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General Assembly: 53
(01/10/1949 - 01/07/1951)
General Assembly: 91
(01/13/2025 - 01/10/2027)
General Assembly: 90
(01/09/2023 - 01/12/2025)
General Assembly: 89
(01/11/2021 - 01/08/2023)
General Assembly: 88
(01/14/2019 - 01/10/2021)
General Assembly: 87
(01/09/2017 - 01/13/2019)
General Assembly: 86
(01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017)
General Assembly: 85
(01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015)
General Assembly: 84
(01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013)
General Assembly: 83
(01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011)
General Assembly: 82
(01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009)
General Assembly: 81
(01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007)
General Assembly: 80
(01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005)
General Assembly: 79
(01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003)
General Assembly: 78
(01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001)
General Assembly: 77
(01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999)
General Assembly: 76
(01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997)
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Senator Albert Earl Augustine
Senator Rex R. Bateson
Senator Elmer K. Bekman
Senator Ralph E. Benson
Senator John Peter Berg
Senator Frank C. Byers
Senator Jay C. Colburn
Senator Alden Loring Doud
Senator Jans T. Dykhouse
Senator Leo Elthon
Senator George M. Faul
Senator Earl C. Fishbaugh
Senator Harlan C. Foster
Senator Raymond R. Gillespie
Senator Stanley Lawrence Hart
Senator John R. Hattery
Senator Otto H. Henningsen
Senator Oscar N. Hultman
Senator Ernest L. Humbert
Senator Arthur H. Jacobson
Senator Herman M. Knudson
Senator Richard V. Leo
Senator William Linnevold
Senator Herman B. Lord
Senator J. (James) Kendall Lynes
Senator Frank D. Martin
Senator Frederick Louis Maytag
Senator Paul E. McCarville
Senator Pearl Wayland McMurry
Senator Leroy Samuel Mercer
Senator Jacob Frederick Miller
Senator Eli Clarence Myrland
Senator Edward S. Parker
Senator Xavier Thomas Prentis
Senator Robert C. Reilly
Senator Burl Nelson Ridout
Senator Donald Alexander Risk
Senator Francis M. Roberts
Senator Fern Eugene Sharp
Senator William Nielsen Skourup
Senator John Milton Tudor
Senator Charles S. Van Eaton
Senator Loyd Van Patten
Senator Luke Vittetoe
Senator Warren Eldon Walter
Senator De Vere Watson
Senator Harry E. Watson
Senator Sherman West
Senator Glenn Edwin Whitehead
Senator Ralph W. Zastrow
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Representative Carl T. Anderson
Representative James G. Armstrong
Representative W. Dean Aubrey
Representative Amplias Hale Avery
Representative Elmer A. Bass
Representative Gordon A. Beman
Representative Richard C. Berry
Representative Laurence M. Boothby
Representative Howard E. Brookings
Representative Carroll L. Brown
Representative John Brownlie
Representative Howard C. Buck
Representative Edward Arthur Burlingame
Representative Carlos (Dutch) J. Burris
Representative Luke L. Caffrey
Representative Govert Thomas Clark
Representative Ted D. Clark
Representative Kingsley M. Clarke
Representative Raymond Cornick
Representative Helen Margaret Crabb
Representative Morse E. Crosier
Representative John C. Davis
Representative Oliver H. DeGroote
Representative Duane A. Donohue
Representative John L. Duffy
Representative William Edgar Penn Eckels
Representative Charles H. Everett
Representative Bert K. Fairchild
Representative William Fandel
Representative George Fiene
Representative James W. Foster
Representative Henry Rudolph Frei
Representative Lee Gallup
Representative Dewey Emmitt Goode
Representative Melville M. Graham
Representative Leo B. Hanna
Representative John E. Hansen
Representative Arthur C. Hanson
Representative Fay L. Harris
Representative Wilmott C. Hendrix
Representative Millard Fillmore Hicklin
Representative Chris Franz Hinrichs
Representative Carl Hoschek
Representative William John Johannes
Representative Theodore S. Klemesrud
Representative Louis L. Kopriva
Representative Ernest Kosek
Representative William Kruse
Representative Gus T. Kuester
Representative Joseph Oliver Landsness
Representative Charles M. Langland
Representative Edna C. Lawrence
Representative Jay Leeka
Representative Charles Vernon Lisle
Representative Harvey J. Long
Representative Casey Loss
Representative J. Henry Lucken
Representative William Sanford Lynes
Representative Leo Patrick McEleney
Representative Katheryn C. Metz
Representative Dwight William Meyer
Representative Earl A. Miller
Representative George E. Miller
Representative Harry A. Moore
Representative Robert Prentis Munger
Representative Harold F (Lum) Nelson
Representative Harry Nielsen
Representative Norman Norland
Representative Clifford N. Nystrom
Representative George E. O’Malley
Representative Allert Gilman Olson
Representative Ernest Palmer
Representative Russell Albert Patrick
Representative George Leland Paul
Representative Elmer Frederick Pieper
Representative Eugene Erskine Poston
Representative Harlan L. Pote
Representative Lawrence Putney
Representative Joseph George Raim
Representative Arthur E. Rankin
Representative George H. Robb
Representative Glenn Eugene Robinson
Representative Adolph Marcus Schanke
Representative Frederick Delbert Schwengel
Representative Ray Ernest Shepard
Representative Clayton David Sherod
Representative Grant A. Shifflett
Representative Henry Siefkas
Representative Ted Sloane
Representative Roy J. Smith
Representative William Merwin Smith
Representative Charles Preston Starrett
Representative Henry H. Stevens
Representative Fred Cassius Stiffler
Representative Clifford Melvin Strawman
Representative Francis E. Tierney
Representative Arnold Utzig
Representative Jacob Van Zwol
Representative John A. Walker
Representative Paul M. Walter
Representative Harry Ward
Representative Henry Wearin Washburn
Representative Harry E. Weichman
Representative Albert Weiss
Representative William Hugh Welch
Representative Warren M. Wells
Representative Leslie O. Weston
Representative Lewis E. Wilson
Representative John E. Young
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February 08, 2025
GA 53
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