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General Assembly: 25
(01/08/1894 - 01/12/1896)
General Assembly: 91
(01/13/2025 - 01/10/2027)
General Assembly: 90
(01/09/2023 - 01/12/2025)
General Assembly: 89
(01/11/2021 - 01/08/2023)
General Assembly: 88
(01/14/2019 - 01/10/2021)
General Assembly: 87
(01/09/2017 - 01/13/2019)
General Assembly: 86
(01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017)
General Assembly: 85
(01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015)
General Assembly: 84
(01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013)
General Assembly: 83
(01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011)
General Assembly: 82
(01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009)
General Assembly: 81
(01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007)
General Assembly: 80
(01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005)
General Assembly: 79
(01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003)
General Assembly: 78
(01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001)
General Assembly: 77
(01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999)
General Assembly: 76
(01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997)
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Senator Henry Franklin Andrews
Senator Isaac W. Baldwin
Senator Luther H. Bishop
Senator H. C. Boardman
Senator Norman Vaughan Brower
Senator Charles Albert Carpenter
Senator Allen Joseph Chantry
Senator Thomas Abbott Cheshire
Senator Alpheus Barto Conaway
Senator George M. Craig
Senator William Hamilton Dent
Senator John Downey
Senator William Eaton
Senator Lyman A. Ellis
Senator John Everall
Senator George L. Finn
Senator Abraham B. Funk
Senator Warren Garst
Senator Joseph R. Gorrell
Senator John Aloysius Green
Senator William Groneweg
Senator Merritt W. Harmon
Senator Thomas G. Harper
Senator James B. Harsh
Senator George W. Henderson
Senator Charles G. Hipwell
Senator Alfred Hurst
Senator James H. Jamison
Senator Charles Fred Jewett
Senator Michael Joseph Kelly
Senator Lucien Moody Kilburn
Senator Rudolph C. H. Lehfeldt
Senator Lester W. Lewis
Senator Leslie B. Mattoon
Senator Olaf Martin Oleson
Senator David James Palmer
Senator Emlen G. Penrose
Senator William Burton Perrin
Senator Theodore Bolivar Perry
Senator Julian Phelps
Senator John Morris Rea
Senator Ephraim M. Reynolds
Senator John A. Riggen
Senator John English Rowen
Senator John McClure Terry
Senator George A. Turner
Senator Clark C. Upton
Senator Benjamin Rex Vale
Senator Harrison Lyman Waterman
Senator James D. Yeomans
Floor Manager:
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Representative William Sylvester Allen
Representative Charles I. Barker
Representative William B. Bell
Representative Monias E. Bitterman
Representative Lucian C. Blanchard
Representative Marshall Homer Brinton
Representative Thomas Milton Britt
Representative Marion W. Brooks
Representative Samuel Burnquist
Representative Howard Webster Byers
Representative Jackson H. Carter
Representative William B. Chapman
Representative Edward David Chassell
Representative Charles T. Coonley
Representative Filson Cooper
Representative John King Cooper
Representative Wendell Williams Cornwall
Representative William G. Crow
Representative Mahlon J. Davis
Representative Arthur Henry Davison
Representative Gustav Diederich
Representative Charles Nelson Doane
Representative Oliver E. Doubleday
Representative Cassius Clay Dowell
Representative Charles Lee Early
Representative Frederick O. Ellison
Representative Samuel Mervin Endicott
Representative Parley Finch
Representative John Frazee
Representative James Hutchinson Funk
Representative Henry Joseph Griswold
Representative Zenas Hovery Gurley
Representative Walter F. Harriman
Representative Harvey Barden Haselton
Representative Gilbert Nelson Haugen
Representative Stephen Nelson Hinman
Representative John Homrighaus
Representative Daniel F. Hoover
Representative Tyrus Horton
Representative Austin Jay
Representative Joshua Jester
Representative Alvin Jones
Representative William Henry Klemme
Representative John W. Lauder
Representative Charles Linderman
Representative William B. Martin
Representative James McCann
Representative Charles Lindsey McGonigle
Representative George McNeeley
Representative Byron Marcellus McQuinn
Representative Daniel Fry Miller
Representative Wireman Miller
Representative James Cutler Milliman
Representative William O. Mitchell
Representative Samuel Hill Moore
Representative John Morris
Representative Joseph Samuel Morris
Representative James Douglas Morrison
Representative William B. Murray
Representative John G. Myerly
Representative David Nicoll
Representative Henry John Nietert
Representative James Patterson
Representative Israel Pattison
Representative Cyrus S. Ranck
Representative Marion D. Reed
Representative Albert Winfield Richardson
Representative Charles Henry Robinson
Representative Lorenz Rogge
Representative Charles Lattimer Root
Representative Hector Ross
Representative Henry T. Saberson
Representative Prince Albert Sawyer
Representative August Schultz
Representative Schuyler S. Sessions
Representative William Scott Shriver
Representative Arthur St. Clair Smith
Representative David Harvey Snoke
Representative Andrew Jackson Sowers
Representative Edmund Cole Spaulding
Representative Cornelius F. Spearman
Representative Robert Thomas St. John
Representative Frederick Detlev Steen
Representative William Stephens
Representative Peter Stillmunkes
Representative Henry Stone
Representative Arba Loraine Stuntz
Representative William Henry Taylor
Representative James Henry Trewin
Representative Samuel J. Van Gilder
Representative Samuel H. Watkins
Representative Hanson B. Watters
Representative Harry Otis Weaver
Representative Frank Henry Wilken
Representative Sturgis Williams
Representative William Wadsworth Williams
Representative John Lowry Wilson
Representative Alfred L. Wood
Representative George W. Wyckoff
Representative Daniel Hiel Young
Representative Henry Young
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February 13, 2025
GA 25
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