Representative John F. Walter View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 6/6/1968
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 56 (1955) - 57 (1957)
Home County: Clayton
John F. Walter
Clayton County
McGregor Clayton County Republican. Born at McGregor, Iowa, on March 16, 1893. Graduated from McGregor high school. Graduated from the State University of Iowa college of dentistry in 1918 and for a time was on the faculty there. He is a former member of the state fish and game commission. Served as mayor of McGregor sixteen years, served on McGregor school board seven years and McGregor municipal utilities board ten years. Dr. Walter is a past president of the Iowa League of Municipalities. He is a World War I veteran. Past commander Pocket City Post 267. Married Hilda M. Lungwitz of Dubuque, Iowa. Two married daughters, Joanne Adele Kiest, Mary Margaret Warren. Three grandchildren. Member Kiwanis club, Masonic lodge No. 135, past president Clayton county mayor's organization and member Clayton county development organization. Affiliated with Methodist church. Hobbies are fishing, hunting and municipal affairs. Serving his first term.