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General Assembly: 84
(01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013)
General Assembly: 91
(01/13/2025 - 01/10/2027)
General Assembly: 90
(01/09/2023 - 01/12/2025)
General Assembly: 89
(01/11/2021 - 01/08/2023)
General Assembly: 88
(01/14/2019 - 01/10/2021)
General Assembly: 87
(01/09/2017 - 01/13/2019)
General Assembly: 86
(01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017)
General Assembly: 85
(01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015)
General Assembly: 84
(01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013)
General Assembly: 83
(01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011)
General Assembly: 82
(01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009)
General Assembly: 81
(01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007)
General Assembly: 80
(01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005)
General Assembly: 79
(01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003)
General Assembly: 78
(01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001)
General Assembly: 77
(01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999)
General Assembly: 76
(01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997)
Select Sponsor
Senator Bill Anderson
Senator Robert Bacon
Senator Merlin Bartz
Senator Daryl Beall
Senator Jerry Behn
Senator Rick Bertrand
Senator Dennis Black
Senator Nancy J. Boettger
Senator Joe Bolkcom
Senator Tod Bowman
Senator Mark Chelgren
Senator Thomas G. Courtney
Senator Swati A. Dandekar
Senator Jeff Danielson
Senator Dick L. Dearden
Senator Bill Dix
Senator William A. Dotzler Jr.
Senator Robert E. Dvorsky
Senator Joni Ernst
Senator Randy Feenstra
Senator Gene Fraise
Senator Sandra Greiner
Senator Michael E. Gronstal
Senator James F. Hahn
Senator Shawn Hamerlinck
Senator Tom Hancock
Senator Jack Hatch
Senator Robert M. Hogg
Senator Wally E. Horn
Senator Hubert Houser
Senator Pam Jochum
Senator David Johnson
Senator Tim L. Kapucian
Senator Steve Kettering
Senator John (Jack) P. Kibbie
Senator Liz Mathis
Senator Matt W. McCoy
Senator Paul McKinley
Senator Herman Quirmbach
Senator Amanda Ragan
Senator Tom Rielly
Senator Brian Schoenjahn
Senator Joseph Seng
Senator James A. Seymour
Senator Roby Smith
Senator Steven J. Sodders
Senator Kent Sorenson
Senator Pat Ward
Senator Jack Whitver
Senator Mary Jo Wilhelm
Senator Brad Zaun
Floor Manager:
Select Floor Manager
Senator Bill Anderson
Senator Daryl Beall
Senator Jerry Behn
Senator Rick Bertrand
Senator Dennis Black
Senator Nancy J. Boettger
Senator Joe Bolkcom
Senator Tod Bowman
Senator Thomas G. Courtney
Senator Swati A. Dandekar
Senator Jeff Danielson
Senator Dick L. Dearden
Senator Bill Dix
Senator William A. Dotzler Jr.
Senator Robert E. Dvorsky
Senator Joni Ernst
Senator Randy Feenstra
Senator Gene Fraise
Senator Michael E. Gronstal
Senator James F. Hahn
Senator Tom Hancock
Senator Jack Hatch
Senator Robert M. Hogg
Senator Wally E. Horn
Senator Hubert Houser
Senator Pam Jochum
Senator David Johnson
Senator Tim L. Kapucian
Senator Steve Kettering
Senator John (Jack) P. Kibbie
Senator Liz Mathis
Senator Matt W. McCoy
Senator Herman Quirmbach
Senator Amanda Ragan
Senator Tom Rielly
Senator Brian Schoenjahn
Senator Joseph Seng
Senator James A. Seymour
Senator Steven J. Sodders
Senator Kent Sorenson
Senator Jack Whitver
Senator Mary Jo Wilhelm
Senator Brad Zaun
Select Sponsor
Representative Ako Abdul-Samad
Representative Dwayne Alons
Representative Richard T. Anderson
Representative Richard D. Arnold
Representative Chip Baltimore
Representative Clel Baudler
Representative Deborah L. Berry
Representative Mark Brandenburg
Representative Joshua Byrnes
Representative Royd E. Chambers
Representative Dennis M. Cohoon
Representative Peter Cownie
Representative Betty R. De Boef
Representative Dave Deyoe
Representative Cecil Dolecheck
Representative Jack Drake
Representative Greg Forristall
Representative Joel Fry
Representative Ruth Ann Gaines
Representative Julian B. Garrett
Representative Mary Gaskill
Representative Pat Grassley
Representative Chris Hagenow
Representative Robert A. Hager
Representative Chris Hall
Representative Curtis Hanson
Representative Mary Ann Hanusa
Representative David E. Heaton
Representative Lisa Heddens
Representative Lee Hein
Representative Erik Helland
Representative Lance J. Horbach
Representative Bruce L. Hunter
Representative Daniel A. Huseman
Representative Charles Isenhart
Representative Stewart E. Iverson, Jr.
