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February 09, 2025GA 81

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SR 20 A resolution urging the United States Congress to take action to maintain the United States Veterans Medical Center at Knoxville.
SR 22 A resolution to recognize the life and accomplishments of Colonel Virgil D. Olson.
SR 25 A resolution honoring Iowa athletes Jenna Schrack, Matt LaRue, Michelle Pettitt, and their coach, Rob Wagner, for their participation in the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.
SR 32 A resolution posthumously honoring His Holiness Pope John Paul II and commemorating his life's work.
SR 41 A resolution to recognize the life and accomplishments of Colonel Virgil D. Olson, United States Marine Corps-Retired.
SR 110 A resolution honoring Sergeant Major (Select) Brad Kasal for his rare courage and inspiring sacrifice in the Iraq war.
SR 148 A resolution to welcome the 2006 Special Olympics USA National Games to Iowa.
SR 159 A resolution urging the General Assembly to continue the work begun during the 2006 Legislative Session in determining the proper manner for the Iowa court system to recognize civil judgments, decrees, and orders issued by the Meskwaki Tribal Court.
SF 2046 A bill for an act relating to eminent domain authority and condemnation and including effective date and applicability date provisions.
SF 2094 A bill for an act relating to the criminal penalties for certain offenses involving sexual abuse in the second degree, lascivious acts with a child, and sexual exploitation, and establishing a duty to inform law enforcement about a registered sex offender.
SF 2129 A bill for an act providing for state petroleum replacement, by providing for renewable fuel including ethanol blended fuel and biodiesel blended fuel, providing incentives for infrastructure used to store and dispense renewable fuel, income tax credits, and an appropriation, providing penalties, making penalties applicable, and providing an applicability date. (See SF 2383.)
SF 2160 A bill for an act exempting active duty pay of members of the armed forces, armed forces military reserve, and national guard and including a retroactive applicability date provision.