February 14, 202588GA
Bill History for Senate File 2270 - Status: Passed Senate
Floor Managers:Segebart
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5093XSSF2043
A bill for an act relating to the identification and use of tree stands for hunting deer placed on public land and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SF 2043.)
February 17, 2020 Introduced, placed on calendar, under Rule 28. S.J. 320.
February 17, 2020 Committee report, approving bill. S.J. 325.
February 26, 2020 Amendment S-5029 filed. S.J. 452.
February 27, 2020 Amendment S-5029 lost. S.J. 457.
February 27, 2020 video Passed Senate, yeas 34, nays 15. S.J. 457.
February 27, 2020 Immediate message. S.J. 457.
February 27, 2020 Message from Senate. H.J. 404.
March 02, 2020 Read first time, referred to Natural Resources. H.J. 410.

Bill History for Senate File 2043

A bill for an act relating to the identification and use of tree stands for hunting deer placed on public land and making penalties applicable. (See SF 2270.)
January 21, 2020 Introduced, referred to Natural Resources and Environment. S.J. 117.
January 27, 2020 Subcommittee: Segebart, Boulton, and Cournoyer. S.J. 150.
January 27, 2020 Subcommittee Meeting: 01/29/2020 3:30PM RM G17.
January 29, 2020 Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage.
February 13, 2020 Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 2270. S.J. 325.