Representative Wayland Roy Christiansen View All Years
WAYLAND ROY CHRISTIANSEN, former district court clerk, postmaster, county auditor, and state representative, died at the veterans hospital in Knoxville January 28, 1960; born August 12, 1895, at Northwood, Iowa, the son of Hans and Manda Christiansen; attended the public schools in Northwood and Hamilton Business College at Mason City; was a veteran of World War I, receiving the Purple Heart for injuries that caused the loss of a leg in the Argonne in France shortly before the armistice; served as clerk of the district court in Worth County for several years, was afterwards postmaster at Northwood, and Worth County auditor from 1935 to 1950; married to Mary Jane “Mae” Hilborn June 23, 1940; was elected to the state legislature in 1952, and reelected in 1954 and 1956; had been commander of the American Legion post in Northwood and its service officer for many years, treasurer of the Northwood Independent School District, member of the Masonic Order, and First Lutheran Church; survived by his wife, and two stepsons, Dr. Donald H. Hilborn, Rapid City, South Dakota, and James F. Hilborn, Menominie, Wisconsin.