Representative Oscar N. Hultman View All Years
MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character, and public service of the late Honorable Oscar N. Hultman, begs leave to submit the following memorial:
Oscar N. Hultman was born in Stanton, Iowa, November 2, 1887, of Swedish descent.
Mr. Hultman graduated from Stanton High School and began his business career as a clerk in a general store and later accepted a position as assistant manager of a retail lumber business of which in two years he became the manager, and later the owner. At the time of his death, Mr. Hultman had owned and operated his lumber business for fifty years.
On June 8, 1935, he married Lola S. Johnson and to this marriage two sons were born: Donald Napoleon and Calvin Oscar.
Mr. Hultman was a member of the Mamerlund Lutheran Church of Stanton, Iowa, and was chairman of the building committee when the new church was built.
He was active in the Republican Party and served in the House of Representatives in the Forty-fifth, Forty-fifth Extra, Forty-sixth, Forty-sixth Extra, Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth and Fifty-sixth sessions of the General Assembly. He was elected to the Senate in 1944 and served there in the Fifty-first, Fifty-second, Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth sessions of the General Assembly. He was a Pioneer Lawmaker and served as vice president of this organization.
Mr. Hultman had served as mayor and councilman of Stanton, was vice president of the Houghton State Bank of Red Oak, Iowa; he served in the Army in World War I and was a charter and fifty-year member of the Ernie Johnson American Legion; he was a member of the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Temple; a thirtysecond degree Mason and had been a Mason for fifty years; he was also a member of Knights of Pythias.
Mr. Hultman passed away September 14, 1969, at his summer home on a ranch near Moose, Wyoming. He is survived by his widow; two sons, Donald of Bellevue, Washington, and Calvin of Red Oak, Iowa, and three granddaughters.
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Sixty-third General Assembly of Iowa: That in the passing of the Honorable Oscar N. Hultman, the state has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this resolution would express its appreciation of his service, and tender its sympathy to the members of his family.
Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.