Representative Dave Jacoby
Representative Ron Jorgensen
Representative Anesa Kajtazovic
Representative Jeff Kaufmann
Representative Jerry A. Kearns
Representative Daniel Kelley
Representative Jarad J. Klein
Representative Kevin Koester
Representative Bob M. Kressig
Representative Vicki S. Lensing
Representative Mark S. Lofgren
Representative Steven F. Lukan
Representative Jim Lykam
Representative Mary Mascher
Representative Glen H. Massie
Representative Kevin M. McCarthy
Representative Helen Miller
Representative Linda J. Miller
Representative Brian Moore
Representative Daniel Muhlbauer
Representative Patrick Murphy
Representative Jo Oldson
Representative Rick Olson
Representative Steven N. Olson
Representative Tyler Olson
Representative Kraig Paulsen
Representative Ross C. Paustian
Representative Kim L. Pearson
Representative Janet A. Petersen
Representative Dawn E. Pettengill
Representative Brian J. Quirk
Representative J. Scott Raecker
Representative Dan Judd Rasmussen
Representative Henry V. Rayhons
Representative Walt Rogers
Representative Kirsten Running-Marquardt
Representative Thomas R. Sands
Representative Renee Schulte
Representative Jason Schultz
Representative Tom Shaw
Representative Jeff Smith
Representative Mark D. Smith
Representative Chuck Soderberg
Representative Sharon S. Steckman
Representative Kurt Swaim
Representative Annette Sweeney
Representative Jeremy J. Taylor
Representative Todd E. Taylor
Representative Phyllis Thede
Representative Roger Thomas
Representative David A. Tjepkes
Representative Linda L. Upmeyer
Representative James L. Van Engelenhoven
Representative Guy Vander Linden
Representative Nick Wagner
Representative Ralph C. Watts
Representative Andrew J. Wenthe
Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell
Representative Nathan Willems
Representative Cindy Winckler
Representative Matt W. Windschitl
Representative John Wittneben
Representative Mary Lynn Wolfe
Representative Gary Worthan
Floor Manager:
Select Floor Manager
Representative Ako Abdul-Samad
Representative Dwayne Alons
Representative Richard T. Anderson
Representative Richard D. Arnold
Representative Chip Baltimore
Representative Clel Baudler
Representative Mark Brandenburg
Representative Joshua Byrnes
Representative Royd E. Chambers
Representative Peter Cownie
Representative Betty R. De Boef
Representative Dave Deyoe
Representative Cecil Dolecheck
Representative Jack Drake
Representative Greg Forristall
Representative Joel Fry
Representative Ruth Ann Gaines
Representative Julian B. Garrett
Representative Pat Grassley
Representative Chris Hagenow
Representative Robert A. Hager
Representative Mary Ann Hanusa
Representative David E. Heaton
Representative Lee Hein
Representative Erik Helland
Representative Lance J. Horbach
Representative Bruce L. Hunter
Representative Daniel A. Huseman
Representative Stewart E. Iverson, Jr.
Representative Ron Jorgensen
Representative Jeff Kaufmann
Representative Jarad J. Klein
Representative Kevin Koester
Representative Mark S. Lofgren
Representative Steven F. Lukan
Representative Jim Lykam
Representative Glen H. Massie
Representative Helen Miller
Representative Linda J. Miller
Representative Brian Moore
Representative Steven N. Olson
Representative Tyler Olson
Representative Ross C. Paustian
Representative Kim L. Pearson
Representative Dawn E. Pettengill
Representative J. Scott Raecker
Representative Dan Judd Rasmussen
Representative Henry V. Rayhons
Representative Walt Rogers
Representative Thomas R. Sands
Representative Renee Schulte
Representative Jason Schultz
Representative Tom Shaw
Representative Jeff Smith
Representative Mark D. Smith
Representative Chuck Soderberg
Representative Kurt Swaim
Representative Annette Sweeney
Representative Jeremy J. Taylor
Representative Roger Thomas
Representative David A. Tjepkes
Representative Linda L. Upmeyer
Representative Guy Vander Linden
Representative Nick Wagner
Representative Ralph C. Watts
Representative Matt W. Windschitl
Representative Gary Worthan
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February 14, 2025
GA 84
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