Meeting Public Comments
Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to the duties of the secretary of state, including the address confidentiality program and the conduct of elections.(See HF 2610.)
Subcommittee members: Kaufmann-CH, Golding, Harris, Nielsen, Zabner
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: RM 304
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:
Sandy Wilson [Citizen Engagement]
Citizen Engagement declares IN FAVOR of HSB 697. Please advance the bill.
David Gion [Better Ballot Iowa]
Well, (1) today, Feb 12, 2024, there was a Senate Subcommittee Hearing for SSB3161, the exact companion bill to this HSB697. (2) While we were in that Senate Subcommittee Hearing, this bill dropped in the Iowa House, with the House subcommittee hearing a little more than 24 hours later, for Feb 13, 3:30 PM CST. (3) I asked our Lobbying group if comments for companion bills automatically tranfser from one bill to another and they said no. (4) SSB3161 had 143 commments posted about the bill. (5) 140 comments were regarding Division III, banning of RCV in Iowa elections with 6 comments for Banning RCV (4%) and 134 comments against banning it, wanting RCV (96%). So, 96% of the people commenting want to give RCV a try in Iowa and 4% want to ban it, AND yet the committee went with the 4%. (6) So, I have attached all of the 140 comments pertaining to RCV on SSB3161 so those in the House Committee may view these as well. I would hope the House Subcommittee might listen to the 96% of Iowans who commented. Respectfully, David J Gion.
David Gion [Better Ballot Iowa]
I respectfully request the House Subcommittee listen to the voices of Iowans and Remove Division III from HSB697. In the Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Mon, 2/12/24, over 140 comments were posted online and another 1015 comments were given orally. Of the 140 comments posted online, 96% (134) WANT Rank Choice Voting to be an option in Iowa. 4% (6) do not. My best recollection of the oral statements given was I believe of the 16 people who spoke, I think it was 75% (12) WANT Rank Choice Voting and 25% (4) did not want it. PLEASE LISTEN to what Iowans want. Allow Rank Choice Voting in Iowa. Respectfully, David J Gion.
Josh Daniels [Fmr. Utah County Clerk, Successful Implementation of RCV (Sharing per request of Better Ballot Iowa)]
Dear Chair & members of the committee,(1) I write in concern to Division III of HSB697, which would ban Ranked Chocie Voting thusdepriving localities from using Ranked Choice Voting to avoid expensive runoff elections. Iwould like to share my experience as an election administrator in implementing RCV in Utah,and why the number of Utah cities choosing to use RCV increased from two in 2019 to 12 in2023. (2) That experience is why I also urge you to no prematurely ban RCV. A few other states areconsidering legislation to prohibit all forms of RCV with no differentiation in how RCV can beused. It would be a mistake for Iowa to follow their example. RCV is a beneficial option for avariety of reasons, and legislatures should avoid proactive prohibitions that reduce futureoptions. (3) Please see attachment for more details. Respectfully, Josh Daniels
David Moritz [Rankedchoices dot com]
I'm a lifelong Republican and software developer living in West Des Moines. I want to start by saying SSB 3161 is very close to being a great bill. I volunteered with Better Ballot Iowa at the State Fair and designed their electronic Presidential Strawpoll, which had over 15 hundred participants. I ask you to strike Division III from the bill. It is unnecessary and weakens a bill that I otherwise support! As the owner of a free ranked choice voting webapp used by thousands on a monthly basis, I consider myself a strong resource to further discuss the pros and cons. I sincerely welcome any and all questions on the matter! Thank you
Thomas McInerney []
I support HSB 697.Iowa already has one of the highest voter participation rates in the United States. Such a high rate signifies evidence that the existing "one person, one vote" system works and is straightforward to Iowans. Allowing an alternate system of voting like Ranked Choice Voting can only increase the likelihood of confusion during elections. Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) requires voters to make decisions about all the candidates on the ballot, forcing them to cast their vote for candidates that they disapprove of or lack sufficient information about. There is no clear consensus the Ranked Choice Voting has any benefit for Iowans except for those politicians who cannot get elected using the existing rules. Keep the existing system that has been successful for Iowans for generations. Let Iowa keep being Iowa!
