By Committee
Aeronautics (House)
Agriculture (House)
Agriculture (Senate)
Agriculture 2 (House)
Appropriations (House)
Appropriations (Senate)
Banks, Building and Loan (House)
Board of Control (House)
Cities (House)
Cities and Towns (House)
Cities and Towns (Senate)
Claims (House)
Claims (Senate)
Commerce (House)
Commerce (Senate)
Compensation of Public Officers (House)
Conservation (Senate)
Conservation of Resources (House)
Constitutional Amendments (House)
County and Township Affairs (House)
County and Township Affairs (House)
Departmental Affairs (House)
Drainage (House)
Elections, Political and Judicial Districts (House)
Enrolled Bills (House)
Enrolled Bills (Senate)
Fish and Game (House)
Governmental Affairs (Senate)
Highway Safety (House)
Highways (Senate)
Industrial Relations (Senate)
Institutions of Higher Learning (House)
Insurance (House)
Insurance (Senate)
Iowa Development (Senate)
Judiciary (House)
Judiciary (Senate)
Judiciary 2 (House)
Judiciary 2 (Senate)
Labor (House)
Legislative Redistricting (Senate)
Military Affairs (House)
Military Affairs (Senate)
Mines and Mining (House)
Motor Vehicles and Transportation (House)
Printing (House)
Printing (Senate)
Private Corporations (House)
Public Health (House)
Public Health (Senate)
Public Lands and Buildings (Senate)
Public Utilities (House)
Public Utilities (Senate)
Railroads (House)
Reapportionment and Congressional Redistricting (House)
Road and Highways (House)
Rules (House)
Rules (Senate)
Safety and Law Enforcement (House)
Schools and Educational Institutions (Senate)
Schools, Libraries, State Educational Institutions (House)
Social Security (House)
Social Security (Senate)
State Planning (House)
Tax Revision (House)
Tax Revision (House)
Tax Revision (Senate)
Telegraphs and Express (House)
Transportation and Highway Safety (Senate)
Water Rights (Senate)
Ways and Means (House)
Ways and Means (Senate)