Judiciary (S)

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Date Location Agenda Minutes
03/27/2006 3:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Governor appointees
03/23/2006 11:30 AM Adjourned Room 22
Bills agreed to by the Chairmen
03/22/2006 10:30 AM Adjourned Room 22
HF 2337 - peace officer - Kreiman HF 2351 - eminent domain - Kreiman HF 2651 - juvenile delinquency - Hancock HF 2652 - civil and criminal precedure - Tinsman
03/21/2006 11:00 AM Adjourned Room 22
HF 2233, time limit on judgments, etc. Schoenjahn, Ch. HF 2697, Confinement of a prisoner, etc. Hancock, Ch. Any other bills that are ready Subcommittee assignments
03/14/2006 11:00 AM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
03/07/2006 3:00 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
03/01/2006 3:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
02/28/2006 1:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
02/27/2006 4:00 PM Adjourned Room 24
Bills that are ready, according to Co-chair, Senator Miller the following bills should be ready: SSB 3199 SSB 3201 SSB 3002 SSB 3030 SSB 3032 SSB 3089 SSB 3031 SSB 3202 SSB 3033 SSB 3003 SF 2141 SF 2096
02/23/2006 2:30 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/20/2006 3:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Bills to be considered: SF 6 - reinstatement of driver's license - Brunkhorst SF 2103 - disorderly conduct/military funeral - Horn SF 2141 - foster care licensing - Kreiman SSB 3006 - board of parole appointment/removal - Larson SSB 3031 - business organization regulations - Quirmbach SSB 3092 - adoption petition information - Zaun SSB 3096 - nonsubstantive Code corrections - Hancock SSB 3099 - drug courts - Kreiman SSB 3104 - reserve peace officers certification - Zaun SSB 3144 - statutory corrections - Zaun Any other bills that are ready
02/16/2006 2:30 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/15/2006 12:00 PM Cancelled Room 24
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/13/2006 4:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
SF 2027 - Human trafficking- Kreiman SF 124 - Grandparents Visitation - Boettger (similar bill - SF 2031) SSB 3099 - Drug courts - Kreiman Any other bills that are ready
02/09/2006 2:30 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/08/2006 9:00 AM Adjourned Room 22
Governor appointee -- must be voted by full committee to be placed on en bloc calendar.
02/02/2006 2:30 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
01/30/2006 4:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Any bills that are ready
01/26/2006 2:30 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
01/10/2006 4:00 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
04/07/2005 9:00 AM Adjourned Room 22
H.F. 619 Any other bills that are ready
04/05/2005 10:00 AM Adjourned Room 22
HF 726 - Kreiman HF 440 - Schoenjahn Any other bills that are ready Please have Governor's Appointees ready!
03/28/2005 3:30 PM Adjourned Room 22
Any bills that are ready Any appointees that are ready
03/28/2005 3:00 PM Room 22
HF 123 HF 440 HF 683 Have governor's appointees ready
03/21/2005 3:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Any bills that are ready
03/10/2005 2:30 PM Adjourned Room 22
SSB 1241 - Zaun SSB 1252 - Zaun SF 241 - Hancock SF 279 - Miller SF 1251 - Ward SF 1154 - Ward SSB 1107 - Horn SSB 1074 - Horn SSB 1127 - Larson SSB 1030 - Tinsman SSB 1035 - Kreiman SSB 1355 - Fraise SF 296 - Fraise SSB 1071 - Ward Any other bills that are ready with approval of the co-chairs.
03/08/2005 1:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
SSB 1228 - Ward SSB 1251 - Ward SSB 1107 - Tinsman SSB 1070 - Kreiman SSB 1016 - Kreiman SSB 1170 - Miller SSB 1252 - Zaun ADDENDUM SF 6 - Brunkhorst Any other bills that are ready.
03/03/2005 11:00 AM Adjourned Room 22
SSB 1008 - Kreiman SSB 1070 - Kreiman SSB 1074 - Boettger SSB 1018 - McKibben SF 58 - McKibben SSB 1107 - Tinsman SSB 1108 - Hancock SSB 1127 - Quirmbach SSB 1170 - Miller Any other bills that are ready.
03/01/2005 1:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Bills for discussion: SSB 1152 - Senator Kreiman SSB 1074 - Senator Boettger SSB 1018 - Senator Horn SSB 1107 - Senator Horn SSB 1073 - Senator Dvorsky Any other bills that are ready
02/23/2005 12:00 PM Room 22
Judiciary Meeting CANCELLED. Please use this time to meet with subcommittees.
02/22/2005 12:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Governor's appointees Any bills that are ready with consent of co-chairs
02/16/2005 12:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
SSB 1003 - Dvorsky SSB 1004 - McKibben Governor's appointees Any other bills that are ready
02/15/2005 12:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Roll call Approval of minutes For discussion - SSB 1025 Any other bills that are ready.
02/09/2005 12:00 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/09/2005 12:00 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/08/2005 12:00 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
02/07/2005 4:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Presentation & discussion of mandatory minimum sentences Any bills that are ready and agreed to by Co-Chairs
01/31/2005 4:00 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
01/31/2005 4:00 PM Room 22
Call to order Approval of minutes Bills ready for discussion Subcommittee assignments Adjournment
01/27/2005 2:30 PM Cancelled Room 22
This meeting has been CANCELLED.
01/24/2005 3:30 PM Adjourned Room 22
Approval of minutes Bills that are ready for discussion Sub-committees may meet
01/19/2005 1:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
Assignment of bills
01/12/2005 3:00 PM Adjourned Room 22
1. Welcome by co-chairs 2. Discussion and/or adoption of rules 3. Assignment of bills 4. Adjourn