Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to the regulation of energy sources by counties and cities.(Formerly SSB 1085.)
Subcommittee members: Thomson, C.-CH, Forbes, Wills, J.
Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Location: RM 19
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Daphne Willwerth []
Please vote no to Senate Bill 411Ordinances regulating the use of land should remain under local control and not be awarded to the state or federal government.We the people own the land and large corporations should not be able to trump what local residents feel is best for their landThank you
Ryan Lynn []
Vote no on SF 411. If you believe in the system of governance, then local elections matter. Do not take the power away from constituents in those areas because large energy corporations cant have their way.
Nancy Schmalenberger []
Please do not vote for SF 411 which takes away local control. We elect local representatives to take care of local matters. One plan does not always work for every area in the state. This bill looks like it was written by corporations who want full control. Don't take away the rights of hard working, tax paying land owners.
Kevin Cordray []
We cannot take away local control regarding these industrial wind and solar systems. The very large majority of people do not want these! The developing companies target absentee landowners first and then force their way in. This is not about green or sustainable energy. Its all about money. Follow the trail of where the massive tax credits are going. Please dont take control away from the people! Its not what we do in America! Our county has a coalition of farmers trying hard to keep these out of Humboldt county!
Austin Hayek []
I am a 3rd generation farmer residing in Webster County. I would urge the subcommittee to vote NO on SF411. It would seem there is a constant push to remove local control from items such as wind/solar electrical generation. So who would control it? It seems that while cities/counties are constantly taking feedback from residents to ensure the right decisions are made for the economic direction of the jurisdiction. This bill simply tells local governments they no longer control their own development and ultimately would have no ability to plan accordingly. What else classifies as energy, carbon? Its plan to be used in green methanol would be considered an energy source. It would seem we are at a paradigm, continue to force acceptance, or allow local leaders and residents to make the best decisions for their communities. Specifically as it relates to subsection b) the only energy sources would be wind or solar currently. It would appear this is being advanced to ensure state control over all types, not just access to fuels at the pumps, but any energy generation and infrastructure. For example this bill also highlights hydrogen, which is incredibly new, with zero written about it to protect property owners rights or residents from such commercial productions or their rights to whats beneath their soil. Stripping local control, removes the conversation and instead simply creates animosity, rethink this, protect Iowans, vote no.
Chris Hayek []
S.F. 411, Section 1, New Subsection b, lines 1116In regard to energy source or related infrastructures, the Counties MUST be able to adopt their own ordinances and protect the residents living within the county. The Counties shall NOT be stripped of their rights. Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain. Vote NO S.F. 411!
Robert Nazario []
Please vote note on this bill. Local control, county jurisdiction should always be first and foremost. The county ordinances and resolution must always dictate within the county. Municipalities must also be involved at the local level. We are wholeheartedly opposed to losing local jurisdiction.
Robert Nazario []
Please vote NO on this bill. Local control, county jurisdiction should always be first and foremost. The county ordinances and resolution must always dictate within the county. Municipalities must also be involved at the local level. We are wholeheartedly opposed to losing local jurisdiction!
Heather Stancil []
I oppose SF411. The very broad language would basically strip county & city government of the power to regulate any energy infrastructure that's not under IUB authority. This would include wind and solar, and if passed, would allow wind & solar companies free reign over wind project development with no oversight authority. Please vote against this bill.
Curtis Junker []
Juli Cooper []
Vote NO To SF4111) This is an obvious effort to usurp county governance. Don't prioritize big corporations before Iowa constituents serious concerns. 2) Each county is different in its demographics, topography, and resources those are all assets and control of those should remain local. 3) Local authority is necessary. Our Iowa " is vanishing .. help us keep "Our Iowa" before it is too late. Protect our home and property values! 4) Regulatory issues need to be constituent focused.. not meet needs" of big energy as this blanket amendment is trying to achieve. Please vote NO on SF411.
Megan Mart []
Vote NO on SF411, counties and cities must be able to do what is in the best interest of its citizens. That right should never be dismissed.
