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February 08, 2025GA 87

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 80 A bill for an act relating to wage payment collection issues arising between employers and individuals who provide services to employers, providing penalties and remedies, and including effective date provisions.
SF 97 A bill for an act increasing the amount of solar energy system tax credits that may be claimed annually and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
SF 100 A bill for an act concerning the use of mobile telephones while driving, and providing penalties.
SF 117 A bill for an act relating to the regulation of tanning facilities and making penalties applicable.
SF 119 A bill for an act requiring that human growth and development instruction by school boards include age-appropriate information regarding dating violence and prevention.
SF 136 A bill for an act relating to the state preschool program by establishing a preschool expansion incentive, authorizing state aid for the incentive, and addressing program costs.
SF 137 A bill for an act relating to school core curriculum and twenty-first century learning skills required to be addressed in rules adopted by the state board of education.
SF 141 A bill for an act permitting the voluntary receipt by employees of payment of wages by debit card or pay card and making penalties and remedies applicable.
SF 159 A bill for an act requiring federal income tax returns of candidates for president and vice president of the United States to be filed with the state commissioner of elections.
SF 160 A bill for an act relating to licensing fees collected by the board of educational examiners and deposited in the general fund of the state, and including effective date provisions.
SF 163 A bill for an act relating to persons soliciting donations from passing motorists on behalf of charitable organizations.
SF 164 A bill for an act authorizing city utilities to provide a reduced rate to certain persons based on age.
SF 167 A bill for an act relating to revenue and taxation by increasing the sales and use tax rates, establishing transfers to the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund, and including effective date provisions.
SF 185 A bill for an act establishing a state employee retirement incentive program and including effective date provisions.
SF 205 A bill for an act relating to the medical cannabis Act, reclassifying marijuana, including tetrahydrocannabinols, from a schedule I controlled substance to a schedule II controlled substance, and providing for civil and criminal penalties and fees.
SF 217 A bill for an act providing for contingent appropriations to, and allocations from, the enhance Iowa fund.
SF 219 A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of manufacturing, delivering, selling, or possessing drug paraphernalia by exempting hypodermic needles or syringes delivered, sold, or possessed through an approved needle exchange program.
SF 265 A bill for an act relating to the safe operation of bicycles, and making penalties applicable. (See SF 450.)
SF 340 A bill for an act relating to wage discrimination under the Iowa civil rights Act of 1965, making penalties applicable, and establishing an equal pay task force.
SF 353 A bill for an act relating to retail motor fuel sites, by requiring standards and practices to assist disabled individuals obtaining motor fuel, providing for enforcement by the department of agriculture and land stewardship, providing for a tax credit, and including effective and applicability date provisions.
SF 2035 A bill for an act relating to health care coverage including the establishment of a healthy Iowans for a public option and the administration of the Medicaid program, and including effective date provisions.
SF 2055 A bill for an act relating to the provision of integrated health homes for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness under Medicaid managed care, and including effective date provisions.
SF 2058 A bill for an act relating to the termination of Medicaid managed care contracts, and including effective date provisions.
SF 2062 A bill for an act relating to mandatory reporters of child abuse.
SF 2096 A bill for an act establishing a solar energy minimum purchase standard applicable to specified electric utilities.
SF 2107 A bill for an act relating to restitution for claims arising from state employees committing unfair or discriminatory employment practices.
SF 2143 A bill for an act relating to the placement of sex offenders who qualify for release from the custody of the department of human services or the department of corrections.
SF 2149 A bill for an act relating to supplemental reimbursement for publicly owned or operated ground emergency medical transportation providers through the Medicaid program, and including effective date provisions.
SF 2150 A bill for an act relating to services provided to the long-term services and supports populations under the Medicaid program, including case management and needs assessments, and including effective date provisions.
SF 2205 A bill for an act relating to funding options for area agencies on aging to meet unmet needs for older individuals.
SF 2211 A bill for an act relating to a publicly accessible database of economic development awards on the economic development authority’s internet site.
SF 2217 A bill for an act relating to the use of appropriations for cultural trust grant programs administered by the Iowa arts council for cultural, educational, and historical exhibits.
SF 2260 A bill for an act establishing a neighborhood housing revitalization assistance program within the Iowa finance authority.
SF 2385 A bill for an act exempting from the state sales tax the purchase price of tangible personal property sold and services furnished to a nonprofit food bank.

Senate Joint Resolution (SJR)

Bill Bill Title
SJR 2001 A joint resolution recognizing the fossil crinoid as the state fossil.

Senate Resolution (SR)

Bill Bill Title
SR 4 A resolution requesting the legislative council to establish an interim committee to study the creation of a facility to care for geriatric persons who are registered on the sex offender registry or who are sexually aggressive.
SR 11 A resolution relating to the Executive Order of the President of the United States titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.
SR 111 A resolution in support of strengthening and deepening the relationship between Taiwan and the State of Iowa.
SR 113 A resolution recognizing the life and work of musician and radio broadcaster Bob Dorr.
SR 115 A resolution recognizing and congratulating University of Iowa Hawkeye wrestler Spencer Lee on his outstanding achievements in college wrestling.