Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to the term sex and related terms for purposes of statutory construction, including an indication of a person’s sex on certain vital records and on certain applications and identification cards.(See HF 2389.)
Subcommittee members: Hora-CH, Boden, Steckman
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Location: RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Trent Strawhacker []
This is deplorable. Its unamerican to force people to be others and to say that separate is not equal. Whoever wrote that absolutely knew what they were doing with that terminology. America can never go back to segregation.
emma denney []
I urge a NO vote of HSB 649, passing this bill will harm trans Iowans. Forcing us to carry special designations on our ID's and birth certificates because we are trans is far too close to the nazi's pink triangles for anyone seriously looking at this bill to not be disgusted and horrified. This bill looks to define us out of the law, claiming that trans people simply do not have a right to exist as ourselves, that how our lives and our bodies are is simply too inconvenient for the legislature. This bill endangers trans people, and trans women especially, in any state or government or institutional setting, especially in prisons and jails, where we already suffer profound violence. This bill violates countless federal protections for trans people in countless settings and will be challenged and struck down in court. I am a PhD candidate about to complete my dissertation at the University of Iowa, and if this bill passes I will be leave the state. Iowa simply has no future if it cannot be a safe place to live for all people. Vote NO and let this blatant discrimination fall here.
Kate Doolittle []
This bill is disgusting and fascist and CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE PASSED! Special legal designations on IDs for trans people?? This is so thinly veiled its ridiculous. No wonder youre trying to jam it through subcommittee and committee in one day. You know what you are, and you know this bill is vile. DO. NOT. PASS. IT.
Maeve Reynen []
Time for my near daily antitrans bill condemnation. I stand in firm opposition and defiance to HSB 649. Once again, the state has decided to target trans and nonbinary residents instead of trying to improve its citizens' lives in any tangible way. We are tired. Are you tired of your hatred yet? I hope this bill's authors and supporters feel shame every single second of their lives.
Kufre Ituk []
In a state where transphobic and queerphobic rhetoric and politics are running rampant, this bill is wishing to put a pink triangle on those who are affected by such harm. This bill puts power into the hands of those who wish to discriminate against and bring harm to trans individuals who have changed their sex. The private concerns of ones religion have nothing to do with the public sphere as it is PRIVATE. Legislation like this does nothing for anyones protections, it simply brings harm. If you pass this bill, you are pulling back the curtain to reveal a sinister future for this state. It will reveal that the state motto is a lie.
Elizabeth Lefler []
I strongly oppose this bill. It is unnecessary and will harm Iowans. Please stop your incessant attacks on our trans citizens. This bill is cruel and does no good.
Nick Oswald []
History has shown us that separate but equal didn't work for our people of color. It certainly isn't going to work for LGBTQ+ Iowans. This bill is deplorable and I can only hope it goes no where. Queer Iowans just want to be left alone! Stop pushing these hateful laws and start getting to work on things that actually HELP all of us!
Jill Miller []
Stop this bill. Stop trying to hurt Iowans who look different than you. Do your job to help all Iowans lead better lives. Fix the roads and aging bridges. Fund public schools. Provide affordable childcare. Fund disabilty services. Iowa is better than this.
JoAnna Springsteen []
Vote No on this bill. The federal government long ago decided Separate But Equal illegal. This is a stunt and a waste of time. Focus on making some actual changes that benefit all Iowans.Where is the benefit and return on investment on this bill? How does it change or improve anyone's life to add an extra field to a drovers license that will have to be completely redesign and reissued? The fact that this state legislature continues to go out of their way to harass and degrad Trans and all LGBTQ folks is absurd. Do you not have anything better to do? When did a Trans person ever hurt you? Stop spreading hate and start taking care of your constituents.
Tyler Pittman []
I have to be incredulous at this proposal. "Separate is not inherently unequal"? Did we forget Brown v. Board? Did we forget all of the monumental supreme court decisions since that have proven to America that separation is in itself unequal? Plessy vs. Ferguson tried this "separate but equal" rhetoric in 1896. 1896. Almost 130 years ago. Are we seriously trying to return to the Jim Crow era? As American citizens, we must remain united and together to be equal. Anything less is discrimination. For the sake of justice and what every civil rights leader in this country fought for, I urge you to oppose this bill.
jonah higinbotham []
I stand firmly against this bill and all bills like it. I am NOT "seperate but equal". I am NOT an "other" and do not deserve to be treated like such. this bill is nothing but more attacks on my quality of life as a trans Iowan and I will NOT stand for this.