Marcia Allen []
Please vote a resounding NO on S.F. 411. Iowas citizens should be able to maintain local control. Not every county is the same. This seems to me to be an effort by big corporations to circumvent the will of the people and use government to do their bidding, rather than the wishes of Iowans. Be smarter than that. Vote NO.
Carmen Dahl []
Please vote no on this bill. It strips local government and their constituents of their voice and hands it over to meet the needs of big energy and denies rights and protections to local land and home owners across the state.
Linda Keezer []
Vote no on this. Taking away local control of these vital decisions where it effects so many is not a way to gain trust. Many of us have deep concerns about the climate change agenda which uses tax money to weaponize the government and large global corporations against the people. We have a constitution to follow that our representatives should be adhering to. On top of that, many of us are deeply concerned about the national security ramifications of hindering the process of checks and balances.
Mary Jobst []
Vote NO on SF 411. The purpose of government is to secure the rights of its citizens. Property rights are best secured by local county government. This bill is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to usurp property rights to promote a speculative energy policy agenda.
Rachel Cadena [Freedom Brigade, TN and IA liberty networks]
Please vote no. Control must remain local. Counties and cities know whats best for them. Its not a one size fits all.
Marvis Northup []
This is an adamant NO! Iowa agricultural land is to be valued and protected. This bill strips local control for billionaires to use hardworking taxpayers money to support their agendas. We dont want to be Illinois or Michigan. Were Iowa. Just say NO!
Doreen Jessen []
I oppose SF411 Vote 'NO' on SF411Counties and Cities must be able to do what is in the best interest of its citizens.The very broad language would basically strip county & city government of the power to regulate any energy infrastructure that's not under IUB authority."WE THE PEOPLE MUST NOT HAVE OUR RIGHTS OF PROPERTY BE TAKEN FROM US."
Doreen Jessen []
I oppose SF411 Vote 'NO' on SF411Counties and Cities must be able to do what is in the best interest of its citizens.The very broad language would basically strip county & city government of the power to regulate any energy infrastructure that's not under IUB authority."WE THE PEOPLE MUST NOT HAVE OUR RIGHTS OF PROPERTY BE TAKEN FROM US."
The Founders set up this type of government for The People to be in the most control. The Cities and Counties are closest to the People, therefore meant to have the power to protect freedom of the people. This is a very poor bill, especially as Republins, who should honor the Constitution to the best of their ability.
Diane Jacobs []
Please vote no on SF 411! Counties should keep the right to govern themselves as much as possible. There is no reason why creating their own ordinances for wind/solar/carbon should be stripped for state control. This is only because the state is realizing more and more counties are listening to their constituents who do not want turbines and solar, or who want to limit the number. Please listen to the people of Iowa instead of out of state corporations.
Robert Nazario []
1. The definition of "energy source" is as broad as they could imagine and they still wrote, "including but not limited to" which opens the door for a perhaps hidden commodity. 2. "...that results in the de facto prohibition" also opens the door for any outsider's objection to a county ordinance. 3. It is constructed of vague language intentionally. 4. It has no known purpose or objective. 5. Therefore it must be killed. 6. It reads to me like a utility amendment for Summit. We NEED TO TOSS THIS BILL IN THE TRASH HEAP OR REWRITE TO SPECIFICALLY PROTECT WHAT IT WANTS TO PROTECT.
Linda McNeill []
Please vote NO on SF411. This reads like a utility amendment just for Summit, who we have been fighting for over two years already. You are supposed to look out for your constituents like myself not big money! This is our state and our farmers are our greatest asset. Protect us from Government overreach!
Sandy Wilson [Citizen Engagement]
Citizen Engagement remains AGAINST SF 411. This bill effectively hands Summit Carbon Solutions control over private property.
Lewis Martin []
What would be the purpose of overriding the will of the local population?Vote no.
Geralyn Osen []
Please vote NO to SF411. This reads as support to big money. Protect OUR farmers, our land.
