Charles Hipwell began his legislative career in 1888 and has been four times in succession elected to spend every other winter in the capital city to look after the interests of Scott County. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 30, 1845. His parents moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, ten years later, and there he remained till 1871. He was educated in the Pittsburg schools. On coming to Davenport, Iowa, in 1871, he started in with the slate roofing business, in which he has since remained. He has built up the most extensive business in that line of any man in the State and has completed quite a number of large contracts. He was a member of the Davenport city council for four years and was also a member of the board of trustees of the soldiers' orphans' home. Scott county has been solidly Democratic for a long time and as Mr. Hipwell is one of the leaders in that faith they have kept him in office. He is a member of the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Red Men and Legion of Honor. He was married in 1871 to Miss Jane Pascoe of Pittsburg. He has always worked and voted against the prohibitory liquor law and will do so again this winter. It will be his first session as a Senator, but that will not bother him any, as he is well used to legislative ways. He serves his constituency well, and is a good member of the legislature.
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