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February 07, 2025GA 82

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SJR 1 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa requiring approval by popular election before certain tax or fee increases take effect.
SJR 3 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to repeal of state programs.
SCR 4 A concurrent resolution relating to recommendations proposed by the United States Department of Agriculture for the federal farm bill of 2007.
SF 15 A bill for an act modifying the closing hours of the polls at all elections.
SR 16 A resolution designating May 1 as Iowa Right to Work Day.
SF 18 A bill for an act providing for a .08 blood alcohol limit for motorboat or sailboat operating while intoxicated offenses. (See SF 49.)
SR 19 A resolution to honor the work of United States Attorney Matthew Whitaker and State Auditor David Vaudt.
SF 19 A bill for an act relating to animal feeding operations, by providing for standards and evaluations by the department of natural resources.
SF 23 A bill for an act relating to the funding of a unified law enforcement district by a cost-sharing agreement.
SR 24 A resolution honoring Iowan Eugene Ely, a pioneer in Naval aviation.
SF 34 A bill for an act requiring the use of child restraint systems or seat belts by motor vehicle passengers under eighteen years of age and making a penalty applicable.
SR 35 A resolution recognizing the Uncommon Public Service Award.
SR 44 A resolution to honor professional golfer and Iowa's own Zach Johnson on winning the 2007 Masters golf tournament.
SR 48 A resolution to recognize the city of Ashton, Iowa, on its quasquicentennial anniversary.
SF 63 A bill for an act providing for the biennial election of directors of local school districts, area education agencies, and merged areas and including effective date, applicability date, and transition provisions.
SF 65 A bill for an act appropriating moneys to support researching nutrient usage and losses from manure application for a soybean crop.
SF 71 A bill for an act relating to health care coverage for registered nurse first assistant benefits or services.
SF 80 A bill for an act providing for the sale of motor homes by a manufacturer under a temporary retail sales permit. (See SF 469.)
SF 84 A bill for an act requiring voters to provide certain identification when voting in person at the polling place.
SF 88 A bill for an act relating to the return of refund values to consumers for empty beverage containers.
SR 108 A resolution recognizing the Uncommon Public Service Award.
SF 111 A bill for an act providing for online prescription drug retail price comparison.
SR 113 A resolution honoring the work of the department of elder affairs and Iowa's area agencies on aging home-delivered nutrition programs and March for Meals campaign.
SF 113 A bill for an act appropriating moneys to support the purchase of equipment to conduct testing of motor fuel and biofuel.
SR 118 A resolution honoring the remarkable achievements of Iowa's own Shawn Johnson.
SF 121 A bill for an act making an appropriation for county fair infrastructure improvements to qualified fairs which belong to the association of Iowa fairs.
SR 123 A resolution to honor Iowa's Olympic athletes.
SR 125 A resolution honoring Iowa's Olympic athletes.
SF 135 A bill for an act regulating dangerous wild animals, including their ownership and possession, requiring registration, providing for fees and appropriations, and providing penalties. (See SF 511 & SF 564.)
SR 140 A resolution honoring the city of Paullina on its quasquicentennial anniversary.
SR 143 A resolution recognizing and honoring Iowa's Olympic athletes.
SR 144 A resolution to honor Drake University's men's and women's basketball teams.
SR 148 A resolution recognizing the lifesaving benefits of automatic external defibrillator devices, acknowledging the importance of raising public awareness of their availability, and encouraging persons to obtain appropriate training.
SR 149 A resolution honoring the city of Sutherland on its quasquicentennial anniversary.
SF 160 A bill for an act providing for a standing appropriation to support fairs.
SF 179 A bill for an act providing a small business health care tax credit, and providing for a retroactive applicability date.
SF 180 A bill for an act relating to the criminal penalties for certain offenses involving sexual abuse in the second degree, lascivious acts with a child, and sexual exploitation, and establishing a duty to inform law enforcement about a registered sex offender. (See SF 524.)
SF 181 A bill for an act relating to the repeal of the state inheritance tax and state qualified use inheritance tax.
SF 185 A bill for an act requiring public libraries that receive state funding to adopt certain policies.
SF 188 A bill for an act creating a special gold star motor vehicle registration plate.
SF 189 A bill for an act relating to tuition rates at state universities by providing resident status to the children of alumni and by creating a college costs predictability program to be administered by the state board of regents.
SF 274 A bill for an act relating to applicators of pesticides by providing for exemptions from certification requirements.
SF 315 A bill for an act relating to joint physical care of children in dissolution cases and establishing a rebuttable presumption that a request for joint physical care is in the best interest of the child. (See SF 507.)
SF 377 A bill for an act requiring proof of citizenship or lawful presence in this country for issuance of a driver's license or nonoperator's identification card.
SF 402 A bill for an act relating to the main street program and making appropriations.
SF 415 A bill for an act making an appropriation to Iowa state university for purposes of supporting a West Okoboji lake project to preserve, protect, and sustain drinking water supplies.
SF 555 A bill for an act relating to the establishment of and disbursement from a resident taxpayer rebate fund and including an effective date provision.
SJR 2001 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa validating and recognizing only certain marriages.
SF 2046 A bill for an act providing for the reduction in the operating budget for the Iowa lottery authority by the amount of moneys awarded pursuant to monitor vending machine litigation settlement agreements and providing an effective date.
SF 2076 A bill for an act appropriating certain franchise tax revenues to local jurisdictions.
SF 2078 A bill for an act appropriating moneys to reimburse commissioners of soil and water conservation districts for administrative expenses.
SF 2082 A bill for an act making an appropriation to the department of elder affairs for statewide expansion of the elder abuse initiative program.
SF 2085 A bill for an act allowing county boards of supervisors to establish the number of members on agricultural extension councils and providing for staggered terms of office.
SF 2086 A bill for an act authorizing the issuance of special nonresident turkey and deer hunting licenses to persons who have severe physical disabilities or a terminal illness. (See SF 2230.)
SF 2088 A bill for an act providing for motor fuel pumps which dispense renewable fuel.
SF 2107 A bill for an act requiring public libraries that receive state funding to adopt a policy restricting the content of video materials borrowed by children under seventeen years of age.
SF 2119 A bill for an act providing for the prohibition of human cloning, providing penalties, and providing for a repeal.
SF 2120 A bill for an act providing compensation and expenses for certain members of the watershed improvement review board and providing an appropriation.
SF 2121 A bill for an act relating to water quality by establishing a water resources coordinating council, authorizing a marketing campaign, directing assistance to local communities for monitoring and measurement, and creating a regional assessment program, a community-based improvement program, and a wastewater and storm water infrastructure program. (See SF 2197.)
SF 2138 A bill for an act requiring the creation of a publicly available, single state database providing detailed information on state budgets and expenditures.
SF 2141 A bill for an act relating to the consideration of certain factors in division of property in a dissolution of marriage proceeding.
SF 2165 A bill for an act relating to offenses against identity by specifying a procedure to secure credit information and providing a penalty.
SF 2181 A bill for an act providing for the content of ethanol in ethanol blended gasoline.
SF 2201 A bill for an act relating to the exemption under the individual income tax of certain federal tax rebates and including a retroactive applicability date provision.
SF 2228 A bill for an act appropriating moneys to support research, development, production, and use of products or coproducts associated with energy production.