Kaily Speer []
This bill is repulsive and I couldnt be more opposed to it. This is a blatant attack on the trans community. Iowa consitituents would LOVE if our representatives would stop screwing around trying to harm our marginalized people and instead focused on policies that actually HELP us.
Nova Circuit []
Iowa is about to bring back the nazi pink triangles used in genocide. Iowa's politicians will forever be known through history as aiding and abiding in a white supremacist regime spreading throughout the united states aiming to repeat the sins of past fascist countries. Blood will be on your hands for what you are doing to us
Thomas Powell []
This proposed bill is atrocious, and a clear attack on transgender people in Iowa. Every part of this legislation is designed to make their lives harder and less safe, and this would never be acceptable for any other minority group and should not be acceptable here either. This bill ignores entire fields of settled science to claim that trans people simply don't exist in order to gain cheap political points and push a fearmongering agenda. Trans people have always existed and always will. This bill needs to be shot down immediately.
Steve Shaner []
Do not push the state of Iowa backwards with this shortsighted and hateful legislation. Our trans citizens deserve equal protection and due process from their government even and especially when there are those who would seek to deny them their rights.We are all less safe when some of us are stripped of their rights.
Emma Peterson []
WHY are we STILL doing this??? Trans people are NOT problems to be solved. Stop wasting time on made up issues and do something to benefit your constituents FOR ONCE. Vote no on HSB 649 because its dripping with hate and intolerance.
Elliot Cobb []
I urge you to vote against advancing this bill. The notion of separate but equal has been settled years ago by the highest court in our country. To propose a return to that practice for transgender, nonbinary and intersex Iowans is unconstitutional and opens the door for other discriminatory practices based on race, religion or other inherent identities. Furthermore it signals that Iowa is not a safe place for transgender people to work or visit. While I no longer live in Iowa I often travel there for my employer. If this bill passes I would have to reconsider my safety and those of others regardless of gender before visiting and conducting business in the future.
Jill Martine []
I urge a NO vote of HSB 649. Passing this bill will harm trans Iowans. Those who have the privilege to represent people need to do the jobs of protecting the rights of all people, especially those who are marginalized, more subject to bullying and violence, and who are overall just trying to be themselves without hurting anyone.
Sara Castlebury []
The fact this bill was announced with less than 24 hours means this is shady, deplorable behavior you don't want people to notice. Shame on Gov Reynolds for this underhanded strategy. Vote No on this unconstitutional & frankly inhumane way to treat Trans Iowans.Trans Iowans are just trying to live their lives like all of us & bills like this make their journey that much harder. Shame on anyone considering this Nazis tactic of labeling people & stop wasting time on bills that do nothing but harm a small minority population.
Lauren McGovern []
As someone in the community who has directly experienced the lives and wellbeing of close friends dismantled by antitransgender ideology alone, it is ridiculous to consider more legislation added to the struggles of these people. Trans people do not pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of Iowa, but rather Iowa explicitly and directly poses a threat to their safety and wellbeing. The statements equal does not mean same or identical and Separate accommodations are not inherently unequal are quite alarming reminiscent of the separate but equal rhetoric. Please consider focusing on larger concerns in Iowa than attacking those who are being attacked anyway. The recent legislature against gender identity and protecting discrimination is nothing but harmful for everybody involved.
Joslyn Roberts []
Please do not pass this bill. This is a giant step backwards in civil rights. I cannot fathom a world where this is warranted legislation. It is unnecessary and inconsiderate. Do not pass this.
Esme Belles []
I know I'm not an Iowan. But my family fled from nazi Germany. This is going down the same path the National Socialist Party did with the triangles, they had one for trans folk too you know...Please reconsider this, this doesn't help anyone and just furthers hatred and discrimination.
Elaine Petersen []
I am strongly opposed to this bill and ask that representatives stop this bill from moving forward.
