February 7, 202581GA

Bill History for House Study Bill 729

A study bill relating to and making appropriations to the judicial branch. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2557)
February 21, 2006 Recorded

All Related Bills to Selected Study Bill

Source Version To Version
LSB 5195HB House Study Bill 729
LSB 5195HV House File 2557

Bill History for House File 2557

A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to the judicial branch. Effective 7-01-06.
February 28, 2006 Introduced, placed on Appropriations calendar. H.J. 410.
March 06, 2006 Passed House, ayes 97, nays 2. H.J. 474.
March 06, 2006 Immediate message. H.J. 475.
March 07, 2006 Message from House. S.J. 422.
March 07, 2006 Read first time, referred to Appropriations. S.J. 423.
March 08, 2006 Subcommittee, Fraise, Miller, Angelo, Dvorsky. S.J. 467.
March 28, 2006 Committee report, without recommendation. S.J. 715.
April 18, 2006 Amendment S-5206 filed, withdrawn. S.J. 917.
April 18, 2006 Passed Senate, ayes 49, nays 1. S.J. 917.
April 18, 2006 Motion filed to reconsider vote on bill. S.J. 934.
May 03, 2006 Motion to reconsider vote withdrawn. S.J. 1087.
May 03, 2006 Immediate message. S.J. 1089.
May 03, 2006 Message from Senate. H.J. 1730.
May 03, 2006 Reported correctly enrolled, signed by Speaker and President. H.J. 1756.
May 03, 2006 Sent to Governor. H.J. 1756.
May 30, 2006 Signed by Governor. H.J. 1758.