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February 12, 2025GA 90

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 417 A bill for an act relating to moneys credited to the flood mitigation fund from fees collected for flying our colors registration plates.(See HF 590.)
HF 418 A bill for an act relating to purchasing of tires from the state by certain volunteer emergency services providers.(See HF 603.)
HF 575 A bill for an act relating to free school breakfast and lunch for students eligible to receive reduced price meals under federal programs at public schools, certain charter schools, and certain nonpublic schools and making an appropriation.
HF 2162 A bill for an act relating to property assessment standards and litigation.
HF 2375 A bill for an act enacting the dietitian licensure compact.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HR 110 A resolution honoring and congratulating Caitlin Clark for her extraordinary accomplishments and establishing February 22, 2024, as Caitlin Clark day in the state of Iowa.
HR 114 A resolution honoring and congratulating the University of Iowa Hawkeye women’s wrestling team for winning the National Collegiate Women’s Wrestling Tournament.
HR 117 A resolution recognizing and congratulating University of Northern Iowa