House Concurrent Resolution Listing (0100 - 0199 )

  • HCR 109

    A concurrent resolution to provide for adjournment sine die.

  • HCR 108

    A concurrent resolution amending joint rules of the Senate and House of Representatives for the Eighty-eighth General Assembly relating to the time of committee passage and consideration of bills.

  • HCR 107

    A concurrent resolution to provide for the extended adjournment of the 2020 regular session of the Eighty-eighth General Assembly and for related matters.

  • HCR 106

    A concurrent resolution honoring the memory of Harold Keller as one of the Marines who raised the United States flag at Iwo Jima.

  • HCR 105

    A concurrent resolution celebrating July 2, 2019, as the 100th anniversary of the State of Iowa ratifying the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. (See HR 102.)

  • HCR 104

    A concurrent resolution affirming the sovereignty of the states under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

  • HCR 103

    A concurrent resolution to provide for a joint convention for the Condition of the Iowa National Guard Address.

  • HCR 102

    A concurrent resolution providing for a joint convention for the Condition of the Judiciary Address.

  • HCR 101

    A concurrent resolution providing for a joint convention for the Condition of the State Address.