Michael Bayer []
DIVISION VI Voter Registration Database Pilot Program: I certainly support a better method of maintaining our voter registration database. Our group of election integrity advocates have found many ineligible voters on the rolls. Hundreds of voters have been dead for decades. Thousands of voters have moved out of state and registered to vote in their new state. I have a concern about the transparency of such a list maintenance program. The Secretary of State's office has not been forthcoming about how the processes they use to maintain the voter rolls. One of the many issues we had with ERIC was the lack of transparency and the inability for us to obtain copies of the reports issued by ERIC. I fear that this may continue to be a problem with this thirdparty vendor. AMENDMENT: Request to include language that requires full transparency for the contract and electronic copies of all reports from this thirdparty vendor be made available to citizens upon request free of charge. This will allow citizens to make sure ineligible voters are identified and that elegible voters are not mistakenly identified as ineligible.
Michael Bayer []
DIVISION IV Absent Voters: The 2005 CarterBaker Commission on Federal Election Reform, stated that Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud. This is still true today. I fully support implementing voter ID for mailin ballots. Requiring a voter's voter verification number on the absentee ballot affidavit envelope is one way to accomplish voter ID for absentee voters. Since an Iowa judge ruled that signature verification could not be used, there has been little to no verification that the absentee voter is the person who voted their ballot. I fully support the elimination ballot drop boxes. The drop boxes are unattended. Ballot harvesters can drop off many ballots in violation of Iowa law. Even though Iowa law requires video surveilance, there is no evidence that County Elections Officials or law enforcement are reviewing the videos on a routine basis. There are questions whether citizens are able to access the videos. I oppose increasing the length of absentee voting from 20 to 22 days. I feel the length of time should be decreased not increased. I do support changing the deadline for receiving absentee ballots in the county commissioner's office to the close of business the day before the election. This will allow the ASVP board to verify and open the ballot on election day rather than waiting until election evening or the next day.
Michael Bayer []
DIVISION III Ranked Choice Voting: I fully support language to prevent Ranked Choice Voting (a.k.a., RCV or instant runoff voting). RCV is complicated and leads to voter fatigue. The ballot is not a list of candidates but a matrix that must be filled out correctly. RCV would lead to lower voter turnout rates. Voters would be discouraged. Many jurisdictions that have tried RCV have since repealed it and gone back to standard ballots. RCV leads to voter disenfranchisement when their ballot is thrown out (not counted) in later rounds if they don't mark all their choices RCV is often combined with jungle primaries in which any two candidates can advance to the general election regardless of party. This often leads to less popular candidates on the ballot. RCV is very difficult to auditAMENDMENT: I feel this section should include a ban on approval voting which is another, newer voting variant.
Michael Bayer []
If you are not familiar with the complexity of Ranked Choice Voting watch the video "How Does Ranked Choice Voting Work?" on YouTube at
Matthew Wetstein []
I'm writing to ask you to strike Division III from SSB3161. Ranked Choice Voting would represent a significant improvement to Iowa's election system. By the numbers, RCV is better than the system we currently have in place. Study after study show that voters find it easy to use and it has an excellent track record of finding the most preferred candidate in a wide field. Having been used by over 60 jurisdictions for over 600 elections in nearly two decades, it is routine and well regarded where it's used. Whatever your current position on RCV is, having the conversation about the problems we're trying to solve is incredibly valuable in itself. Banning a policy that doesn't even exist in Iowa yet is pointless and counterproductive. This legislature should strive to give municipalities and the people of Iowa *more* local control and *more* control over their vote, not less. A large and rapidly growing number of your constituents are frustrated by a status quo that rewards divisive campaigning and gridlock. Our nation cannot sustain the levels of polarization we're seeing. And the concerns about these problems cut across both sides of the aisle. Better Ballot Iowa, our volunteer and Iowafounded movement has succeed in building a big tent the brings together Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike. This is a provoter issue. All we ask for at these early stages is good faith conversation. We want to work productively with you. Even if this legislature never comes around on RCV, the great state of Iowa will be better off from having had the conversation. So, please, don't take away options, don't hide from new ideas, don't ban policies that don't even exist yet. Please strike Division III from this bill.
Robin Doty []
I respectfully ask you to remove Division III of HSB 697.
Cheryl Tillman []
I support the ban on Division III, Ranked Choice Voting (or by any other name) in the State of Iowa or in any city or municipality. RCV has been banned in South Dakota, Florida, Idaho, Montana, and Tennessee. In the election climate of 2024, RCV creates a uniparty process in an election climate that is most certainly partisan. Look at the republican and democrat planksvery much opposite each other. Division IV, Absent voters, must have LESS time for receiving ballots because mailin ballots are the largest portion of election fraud.Division VI, Voter Registration Database, the public must have full transparency on the list of changes to the voter rolls. The changes should indicate, by county, which registrants dropped off the list and which were added and for what reason. Thank you.
