Request Form for Certified Copy of Iowa Code Provisions

(For admission in a court of law or submission to a governmental office)

Iowa Code §2B.18 authorizes the Iowa Code Editor to certify Iowa Code provisions, for admission in a court of law or governmental office outside Iowa, by attesting to and authenticating how specific provisions appeared in the Iowa Code as of a certain date. Certification of Iowa Code provisions does not include researching Iowa law or providing legal advice.
*Today's Date:
Agency/Company Name (if applicable)
*Mailing Address:
*Phone Number- -
*Email Address:
*Please describe the specific provision or provisions you seek to have certified for admission in a court of law or submission to a governmental office.
[For example: chapter 16 (Iowa Finance Authority); section 321J.2 (OWI/drunk driving law)]
*Please indicate the date or dates for which you wish to have the provision certified.
[For example: In the case of a conviction for a criminal offense this would be the date of commission of or conviction for the offense. In the case of law pertaining to professional licensure or certification this may be either current law or the law at the time the license or certification was obtained--please check with the federal, state, or local agency from which you are seeking reciprocity to be certain.]
*Please indicate how soon you need this certification. We try to accommodate timing requests but cannot guarantee that the certified copy will be completed by your requested date.  Most certifications are completed within one or two weeks.  Please submit any time-sensitive requests as soon as possible.
Must the certified Iowa Code provisions be sent under Apostil? Yes No
[FOREIGN MARRIAGES OR ADOPTIONS: If you are seeking certification of Iowa's laws because of the marriage or adoption of a non-U.S. citizen, the certified copy of Iowa's law will most likely have to be placed under Apostil to be recognized by the foreign jurisdiction. An Apostil can only be done by the Office of Secretary of State--you must therefore also contact that office in addition to requesting the certified copy of Iowa's law from the Iowa Code Editor.]
Your request will be submitted to the Iowa Code Editor for research and certification. The Code Editor may need to contact you to clarify issues relating to your request. A $50 dollar charge, payable in advance, applies to each request for certification. No sales tax is payable.
Make check payable to Legislative Services Agency and mail to:
Legislative Services Agency
1112 E. Grand Avenue
Miller Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

* Required