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February 07, 2025GA 85

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 1 A bill for an act relating to the taxpayers trust fund by modifying the transfer of moneys from the Iowa economic emergency fund to the taxpayers trust fund, allowing transfers from the taxpayers trust fund, creating an Iowa taxpayers trust fund tax credit and fund and providing for the transfer of moneys from the taxpayers trust fund for purposes of the credit, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 2 A bill for an act increasing the regular program foundation base percentage for purposes of the school funding formula.
HF 3 A bill for an act relating to the individual income tax by creating an alternative base income tax imposed at the election of the taxpayer and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 478)
HF 57 A bill for an act relating to the justifiable use of reasonable force and providing a remedy.
HF 113 A bill for an act relating to independent accreditation of nonpublic schools.
HF 143 A bill for an act concerning harassment and bullying by students and providing criminal and civil penalties and remedies for failure by parents, guardians, and custodians to prevent such harassment and bullying.
HF 178 A bill for an act declaring the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act invalid, null and void, and of no effect in this state, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
HF 2099 A bill for an act relating to the method of collecting property taxes by a county treasurer and including applicability provisions.

House Joint Resolution (HJR)

Bill Bill Title
HJR 1 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the right to work.
HJR 2 A joint resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to state budgeting by creating a state general fund expenditure limitation, providing for a taxpayers trust fund, requiring authorization for certain bonds, and restricting certain state revenue changes.
HJR 4 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to an individual's right to acquire, keep, possess, transport, carry, transfer, and use arms.
HJR 11 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa specifying marriage between one man and one woman as the only legal union that is valid or recognized in the state.

House Concurrent Resolution (HCR)

Bill Bill Title
HCR 105 A concurrent resolution urging the Federal Emergency Management Agency to reverse its unilateral decision to place new and unachievable conditions on the eligibility of the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal utilities to receive storm recovery funding in the event of a presidential major disaster declaration.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HR 29 A resolution honoring the 133rd Test Squadron of the Iowa National Guard.
HR 35 A resolution honoring the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
HR 101 A resolution urging the United States government to renew its commitment to farmers, lower fuel prices, and the environment by supporting a robust and sustainable renewable fuel standard.
HR 108 A resolution commemorating the members of the United States Cadet Nurse Corps.
HR 117 A resolution recognizing the health threat posed by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
HR 118 A resolution in support of recognizing the lead role of states in the regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.
HR 119 A resolution commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program.
HR 123 A resolution requesting that all necessary and immediate action be taken by the State of California, the United States Congress, the United States Attorney General, state legislatures, state governors, and state attorneys general to effectuate the repeal of California legislation enacted as AB 1437 that unconstitutionally infringes upon the Commerce Clause of the Constitution of the United States to the detriment of this nation's consumers and farmers.
HR 125 A resolution recognizing April 16, 2014, as Line Worker Appreciation Day in the State of Iowa.