Allison Castle [Please Select]
Please remove Division 3 from this Bill banning Rank Choice Voting. As a Iowa votingcitizen I want more choice and better choices for my elected officials. I want morecivil campaigning. I want my vote to matter.I want something better than what wehave today. I have learned about Rank Choice Voting and believe it could addressmany of the frustrations I have with the current system.Please remove Division 3from this bill so that conversation around the positive opportunities with RankChoice Voting can happen.
Katherine Babb []
I am copying the same comment that I left on the Senate bill. Please let us continue the conversation about Ranked Choice Voting. Please focus on what Iowans want. Please remove Division 3 from this bill. It's imperative that we continue a conversation about Ranked Choice Voting. I am glad that the legislature wants to improve elections, but banning RCV will do the opposite. As a voter, I am tired of having to vote between the lesser of two evils and not being about to vote for my true preference. I don't like that someone can win an election with less than a true majority, or that the alternative is having a runoff election and having to vote twice. I dislike all of the negative campaigning and want cleaner politics.I've studied Ranked Choice Voting and have even watched debates on it, and I believe that while it isn't a perfect solution, it's a way better system than we have now. It gives voters more choice and more voice. It disincentivizes negative campaigning, paving the way for more informed voters and cleaner politics. It reduces polarization. It's a step in the right direction to improving our voting system. We should be able to continue the conversation and debate surrounding RCV. Please don't stifle a potential voting improvement.ChatGPT
Paul Lux []
I support Ranked Choice Voting. Please remove Division III. RCV can make out politics less polarized and make voters feel better represented.
Beverly Lloyd []
Resharing my comments from the Senate Bill: Regarding Division 3 I agree that the state shall not conduct any election using RCV or similar program because of voter confusion, lower turnout, and delays in processing results. Former California Governor Jerry Brown may have said it best: "In a time when we want to encourage voter participation, we need to keep voting simple. Ranked choice voting is overly complicated and confusing. I believe it deprives voters of genuinely informed choice.
Justin Whitty []
Thank you for considering changes to our elections this legislative season. Please consider removing Division III of SSB3161 that bans Ranked Choice Voting. All sides can agree elections need to be secure, fair, and available to all registered and interested Iowans regardless of their means. As a concerned Iowa parent frustrated by partisan rancor, I take my civic responsibilities seriously; I have spent time understanding the limitations of our existing Plurality Voting system, and how Ranked Choice Voting (Instant Runoff Voting), Single Transferable Vote, Fusion Voting, Proportional Representation, Final Five Voting, "deep polling" and Citizen Assemblies can give voters more voice in policy decisions. Iowans are eager to learn more on these topics, and RCV enjoys wide support from the political science community. RCV gives voters more choice, encourages positive and issue focused campaigns, eliminates costly and low turnout runoff elections, and has potential to develop our democracy into something that can address issues that are currently intractable. It is time to thoughtfully adapt our system to face new challenges brought on by electronic media, not stifle the marketplace of ideas with confusing fear campaigns designed to protect the status quo.
Genevieve Johnson []
Please do not support HSB697, in particular do not ban the use of Ranked choice voting (RCV). As an Iowa voter, I am tired of negative campaigning and disheartened when I speak with my friends, family and neighbors who are disengaged from voting because they no longer believe that their vote matters. There are many benefits to using RCV, including increasing voter engagement and decreasing negative campaigning, and I hope that we can continue to explore this option for improving elections in Iowa.
Amy Brown []
I'm writing to ask you to strike Division III from SSB3161. Exit polls consistently show that where RCV is used (over 50 jurisdictions), voters both like and UNDERSTAND it (it is NOT confusing). In addition, results can be tabulated as quickly as our current systems (where results have been slower, it has been due to a choice by election administrators to allow time for absentee ballots to come in. This has nothing to do with RCV). RCV makes more ballots count in the final outcome. RCV elects winners with broad support and has proven to lower the awful, negative campaigning. Thank you.
Christopher Peters []
Ditto my comments regarding SSB 3161, arguing for removing Division III from HSB 697.
Randy Hefel []
Division III Ranked Choice Voting Please support SB3161 against Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). If you are going to allow RCV what will be next, maybe we will just have our candidates roll dices to see who is the high roller or maybe have our candidates draw for high card from a deck of cards to be the winner. To not support SB3161 to make RCV illegal, would be allowing our election process to turn into a bigger circus than it already is.