Amanda Green []
This bill is not about Trans people nor the LGBTQ+ community. Theyre just todays choice and tomorrow it could be you.If this bill passes, it will become exponentially more dangerous for LGBTQ+ parents, children, & families to simply exist. The Trans/Nonbinary/GNC community, especially our BIPOC siblings, already experience a disproportionate amount of bias and violence daily. The addition of a formal government marker indicating they are other increases the chances of this demographic experiencing even more discrimination & violence, either of which could result in death. An officer who doesnt like queers, an EMT who has a religious bias against Trans people, even an emergency room Dr could be negatively influenced by this marker, jeopardizing the health and lives of the bearers, each time it is viewed. You know this is unnecessary, a waste of time & money, and absolutely wrong, no matter who it is targeting.
Skylar Blum []
I'm so ridiculously tired of having to fight for my right to exist safely and with the protection of basic civil rights. Vote no on this hateful bill.
Quanda Hood []
History will look back on these gross and disgusting propositions to eradicate a group of human beings some people don't understand. As a black woman, I know it won't stop with one group or the other. Being transgender is not a choice and all people deserve the right to live their authentic truths, sadly even racist, bigoted, zealots who gaslight. This type of legislation curses us all. I VEHEMENTLY opposed this legislation but I will not tire of fighting for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially to protect my son.
Mariah Dines []
This is deplorable. It's unAmerican. It's fascism in action and it's utterly unnecessary. This 'Pink Triangle' nonsense needs to stop, and this bill needs a solid 'No' vote.
Leslie Schwalm []
This bill is not only a disgusting attack on Iowans, it also contradicts the US constitution. Are Iowa Republicans this ignorant? Are you also unaware that it was Republicans who insisted on equal rights after the Civil War???
Austin Lemons []
i fail to see how this bill helps anyone, it infact is the opposite and seeks to restrain the lives of citizens, hinder liberty of our people, and prevents them from being happy. this bill is unconstitutional and inhumane
Jennifer Mullin []
Why is any of this necessary or worthy of our elected officials' time? What ever happened to live and let live? Or get government out of my house/family/pocketbook? This nonsense legislation has no place in our state. I hope all legislators take a moment to think about who this would help (nobody) and who it would hurt (vulnerable teenagers).
Dessie Sliekers []
I am writing to ask that you please vote NO on this heinous bill. Not only is it a cruel, needless bill, it is a wildly unconstitutional to suggest separate but inherently unequal accommodations. Last week, I was part of the crowd at the capitol to speak out against the anti trans bill that was suggesting trans individuals be removed from the Iowa Civil Rights Act. We made our voices clear, it is INHUMANE to remove rights that Iowans have had all of their lives simply because they are different. The Governor and the IowaGOP should stop punching down on this marginalized community and focus their efforts on issues that actually need addressed in our state. Please, vote NO on this bill. I just want to feel comfortable knowing my daughter, and many other Iowans, can live their lives freely in our state. Our family has always lived here, dont let Iowa be the first in the nation to remove the rights of a fragile community.
Jennifer Sorensen []
I oppose this bill. Trans rights are human rights.
Angela Davidson []
Don't further endanger the LGBTQ+ community, respect human rights and focus on real issues that need addressing.
Brette Deaton []
Please vote NO on this bill. This endangers trans people directly in so many ways. This direct attack on the trans community protects no one and only harms an already heavily discriminated against minority. Please understand that being trans is not choice. Please stand up for your trans constituents who need your help and vote NO on this destructive bill. Thank you.
Craig Clapper []
Separate but equal??? SEPARATE BUT EQUAL??? Have you forgotten history, or are you turning a blind eye towards it??? This proposed legislation should be an embarrassment to even be considered. Find some intestinal fortitude and VOTE NO!!!
Abigail Smith []
Unnecessary and harmful. Shame on you. We have bigger problems in Iowa than drivers licenses. Focus on lowering the cost of living and increasing access to affordable medical care, instead of stupid culture ware nonsense.
Please do not pass this bill. First off it goes against your civil rights mandate. Secondly it's unconstitutional. Third it's purely designed to punish transgender Iowans. La, If passed it will cost iowa millions in taxpayer dollars to defend it which will eventually only lead to its defeat. Lastly it puts the lives of transgender people in immediate danger as it outs them. Please stop filing junk antitrans bills and instead focus on the real issues facing the state. It's ridiculous and embarrassing that thos has even been brought up as a proposal. Who are you people listening to? Iowan who don't hate trans people or special interest hate groups who send over prewritten stuff like this along with a campaign contribution? It's shameful and wrong Please vote no on this bill and any others that are antitrans.
