Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Jeremy Michaud []
This bill should not pass. There are millions of people who benefit from vaping instead of smoking cigarettes that are proven to kill people. This bill would turn people back to deadly cigarettes.
jamey fah []
HSB682 Should pass and move forward. These devices are dangerous and marketed directly at children. There is not any evidence that these devices are safer than cigarettes and no scientific proof there is any link to smoking cessation. These devices are currently illegal federally and this bill will just allow state of Iowa agents to charge retailers with violating law. I deal with teens every day who are addicted to these devices and it is absolutely the candy flavors they are after. I have not seized a device that falls under the FDA allowed devices since they banned the candy flavors.Our children need us to do right by them and remove these items from stores so they are not available to them.
Corey Stallings []
I am writing as a voter and taxpayer in Iowa urging you to reject HSB 682 / SSB 3101, which would require the state to enforce the FDAs disastrous antivaping regulations. If this legislation is enacted, I and thousands of people like me in Iowa will lose access to smokefree products that are helping us live smokefree lives. To be blunt, support for these bills is sacrificing the lives of people who smoke in the name of protecting tobacco companies share of the nicotine vapor marketnot protecting youth, or public health.The FDA is failing to regulate smokefree nicotine products in a way that protects public health. The federal regulators delay in decision making and arbitrary denial orders are also bogging the agency down with the lawsuits and reputational damage. Enforcing a de facto ban on products that FDA is supposed to be reviewing will come at the expense of Iowa taxpayers and public health.Please reject HSB 682 / SSB 3101 and thank you for listening to my comments. I, and my fellow members of the Consumer Advocates for Smokefree Alternatives Association appreciate your time and look forward to your response.
Corey Halfhill [Urbandale Resident]
Regarding HSB 682 (companion bill to SSB 3101)To All Legislators:I use vapor products as an alternative to smoking cigarettes and cigars. My friends and family use the products instead of smoking and all are better from having a product that most have never been able to quit smoking until this unique alternative came to the market in 2007. I am concerned as a resident of Urbandale, Iowa, what this bill will do to the availability of quality vapor products and will unfairly remove over 99% of these products from the market and only increase the black market sales to youth by flooding the market with unsaleable products. Many people I know are far better off not inhaling the smoke consisting of toxins, tar, and 1000's of other toxins and chemicals. They don't have to go to the doctor for issues they used to, and are more active and productive Iowan's. You will be sending Iowans to their slow death again by forcing them back to smoking. Please talk to more vapors that smoked for 20 years or more and ask them about their story before you waste Iowa Taxpayer dollars on something the federal government is on hold due to a broken system of regulation. Fix the problem the right way and not cause a reaction that is not intended. Please do not pass this bill on public health, because it will revert back to smoking rates higher than seen in decades. Sincerely, Corey Halfhill
Lauren Williams []
I was a smoker for 21yrs The vaping industry helped me stop in one day. I havent had a cigarette in over 7yrs. Stopping sale of vapor products would cripple a life saving industry that brings in millions of dollars in revenue. It would cause people to start smoking again shortening their lives. Letting adults choose to vape and not smoke is a win. You ha As a single mother on a budget vaping helped me stay off the cigarettes and gain years back to my life. Please consider the people and businesses that will be affected by your decisions. Thank you for your time
CJ johnson []
HSB 682 (companion bill to SSB 3101)As an individual who used to smoke, and vapes non nicotine product, stop making it so difficult to obtain these products. It is hard enough to buy locally, and support local businesses without all this extra needless paperwork, taxes and so forth.
Barbara Mayfield []
Regarding HSB 682I was a 45 year smoker and I had nearly givin up on being able to quit. I switched from smoking to vaping 6 years ago. When I switched I felt so much better than I had in many many years. My lungs cleared up, I could breathe so much easier, and I was actually able to give up cigarettes. The flavors were a major reason I was able to quit. I was able to get the nicotine without the taste of the cigarette. It made it so much easier. I would really hate for others in my same situation to not have the opportunity that I had. Please make vaping and flavors available to other adult smokers who want to quit. Thank you.
K Spillum []
Vaping enabled me to quit my pack a day cigarette habit over 10 yrs ago. Im 58 yrs old and dont like tobacco flavored vape juices.i prefer fruit flavored and worry they will be banned. Please allow Iowans adults to determine if they want to vape and what flavor vape juices they want to use!!
Sarah Jenkins []
HSB 682I switched to vaping over 8 years ago since then I feel better I breath better, I have not had bronchitis since switching. I think vaping can help many adults stop smoking cigarettes and improve their health. Even though vaping is not big money like tobacco I think as Americans we have the freedom to decide and not have government over reach. I know the flavors are appealing to teens, I am in favor of education and limited access compared to removal and limitations. Remove them from convenience stores where it is easier for teems to steal and only have them at vape shops and online retailers who can verify age, please don't continue this condemn the many for the few like this state seems to always do.
Pamela Kruse []
Sf2402..... voteno. Those of us that are adults have the right to decide for ourselves
Melanie Parkhurst [Greenleaf tobacco and vape]
As a manger at Greenleaf, I feel vaping has changed a lot of peoples perspective on cigarettes. If vaping gets banned you will have 21 year olds and up resorting towards cigarettes. As we all know vaping is safer than cigarettes, even elderly people that have been smoking since they were younger have said vaping changed their lung health a lot in a short amount of time. As an American, we should be able to chose what we buy and don't buy. Its apart of our freedom. Alcohol has been proven to raise crime rate, so why are we worried about vapes? If the warning signs doesn't scare people why take it away? If you really think that minors dont get their hands on alcohol too then youre oblivious about how the worlds working. Not only will business close, but people will lose jobs an our economy will be hurting. LEAVE VAPES ALONE! Within the first 2 weeks of taking vapes away you will see a raise in crime rate/aggressive Americans due to having to smoke tar cigarettes or finding different ways to cope with the withdraws. Whats next? What happened to the land of the free? I know it wont stop with taking vapes away so what else are we going to be stripped of next? Our food? American food is worse than any other country, hints on why Americans tend to be more obese than people from other countries. Take fentanyl away for the love of god. Take it out of hospitals and off the streets. You are missing the bigger picture here. Please dont make this life we live harder than it already is. We deserve rights too. I think its wrong that I can go buy alcohol in bulk, cause liver damage, brain damage, dehydration, an become physically addicted to the point of death if stopped but I cant go buy a flavored vape that is 15/100 likely to damage my lungs. Wake up please were still the land of the free, and we WILL ALL RISE! UNITED WE STAND. Thank you.