May 3, 202480GA

Bill History for Senate Study Bill 3004

A study bill for an act providing for the elimination of an examination requirement as a prerequisite for being designated a registered dental assistant. 1-15-04, Subcommittee: Seymour, Tinsman, and Ragan. (SF 2076.)
In Human Resources
January 15, 2004 Recorded
January 15, 2004 Human Resources: Seymour Chair, Ragan, Tinsman

All Related Bills to Selected Study Bill

Source Version To Version
LSB 5104YC House Study Bill 517
LSB 5104XC Senate Study Bill 3004
LSB 5104SV Senate File 2076

Bill History for Senate File 2076

A bill for an act providing for the elimination of an examination requirement as a prerequisite for being designated a registered dental assistant. (Formerly SSB 3004.)
February 04, 2004 Introduced, placed on calendar. S.J. 171.
February 04, 2004 Committee report, approving bill. S.J. 173.
February 16, 2004 Attached to companion HF 2187. S.J. 228.
February 24, 2004 HF 2187 substituted. S.J. 299.