Amanda Acton []
I am actually ashamed I live in a state where I have to ask you to please do not advance this legislation. Gender identity is a legally protected status, and forcing different rules for people who are transgender would be in violation of this protection. If enacted, it would place an unequal burden on people who are transgender. Further, there is no crime or offense that will be prevented through this legislation. It seems its only purpose is to harm transgender folks by refusing their identity, subjecting them to stigma, and targeting them as potentially dangerous people simply because of their gender identity. It's gross that Governor Reynolds and the GOP think this is okay to hurt people like this.
Shay Lilienthal []
I urge an immediate NO to this bill HSB 649 . Iowans have clearly shown that we support the rights of trans and LGBTQIA+ Iowans and this bill is just another attempt to strip people of their rights while ignoring bigger issues. Iowans are struggling to make rent, find food, afford healthcare, and access education. These are real issues. LGBTQIA+ and People of color are consistently underserved in these areas as well, yet you choose to strike out at them with bills like these. Stop this ridiculous battle against a group of people that have done nothing to you. Focus on the real issues and actually use your time in power to help people. Do better than this. Be better than this. This is not okay now, it never has been, and it never will be.
Jennifer Lellig []
I am strongly opposed to this bill. I urge committee members to not pass this legislation to a wider vote. And may all legislators take note, the people of Iowa will not stand idly by while you try to rip rights away from our friends and family. We will show up, we will stand up and we will fight for whats right.
Shannon Cody []
Would you stop wagging the dog at trans right to distract from legit concerns the state should be addressing? (And no, I dont mean by making public education even more pathetic.) I have to be incredulous at this proposal. "Separate is not inherently unequal"? Did we forget Brown v. Board? Did we forget all of the monumental supreme court decisions since that have proven to America that separation is in itself unequal? Plessy vs. Ferguson tried this "separate but equal" rhetoric in 1896. 1896. Almost 130 years ago. Are we seriously trying to return to the Jim Crow era? As American citizens, we must remain united and together to be equal. Anything less is discrimination. For the sake of justice and what every civil rights leader in this country fought for, I urge you to oppose this bill.
Roan Marcy []
This bill seems to have two purposes, the one that it states and to perpetuate the culture war that makes up republican policy. Really think about what this bill will do for the good of Iowa and our fellow citizens. Too much time and effort has been given to asinine and ridiculous legislation that only serve as transparent grabs for attention. We need to do better and focus on the things that will make our state better instead of dividing our populace into "us" and "them".
Joseph Samuel []
I urge you to vote "no" to HSB 649. This bill is an attack on the transgender community of our state. "Separate but Equal" does not work. It did not work in the past and it will not work in the future. Stop trying to pass legislation that hurts our citizens! Stop trying to dehumanize our transgender population! Iowa should be better than this! Start passing legislation that helps and protects ALL of our citizens!
Amy Davison [Fox Hill Farms L.L.C]
I urge a NO vote of HSB 649, passing this bill will harm trans Iowans. Forcing any segment of the population to carry special designations on an ID and birth certificates because they are trans is far too close to the nazi's pink triangles for anyone seriously looking at this bill to not be disgusted and horrified. This bill looks to define Transgender people out of the law, claiming that trans people simply do not have a right to exist as themselves.This bill endangers trans people, and trans women especially, in any state or government or institutional setting. This bill violates countless federal protections for trans people in countless settings and will be challenged and struck down in court. If this bill passes many people will be leave the state. Iowa simply has no future if it cannot be a safe place to live for all people. Vote NO and let this blatant discrimination fall here.
Nancy Dunn []
I urge you to vote NO to HSB 649. This bill does not represent my views nor the majority of Iowans. It discriminates against those who identify as transgender and LGBTQIA and impacts their health and well being. It creates a climate of hostility that makes Iowa an undesirable place to live and work and do business.
James Gruening []
I urge a no vote for this potential Bill. What about Brown v. Board? Did we forget all of the monumental supreme court decisions since that have proven to America that separation is in itself unequal? Plessy vs. Ferguson tried this "separate but equal" rhetoric in 1896. 1896. Almost 130 years ago. Are we seriously trying to return to the Jim Crow era? As American citizens, we must remain united and together to be equal. Anything less is discrimination. For the sake of justice and what every civil rights leader in this country fought for, I urge you to oppose this bill.
