February 7, 202580GA
Bill History for House File 136
By Greimann, Petersen, Wise, Young, Jochum, Murphy, Mertz, Olson, D., Reasoner, Whitead, Gaskill, Heddens, Dandekar, Oldson, Thomas, Struyk, Osterhaus, Winckler, Shoultz, Lensing, Berry, Lykam, Ford, Bukta, Foege, Mascher, Myers, Fallon, Davitt, Taylor, Whitaker, Wendt, Miller, H. and Taylor, D.
A bill for an act relating to the benefits included in the healthy and well kids in Iowa program benefit package.
February 06, 2003 Introduced, referred to Human Resources. H.J. 251.
February 06, 2003 Subcommittee, Heaton, Granzow and Miller. H.J. 265.
February 19, 2003 Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet.
December 31, 2003 * * * * * END OF 2003 ACTIONS * * * * *