Date & Time/Public Comments |
Legislators | Bill |
Bill Title |
Committee |
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 2042 |
A bill for an act relating to the possession of a pistol, revolver, or ammunition by persons under fourteen years of age, and including effective date provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2281) |
Judiciary (House)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 540 |
A bill for an act relating to the issuance and display of one registration plate on motor vehicles. (Formerly HF 111) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2148) |
Transportation (House)
Location: House Lounge
Status: Cancelled
HF 2078 |
A bill for an act relating to the issuance and display of one registration plate on motor vehicles. |
Transportation (House)
HF 2090 |
A bill for an act relating to the preference for joint physical care of a child in awarding custody. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2372) |
Judiciary (House)
HF 2027 |
A bill for an act relating to the displacement and relocation of a business or farm and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
Judiciary (House)
HF 2192 |
A bill for an act establishing an office within the department of public safety to oversee efforts to combat human trafficking. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2355) |
Judiciary (House)
HF 2152 |
A bill for an act creating the criminal offense of female genital mutilation and providing penalties. |
Judiciary (House)
SF 2233 |
A bill for an act creating the uniform deployed parents custody and visitation Act, and repealing current Code provisions relating to parents on active military duty. (Formerly SSB 3144.) Effective 7-1-16. |
Judiciary (House)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HSB 598 |
A study bill relating to nonsubstantive Code corrections. 2-9-16 Subcommittee assigned, Paulsen, Berry, and Kaufmann. H.J. 191. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2360) |
Judiciary (House)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HSB 616 |
A study bill relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and including effective date provisions. 2-11-16 Subcommittee assigned, Paulsen, Olson, and Windschitl. H.J. 216. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2359) |
Judiciary (House)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2170 |
A bill for an act concerning civil liability of certain educational entities and their employees and providing penalties and sanctions. |
Judiciary (House)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HSB 524 |
A study bill relating to the assessment of fees and court costs in certain criminal cases, and providing for a fee. 1-20-16 Subcommittee assigned, Paulsen, Berry, and Kaufmann. H.J. 99. |
Judiciary (House)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 442 |
A bill for an act relating to marriage and divorce, and including effective date provisions. |
Judiciary (House)