Jean Boger []
"Separate is not inherently unequal"? How can this stand? Please vote no and oppose this bill.
Samantha Donisi []
Its absolutely abhorrent to me that something this harmful, dangerous, denigrating, and frankly illegal, is even being considered. I vehemently oppose HSB649 and condemn anyone who supports it.
Andrew Young []
The 10 stages of genocide are listed as Classification, Symbolisation, Discrimination, Dehumanisation, Organisation, Polarisation, Preparation, Persecution, Extermination, and Denial. Before the holocaust, Jews in Nazi Europe were forced to wear yellow stars to show that they were different. Now tell me if this sounds familiar. "including an indication of a persons sex on certain vital records and on certain applications and identification cards." Queer people are considered different, falling under classification. This bill would move us closer to straightup murder.
Julius Marth []
I urge you not to pass this bill. Its needlessly cruel and puts many people in harms way. Its allows for the discrimination against trans people in and out of the state. You are forcefully putting a label on them so they can be identified and preyed upon. As an Iowa citizen, I expect better of my state. We are better than this, we are kind and compassionate.
Stacy Volmer []
I strongly oppose this bill. Please vote NO on his harmful bill!
Elizabeth Lundberg []
I am strongly opposed to this bill. It is unnecessary and harmful. The GOP needs to come up with an actual legislative agenda and stop hunting vulnerable minority populations for sport.
Kelly Wabno []
I strongly oppose this bill. Dont legislate hate!
Ashley Tieden []
Again I am writing to urge a "No" vote to another atricious anti LGBTQ+ bill. Why does the Iowa GOP insist on infringing on the rights of Iowans instead of doing real, meaningful policy work. You can expect to see me again at the capitol tomorrow.
John Soener []
This bill is unnecessary and harmful. STOP trying to legislate queer people out of existence. I am against it and it should not be passed.
Alaina Elliott-Wherry []
I STRONGLY OPPOSE this garbage piece of legislation. Stop targeting LGBTQIA+ Iowans. This is an abhorrent bill fueled by hate. Vote NO on HSB 649.
Pam Childers []
Are we living in a Dr. Seuss world where Sneeches must wear stars? People should be able to express themselves freely, without labels. I oppose this bill and. Attempts to limit rights off anyone, including LGBTQ individuals.
Jennifer Oredson []
Please, I implore you, do not advance this hateful legislation. How far is the Iowa legislature planning on taking this war on its own trans citizens? I will echo what so many others have already stated, that this bill contains language that should have disappeared with Plessy v Ferguson. That branding trans residents would cause such great harm, that it feels like an ominous step in a very dark direction. We can see right through the red herring about creating safety in women's spaces. A desire to erase trans people is at the heart of this bill and all the other antitrans bills moving through our legislature.
Jocelyn Krueger []
Do not move HSB 649 forward. Instead of offering real solutions or helping Iowans to bridge divides and build community for everyone, this bill an easy punchingdown complication of state authority and law. Instead of finding creative ways for all Iowans to live together, investing in our communities, is seeks to erase a small and already vulnerable portion of Iowans from the community altogether. Not having proper identification leaves one open to discrimination or violence and shuts down or makes more difficult access to parts of the community others freely enjoy.In my personal experience, the particular documents I have are not mentioned in the proposed bill, and it is unclear how I would obtain a license of any kind, whether marked F (as I am) or M or MF. I could be at the whims of an administrative rules making process or court case lasting who knows how long, all the while possibly without an id. Also, from my lived experience, there were a few weeks where my affirmed ids were being processed and when my birth certificate sex didn't match my driver's license, I had no personal access to my bank accounts, not in person at the front desk and not online. There are all sorts of unknown consequences like this, and I could not fully participate without matching documents. Same with many trans and nonbinary folx, not to mention those that don't want or have access to the things this bill would require. The rigid gendered definitions could also have unintended consequences when conflicting elsewhere in the Iowa Code, particularly for samesex couples, samesex couples with children, or even cisgender people who want to change their ids or birth certificate due to an administrate error or typo.