Curt Groen []
SF411 must not be allowed to pass.It strips local Government of control over what happens to local residents.. Our founding fathers wrote a Constitution meant to protect the people by giving them a voice through their elected officials, this was a unique concept that has proven to be the stalwart in government set to protect the people and envy of the worldThis bill looks to strip that power from the people. I have lived in areas where these wind projects were allowed to come in and set up before any of the dangers to the local residents were known. We cannot allow this to run rampant across the country, especially for projects that are not financially viable, most utilizing taxpayer money for incentives that run against the very people forced to pay for their own demise. County government must have a say in what affects their county, we cannot be forced to install something that is bad for it's citizens to provide for those halfway across the country.
Jackie Cordon []
Vote No on SF411. Theres a reason we have local zoning boards and commissions. If you truly believe in small government, you cannot pass this bill out of committee
Tamara Riesenberg []
Please vote no SF 411. We live on a farm and I am already seeing to many of these turbine out my window and they ruin my beautiful farmland view.
Dallas Johnston []
Vote NO on SF411. Do not allow money hungry big corporations to take away local control of OUR land. Iowa is a leader in food and energy production already with the agriculture products we raise. Local control is the only way we can keep Iowa an agricultural state verses an industrialized state.
Barb Clayton []
Please vote no on SF 411. This bill is much too vague and leaves open the possibility to take away local control over wind, solar, CO2 pipelines and more. I understand that some feel this is an innocuous energy bill keeping the counties from imposing energy restrictions on its citizens, but my fear is that it will do just the opposite allowing energy companies to impose their will on counties. Please do not advance this bill, vote no.
Jennifer Karpf []
Please vote NO to this bill
Jane Stimson []
Vote no on SF 411. Why do you want to take away the rights of taxpaying citizens at the local level? We live here. Listen to us instead of trying to serve the interests of billion dollar corporations whose first goal is to make more money on the backs of citizens, no matter who they have to trample on.
Lynn Ferris []
Please vote NI on this. Every county has different needs so you must not take local control away on this bill or any other. PLEASE vote NO on this bill. Thank you
ROBERT Stewart []
Please dont allow this bill to pass. The regulations that the windmill companies like to use are not good enough. There needs to be a further distance from property line to the base of the windmill. The landowners need to have more of a say, and what happens to the ground next to them. Putting land mills too close to property lines is a major problem. Please let local. . Putting land mills to close to property lines is a major problem. Please let local jurisdictions dictate where these are located.
ROBERT Stewart []
Please dont allow this bill to pass. The regulations that the windmill companies like to use are not good enough. There needs to be a further distance from property line to the base of the windmill. The landowners need to have more of a say, and what happens to the ground next to them. Putting land mills too close to property lines is a major problem. Please let local. . Putting land mills to close to property lines is a major problem. Please let local jurisdictions dictate where these are located.
Steve Corey []
Please vote NO on this bill. Local control must be maintained.
Mary Bashor []
Vote NO for SF411. Stripping the local governments right to protect their county residents is absolutely not acceptable. This is an overreach of government. It absolutely would strip citizens their rights to protect their private lands. OUR politicians were elected to represent us NOT wind and solar companies!!
Nichole B []
Please vote NO
Judith Moffitt []
Rather than repeat what others comments have contained, please know we want you to vote no on this SF bill 411. When do we the peoples voice count? Thankyou.
Jeanne Jackson []
Stop this! We do not want other people to control us. Keep it local with board of supervisors
Douglas Thevenot []
This control should remain in the hands of local and county jurisdictions.
Jacquie Herron []
Vote No on SF 411. These decisions need to stay with the local residents. Thats why we have local government.
Kim Johnston []
Vote NO for SF411. Please dont take away our local government voice in matters that directly affect our local counties and communities. Thank you
Amanda Masilko []
Vote NO to SF411.
Nancy Heikens []
Please vote NO on sf 411. These issues should be decided on at the local level.
Mary Saniuk []
We are totally against this bill. You are taking rights away from each county and their local control. Windmill farms are not one size fits all. You are pushing for BIG government control. You are allowing the destruction of Iowa farm land. What about my property rights?
Diane Lange []
Please vote NO on SF 411!This bill strips control from each county. We do not need huge corporations telling us what to do with our land. Every story is different in each county.