Randy Hefel []
Division IV Absent Voters Please do not expand the time to allow for receiving ballots. You should shorten the time to 10 14 days in lieu of expanding it 2 days along with putting in place higher standards that apply to absentee voters. There also appears to be few restrictions on who may request an absentee ballot along with no enforcement. Absentee voter ballots are one of the leading factors in voter fraud and more needs to be done to control it within our state. A survey has discovered that 1 in 5 voters who used mailin ballots in the 2020 presidential election admitted to committing voter fraud; See the following voter fraud link
Sharon Santema [Iowa Canvassing volunteers]
I've been a volunteer with election integrity for 2 years. Please do not pass HSB 697 without ammending with these recommended changes:DIVISION III: Keep it simple...One vote per person, the one with the most votes wins. With Ranked Choice Voting, there is lower voter participation because it is confusing. Moderates and minor parties get squeezed out and you cannot vote against someone. And it is practically inauditable. In Alaska's 2022 special election, the resultscame 3 weeks after election day. NOTE: Ranked Choice Voting and Instant Runoff Voting aretwo terms for the same process. Approval Voting is a variation that allows voters to choose any number of candidates whom they like, and the one candidate who was chosen the most, wins the election. RECOMMENDATION: (2a) berewritten to read "An election in this state shall not be conducted using ranked choicevoting (or instant runoff voting), approval voting OR ANY SIMILAR COMPLICATEDVOTING SCHEME." Hand counting serialized paper ballots, election day a holiday, no machines, sameday results. This is the method that saves time, saves money, requires fewer statutes which rarely need updating and ensures that elections are as honest and fair as possible.DIVISION IV: I agree with eliminating Drop Boxes. It is a fairly well known fact that the mailinabsentee ballots are the basis of a lot of the election fraud that has been happening around the country. PLEASE DO NOT EXPAND the number of days that nefarious actors have to predict voter outcomes and inject absentee ballots to alter the election results. RECOMMENDATION: Fourteen days for a voter toreceive and return an Absentee ballot (Section 14 (1a). Also shorten to fourteen daysfor the commissioner to provide facilities for absentee voting in person at thecommissioners office (Section 16 (1)). Not more than fourteen days before theelection, satellite voting stations shall be established (Section 18 (a)).DIVISION VIis very concerning because there are no parameters on the 3rd party vendor to bechosen for verification of voters. Using a Credit Bureau would be acceptable. Also, the timeline is objectionable because Iowa would not have clean voter rolls for the Presidential election in November. Iowa volunteers have found 39,368 names on the voter rolls which have moved and are registered to vote in another state, and over 1,000 have been deceased for 4 months up to 30 years are still on the voter rolls. Thousands more who likely have moved to another jurisdiction according to the National Change of Address database. Every illegitimate name is vulnerable to becoming a fraudulent ballot. The best way to have a clean slate is to have all voters reregister, becauseyou cannot sweep a dirt floor. Col. Shawn Smith's 3minute Clean Slate vs. Cleaningup Voter Rolls is here: If all voters reregistered as soon as possible, Iowa could havea clean slate by this November's election. Then maintain voter list on computerized, offline at the county level. Readonly file gets sent to state for statewide voter database.
Randy Hefel []
Division VI Voter Registration Database Please do not make this an Electronic Registration Information System "ERIC" catastrophe again. Wording needs to be provided so that the citizens of Iowa have all portions of the program accessible and transparent to them. Each county should be given local control of their voter rolls. Each county should provide a clean voter roll by reregistering their voters.
Anne Fairchild []
Please keep section III to prevent RCV and other similar voting schemes. These methods disenfranchise voters with more ballots being thrown out far more than the straight one ballot one vote method we use today. Thank you!
Jeff Clingan []
This is a cowardly bill advanced by people that are afraid of democracy.
Riley Mattice [Riley Mattice]
The concerns raised about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) are understandable, but it's essential to consider the benefits it brings to the electoral process. RCV promotes inclusivity, representation, and voter engagement, while also saving costs by eliminating the need for runoff elections. Contrary to fears about complexity and confusion, evidence shows that voters adapt quickly to RCV once they understand it.Moreover, RCV does not increase the risk of fraud; rather, it enhances transparency and accountability by ensuring that the candidate with the broadest support ultimately wins. Therefore, I urge policymakers to reconsider the inclusion of Division III in the proposed legislation and to support the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting for a more inclusive and efficient electoral system.
Kehry Lane []
Good afternoon. Please remove Division III from HSB697. Rank Choice Voting is an easy to use, easy to understand, efficient way to conduct elections. The opposition to RCV commonly argue that it's too complex, too confusing and forces voters to make choices they don't want. That's all untrue. If you can rank your top five ice cream flavors, you understand RCV. If you only really like three flavors, that's okay. You only need to rank those three, just decline to rank a fourth of fifth. RCV is that easy.