Reeder, Mechanicsville, in 1935 and in same year moved to farm near Brooklyn. Served as township assessor ten years; several years on community and Poweshiek County AAA committees; several years as secretary of Poweshiek county Farm Bureau. Secretary-treasurer of Brooklyn Cooperative Creamery Association. Director and president of State Brand Creameries, Inc., Mason City, and president National Creameries Assn., St. Paul, Minnesota. Member of Presbyterian church, Masons, Des Moines Consistory, Za-Ga-Zig Temple and Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternity. Served In 52nd Extra, 53rd, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th and 58th General Assemblies. Served on Governmental Reorganization Commission between 53rd and 54th General Assemblies.
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