Kimberly Watson []
Please vote NO on SF 411. Local control is paramount for the best decisions for our cities and counties. People who live and work here will always make better decisions than bueroctates from afar. The decisions about energy sources should be our local decisions as well.Thank you for your consideration.
Hartford Jackson [FarmerL]
Keep the local control!
Richard Saniuk []
Please vote no on this continued government over reach that further diminishes our rights as individuals. Big money interests as always are pushing around the little guy. In this case, the little guy is our farmers and landowners. It has to stop.
Tyler & Marcy Edwards []
Please vote no to senate bill SF 411 regulating the use of land. Our land should remain under local control. It should not be under control of state or federal government. We do not wish to give control of our land & decisions to big corporations to come in and do what they want. Iowa farm ground is disappearing at an alarming rate. We mourn the ground already lost to big wind and solar farms!
Richard Homewood []
Please vote no on advancing SF411. In Union county alot has been said about this issue. Surrounding counties also have been working on wind/solar ordinances. Vast majority of people I have heard are opposed to wind/solar farms. The people have more say with local control.
Kati England [Farm]
What works for some areas of the state can be detrimental to others. Just as we fight for States rights to do what is best for its citizens, countys should maintain the right to do what works for their citizens with regard to energy.
Halle Kiefer []
Please vote no to SF 411 today!
Joyce Green []
Please vote NO on SF411. Please dont support big companies over us. Our property rights should not be taken away.
Elijah Masilko []
Please vote NO to SF411.
Shawna Pence []
Vote no. I'm not sure who thought this was a good idea in the first place. Stop stripping away the rights of landowners.
Dawn Pearson []
Vote no. Keep county control within their local governments.
Deanne Johnson []
Please vote no on SF 411. Local government should have precedent in local matters.
Megan M []
Vote NO on SF411government needs to remain of the people, by the people, for the people
Nancy Chapman []
Please vote no on SF411,local control is important!
Krista Daggett []
Vote no to this bill. Retain the homeowners rights to their own land and the enjoyment of it.
Barry mcNeill []
Counties ln our state are more knowledgeable in their energy needs of the area in which they live. Say NO to SF 411!
I'm asking you to vote NO on Senate Bill 411 Ordinance. Don't allow the regulation, governance and control of county rural properties to be taken out of the hands of the local supervisors and residents. The county supervisors were elected to deal with local matters and know them best. The big corporations interests lie only with themselves and what is best for them and not the residents of each county. Thank you.
Traci Calfee []
Please vote no SF 411 let county government make decisions for the people.
Salina Chesnut []
Please vote no on SF 411 bill. This bill is meant to take away the local government and the voices of the local people. Regulating the land should be kept with the local people who live, farm and do business in those areas.
Shaun Masilko []
Vote NO to SF411
Charles England []
Local control is important. Vote NO on SF 411.
Jennifer Dymond []
I vote no
Vicki Still []
Please vote no on SF411
Melinda Stevens [Peonies and Produce]
Please vote no on this, we are losing our freedoms.
Denise Kuhl []
Robert Stevens [Peonies and Produce]
PLEASE vote NO on bill SF 411, they Shouldn't have the right to wreck our farms. Thank you
Jolene Caldwell []
Please vote NO on SF411.
Ida Van Scyoc []
I oppose SF411. Please vote against this bill. The citizens in the counties and cities know what is best for them. Let control stay at the local level. This is just a stepping stone and a foot in the door for private corporations to take control in areas they have zero right too.
Dan Dahl []
Vote no! Local control only. Just another case of big money business bullying everyone. Vote no!
Troy Chesnut []
Vote NO to SF411
Carolyn DeRoos []
This would strip away the powers of local government and turn it over to the state or federal. Local people know best what is going on in our county please say no to this bill.
Francine Ide []
Vote NO on SF411! Do not strip the ability of local governance to ensure the best interests of the people.
Chris Standley []
please vote no and lets keep the control local. More and more local control is being taken away and given to the state level and rarely does it benefit the local level. And this is another example where it does not benefit the local level.