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General Assembly: 71
(01/14/1985 - 01/11/1987)
General Assembly: 91
(01/13/2025 - 01/10/2027)
General Assembly: 90
(01/09/2023 - 01/12/2025)
General Assembly: 89
(01/11/2021 - 01/08/2023)
General Assembly: 88
(01/14/2019 - 01/10/2021)
General Assembly: 87
(01/09/2017 - 01/13/2019)
General Assembly: 86
(01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017)
General Assembly: 85
(01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015)
General Assembly: 84
(01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013)
General Assembly: 83
(01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011)
General Assembly: 82
(01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009)
General Assembly: 81
(01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007)
General Assembly: 80
(01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005)
General Assembly: 79
(01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003)
General Assembly: 78
(01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001)
General Assembly: 77
(01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999)
General Assembly: 76
(01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997)
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Senator Leonard L. Boswell
Senator Joe Brown
Senator Charles Hughes Bruner
Senator Robert M. Carr
Senator C. Joseph Coleman
Senator Milo Colton
Senator Joy C. Corning
Senator Patrick J. Deluhery
Senator William W. Dieleman
Senator Donald V. Doyle
Senator Richard F. Drake
Senator Gene Fraise
Senator Julia B. Gentleman
Senator Donald E. Gettings
Senator Norman J. Goodwin
Senator Arthur L. Gratias
Senator Michael E. Gronstal
Senator Hurley W. Hall
Senator Beverly A. Hannon
Senator Jack W. Hester
Senator Edgar H. Holden
Senator Lee Warren Holt
Senator Wally E. Horn
Senator Calvin O. Hultman
Senator Emil Joseph Husak
Senator Charles W. Hutchins
Senator John W. Jensen
Senator Lowell L. Junkins
Senator George R. Kinley
Senator Jim Lind
Senator Thomas A. Lind
Senator Thomas Mann Jr.
Senator Alvin V. Miller
Senator Charles Peter Miller
Senator Larry Murphy
Senator John A. Neighbour
Senator John N. Nystrom
Senator William D. Palmer
Senator John A. Peterson
Senator Berl Eastman Priebe
Senator David M. Readinger
Senator Jack Rife
Senator James R. Riordan
Senator Douglas J. Ritsema
Senator Norman George Rodgers
Senator Forrest V. Schwengels
Senator Arthur A. Small
Senator John E. Soorholtz
Senator Ray Taylor
Senator Dale L. Tieden
Senator Richard P. Vande Hoef
Senator Arne F. Waldstein
Senator James D. Wells
Senator Joseph J. Welsh
Floor Manager:
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Representative Robert C. Arnould
Representative Donald D. Avenson
Representative Elaine Baxter
Representative Linda L. Beatty
Representative Wayne D. Bennett
Representative Dennis Black
Representative Eugene H. Blanshan
Representative Philip E. Brammer
Representative Clifford O. Branstad
Representative Florence D. Buhr
Representative Janet A. Carl
Representative Dorothy F. Carpenter
Representative Brian Carter
Representative Kathleen Halloran Chapman
Representative Betty Jean Clark
Representative Dale M. Cochran
Representative Michael W. Connolly
Representative John H. Connors
Representative James J. Cooper
Representative Virgil E. Corey
Representative Horace C. Daggett
Representative Kenneth R. De Groot
Representative Marvin E. Diemer
Representative Minnette Fredrichs Doderer
Representative Thomas H. Fey
Representative Daniel P. Fogarty
Representative Robert J. Grandia
Representative John D. Groninga
Representative Richard Lee Groth
Representative Josephine K. Gruhn
Representative Rod N. Halvorson
Representative Roger A. Halvorson
Representative Johnie Hammond
Representative Ward Handorf
Representative Darrell R. Hanson
Representative William H. Harbor
Representative Jack G. Hatch
Representative Mark A. Haverland
Representative Donald F. Hermann
Representative Joan L. Hester
Representative Jack Holveck
Representative Randy Hughes
Representative Perry Kyle Hummel
Representative Daniel J. Jay
Representative Thomas J. Jochum
Representative Paul W. Johnson
Representative Donald J. Knapp
Representative Deo A. Koenigs
Representative Joseph M. Kremer
Representative Raymond A. Lageschulte
Representative Jean Hall Lloyd-Jones
Representative Joyce Lonergan
Representative Ruhl Maulsby
Representative John E. McIntee
Representative Andy McKean
Representative Janet S. Metcalf
Representative Thomas H. Miller
Representative Louis John Muhlbauer
Representative Sue B. Mullins
Representative Lowell E. Norland
Representative James D. O’Kane
Representative C. Arthur Ollie
Representative David Osterberg
Representative Myron B. Oxley
Representative Edward G. Parker
Representative Donald J. Paulin
Representative Emil S. Pavich
Representative Doris Ann Peick
Representative Wendell Clarence Pellett
Representative Daniel F. Petersen
Representative Michael K. Peterson
Representative Donald R. Platt
Representative Charles Nelson Poncy
Representative Dennis L. Renaud
Representative Robert H. Renken
Representative Wilmer Rensink
Representative Ralph Rosenberg
Representative Bill D. Royer
Representative Richard V. Running
Representative Hugo Allen Schnekloth
Representative Gary C. Sherzan
Representative Donald L. Shoning
Representative Donald L. Shoultz
Representative J. Brent Siegrist
Representative Robert J. Skow
Representative Clay R. Spear
Representative Delwyn D. Stromer
Representative Victor Stueland
Representative Al Sturgeon
Representative William R. Sullivan
Representative Thomas E. Swartz
Representative George R. Swearingen
Representative David M. Tabor
Representative Jane Teaford
Representative Janis I. Torrence
Representative Mike Van Camp
Representative Harold G. Van Maanen
Representative Richard J. Varn
Representative Richard W. Welden
Representative Jack E. Woods
Representative Jo Ann Zimmerman
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February 10, 2025
GA 71
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