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February 13, 2025GA 84

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 326 A bill for an act relating to the appointment of district judicial nominating commissioners, judicial officers, and senior judges. (Formerly SSB 1010.) Effective 7-1-11.
SF 2158 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement of speech pathology services under the medical assistance program. (Formerly SF 2082.) Effective 7-1-12.
SF 2232 A bill for an act relating to certain multiple driving-related convictions involving one event or occurrence of driving. (Formerly SSB 3074.)
SF 2295 A bill for an act modifying the periods of time to bring civil and criminal actions relating to the sexual abuse of minors. (Formerly SF 2229.)

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 624 A bill for an act relating to limitations on creditors' rights in spendthrift trusts and discretionary trusts. (Formerly HSB 46) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2378)

House Study Bill (HSB)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 42 A study bill relating to the boards of directors of public corporations, and including effective date provisions. 1-28-11 Subcommittee assigned, Anderson, Baltimore, and Swaim. H.J. 193. (See Cmte. Bill HF 578)
HSB 43 A study bill relating to instruments used to update the county transfer books and index maintained by the county auditor. 1-28-11 Subcommittee assigned, Anderson, Gaines, and Garrett. H.J. 193. (See Cmte. Bill HF 243)
HSB 46 A study bill relating to limitations on creditors' rights in spendthrift trusts and discretionary trusts. 2-01-11 Subcommittee assigned, Anderson, Hagenow, and Swaim. H.J. 204. (See Cmte. Bill HF 624) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2378)
HSB 637 A study bill for creating medical parole for certain persons committed to the custody of the department of corrections, and including effective date provisions. 2-16-12 Subcommittee assigned, Anderson, Heaton, and Lensing. H.J. 289. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2391)
HSB 653 A study bill relating to business corporations, including by providing for their organization and operation; providing for the relationship between shareholders, directors, and officers; and including effective date provisions. 2-22-12 Subcommittee assigned, Anderson, Baltimore, and Lensing. H.J. 319. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2426)