February 10, 202586GA
Bill History for Senate File 2310
Floor Managers:Dotzler
Last Committee Assignment: Ways and Means
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 6043XCSSB3178
A bill for an act modifying the rebate of sales and use tax to the owner or operator of a raceway facility. (Formerly SSB 3178.)
April 13, 2016 Introduced, placed on Ways and Means calendar. S.J. 682.
April 13, 2016 Committee report, approving bill. S.J. 684.
April 19, 2016 Failed to pass Senate, ayes 21, nays 29. S.J. 731.
April 19, 2016 Motion filed to reconsider vote on bill. S.J. 738.
April 20, 2016 Motion filed to reconsider vote on bill. S.J. 753.
April 29, 2016 Motions to reconsider vote failed. S.J. 837.

Bill History for Senate Study Bill 3178

A study bill for an act modifying the rebate of sales and use tax to the owner or operator of a raceway facility. 3/23/16 Subcommittee: Dotzler, Allen, Feenstra
March 23, 2016 Recorded
March 30, 2016 Ways and Means: Dotzler Chair, Allen, Feenstra
March 30, 2016 Ways and Means
April 06, 2016 Meeting Subcommittee Meeting: 04/07/2016 8:30AM RM 206