February 9, 202584GA
Bill History for House File 2235
Last Committee Assignment: State Government
By Hanson, Mascher, Abdul-Samad, Gaskill, Olson, R., Steckman, Thomas, Wenthe, Willems, Muhlbauer, Jacoby, Hunter, Gaines, Wittneben, Taylor, T., Hall, Swaim, Running-Marquardt, Koester, Lofgren and Winckler
A bill for an act establishing a centralized state school bus purchasing program administered by the department of administrative services.
February 06, 2012 | Introduced, referred to State Government. H.J. 210. | |
February 07, 2012 | Subcommittee, Cownie, Mascher, and Vander Linden. H.J. 217. |