February 10, 202584GA
Bill History for House Resolution 103
Floor Managers:Gronstal
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LSB 5561SSSR101
By Anderson, Drake, Arnold, Berry, Mascher, Olson, S. and Petersen
A resolution congratulating the Republic of China on Taiwan on its twentieth anniversary of participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and supporting the Republic of China on Taiwan as a part of the global community.
January 17, 2012 Resolution filed, laid over under Rule 25. H.J. 91.
January 18, 2012 Resolution adopted. H.J. 93.

Bill History for Senate Resolution 101

A resolution congratulating the Republic of China on Taiwan on its twentieth anniversary of participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and supporting the Republic of China on Taiwan as part of the global community.
January 12, 2012 Resolution filed, referred to Rules & Administration. S.J. 54.
January 17, 2012 Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 69.
January 18, 2012 Resolution adopted. S.J. 71.