Senator John Morris Rea View All Years
The special order of the hour being the resolutions relative to the death of Hon. Isaac W. Baldwin and Hon. J. Morris Rea, former members of this body. Senator Sargent presented resolution on the death of Hon. J. Morris Rea and asked their reading.
WHEREAS, The Hon. J. Morris Rea, of Grundy county, has met the inevitable fate of all men and passed from life unto death at his home in Grundy Center, August 25, 1895.
WHEREAS, He was a member of the Senate of Iowa from the Thirty-eighth district including Black Hawk and Grundy counties, in the Twenty-fifth General Assembly, and would, had he lived, been a member of the Twenty-sixth General Assembly; therefore, be it
Resolved, That in the death of Senator Rea we feel that a man of great public usefulness has been called hence from the active duties of life, and we do sincerely mourn his loss. That his death is one especially to be deplored in view of his honorable connection with the Senate of Iowa, and the lasting impression he made during his service in the Twenty-fifth General Assembly by his wise and conservative action as a legislator.
Resolved, That in the life of Senator Rea, pure, blameless and Christian-like, and in the practice of his profession as a lawyer he has left an example to be emulated by young and old, and one which in this hour of bereavement must be a great gratification to his family and friends, and the members of this Senate do, with most profound feeling, join them in lamenting his death.
Resolved, That the Secretary of this Senate forward a properly engrossed copy of these resolutions to the family of Senator Rea, and that they be entered on the record of the Senate.