The Senator from Mahaska in the Twenty-fifth General Assembly is a holdover. He first made his appearance in legislative circles in 1892, and was allright in his place. Dr. Conaway was born in Harrison county, Ohio, May 12, 1849. His parents, Aaron and Dorcas Conaway, were of Scotch-Irish descent. He was the twelfth child out of fourteen born to them and is now the youngest living member of the family. He was well educated both in the common schools and in the special training for his profession. In 1875 he began to practice medicine at his present location and he has been eminently successful. For six years he was one of the pension examiners of Mahaska county. He has been a leader in the progress of his profession in the State. When the idea of organizing a medical department in connection with Drake University was announced he was found to be one of its first and most ardent supporters. He was professor of obstetrics and gynecology from 1882 to 1886. His first political venture was the nomination for State Senator in 1891. He was easily elected. Last fall he was a prominent candidate before the Republican State convention for the position of lieutenant governor. In secret society circles he is well known, being a member of several Masonic orders, the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. He belongs to the Christian church. He desires to see the school laws so amended that children will be compelled to attend schools where they will be furnished text books free of charge; he also believes the hospitals for the insane of the State could be improved, and will heartily support any measure presented looking toward the accomplishment of these ideas. Senator Conaway is a man of strong parts and sterling worth and decends from a family famous for its long line of successful physicians and surgeons. He was too young for army service during the war only entering his teens at that time. Patriotic loyalty was a marked family trait, consequently four older brothers were among the many brave boys who entered at the beginning and were there at the close of that the greatest of civil wars. One of that number fell in the famous battle of Winchester, Virginia on the day that General Phil Sheridan made his historic ride. His father was rendered poor by the exigencies of the rebellion. Hence his education and advancements depended entirely upon his own efforts, therefore his political preferment is the result of untiring energy and faith in his own capacity to do. He is just now in the prime of life possessed of a vigorous and active physique, a strong reasoner, a fluent speaker and a politician of rare and marked ability. Being a man of pleasing appearance and affable demeanor, he gives promise of a bright future in his political aspirations.
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