February 8, 202582GA
Bill History for House File 2393 - Status: Signed by Governor
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5056HCHSB589
A bill for an act providing requirements for minority impact statements in relation to state grant applications and correctional impact statements for legislation, and providing effection and applicability dates. (Formerly HSB 589) Effective 7-01-08.
February 25, 2008 | Introduced, placed on calendar. H.J. 389. | |
March 12, 2008 | Amendment H-8096 filed. H.J. 631. | |
March 20, 2008 | Amendment H-8243 filed. H.J. 817. | |
March 24, 2008 | Amendment H-8260 filed. H.J. 870. | |
March 24, 2008 | Amendment H-8280 filed. H.J. 871. | |
March 25, 2008 | Amendment H-8096 withdrawn. H.J. 895. | |
March 25, 2008 | Amendment H-8260 out of order. H.J. 895. | |
March 25, 2008 | Amendment H-8243 withdrawn. H.J. 895. | |
March 25, 2008 | Amendment H-8280 adopted. H.J. 897. | |
March 25, 2008 | Passed House, ayes 99, nays none. H.J. 897. | |
March 25, 2008 | Immediate message. H.J. 898. | |
March 26, 2008 | Message from House. S.J. 808. | |
March 26, 2008 | Read first time, referred to Human Resources. S.J. 808. | |
March 26, 2008 | Subcommittee, Hatch, Boettger, and Quirmbach. S.J. 814. | |
March 27, 2008 | Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 846. | |
March 31, 2008 | Passed Senate, ayes 47, nays 2. S.J. 869. | |
March 31, 2008 | Immediate message. S.J. 872. | |
April 01, 2008 | Message from Senate. H.J. 955. | |
April 16, 2008 | Reported correctly enrolled, signed by Speaker and President. H.J. 1325. | |
April 16, 2008 | Sent to Governor. H.J. 1325. | |
April 17, 2008 | Signed by Governor. H.J. 1545. | |
Summary of Legislation |
Bill History for House Study Bill 589
A study bill for requiring a minority impact statement as part of an application for a grant from the department of public health, human services, or human rights and providing effective and applicability dates. 1-30-08 Subcommittee assigned, Ford, Forristall, and Smith. H.J. 159. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2393)
January 29, 2008 | Recorded | |
January 29, 2008 | Human Resources: Ford Chair, Forristall, Smith | |
January 29, 2008 | Human Resources |