Sofie Baratta []
The notion that individuals selected and trusted to hold positions of power and protect the citizens of Iowa are looking to enact law that targets and dehumanizes a group of people. I am sick to my stomach thinking of how the well being and mental health of trans individuals will deteriorate with the passage of this. Please vote no to protect trans lives. Trans people are HUMANS and they deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness just like every other US citizen. Segregating trans citizens will not make them go away it will simply endanger their lives and ability to thrive. VOTE NO
Teresa Paulson []
I am TOTALLY opposed to HSB 649. This bill is the equivalent of what the Nazi's required of the Jewish. This bill invades people's privacy and their civic freedom. I hate that the governor continues to target a group of people who are just trying to live their lives. This bill is a travesty and screams of White Supremacy. It is not for us to judge anyone just because they identify differently than I do. VOTE NO on this billwe are better than this.
Natalie Springer []
This bill is beyond deplorable. The contents of this bill do not serve to benefit any person whatsoever. Yet again, the state of Iowa finds itself wasting time and money inflicting as much pain as possible on a minority. The fact that bills of this nature are even being entertained is disgusting. We could be working towards improving Iowa and making it a great place for everyone to live. Instead our leaders are hell bent and making sure a minority knows they are not welcome here and not doing anything to address real issues. Do not allow this bill to continue. Stop it here and send a clear message to anyone proposing these bills that they are not welcome.
Linda Gregory []
I strongly oppose HSB 649. It is clearly an attempt to ostracize and segregate and already marginalized group of individuals. This attempt to strip Iowans in the LGBTQ+ community and their families of their rights is shameful. Requiring Trans individuals to be identified on their ID is the equivalent of the Nazi's requiring the Jews wear the Star of David. Legislators of Iowa: Whats happened to love thy neighbor as thyself? Just be kind! These and other bills targeting the LGBTQ+ community in Iowa make me ashamed to call myself an Iowan. Iowa's new slogan "Freedom to Flourish" should apply to ALL its citizens. Please vote "no" on HSB 649.
Emma Baratta []
As the daughter and granddaughter of Iowans, I implore you to vote no on this abhorrent legislation. The use of language like separate is not inherently unequal sets us back decades, ignores precedent from the U.S. Supreme Court and targets a small fraction of the population which has already been the target of exclusionary and oppressive legislation. I ask those who have written and support this legislation to consider their partys founding ideas, how can you maintain a small government when you are legislating peoples rights away? This bill is hypocritical to what you claim to stand for and would set a precedent for the government to further restrict individual rights and civil liberties. With the thousands of issues plaguing our society it is an embarrassment that you as elected officials would waste time and tax payer money to enact legislation geared at a harming people, an incredibly small fraction of the population I might add who have done nothing to harm society other than live as their authentic selves, you need to learn at the very least to live and let live and voting no on this legislation is an essential first step.
Mary McGee Light []
Please vote NO on this bill because it harms trans people, is completely unnecessary, and appears to be another means of harassment.
Melissa Dally []
Strongly oppose this bill. It's LGBTQIA erasure and invasive.Also the "separate but equal" line is a throwback to Plessy v Ferguson.
Alexander Spratte []
This is unacceptable, I vote to let people be unique in their own ways. Dont we have better things to worry about? I vote no.
Duncan Burnett []
Shame on these "representatives" who would scapegoat targeted minorities rather than putting their energy towards meeting peoples needs. Vote NO. No to discrimination and segregation!
John Clayton []
Transgender individuals should have the right to live their lives according to their gender identity. It is discriminatory to force them to present differently from their regular appearance on their driver's license. For instance, forcing them to indicate their transgender status on their Iowa driver's license is cruel and unfair. All Iowans deserve dignity and respect regardless of their gender identity. Adults should have the freedom to exist in the gender they choose. The government should not interfere with adults' personal choices about their bodies.
Dianne Atkins []
I am horrified that the governor and the legislature would consider Pleaey vs Ferguson as justification for any law or practice in Iowa. This law, written in 1896,.permitted Jim Crow,laws. It was effective overturned by both Us. S Topeka Board of Edication and Bob Jones University vs The United States. You are truly taking us back to the 1800s. This bill serves no purpose other than to stigmatize a group,of Iowans and US citizens. The committee vote last week demonstrated that members of the LGBTQ community are part,of us and deserve full civil rights. This includes medical privacy. Bite NO is NSB 649. Dianne Atkins MD
Melinda Pollmeier []
I oppose this bill in every way. It is unacceptable to treat anyone in this manner and it is absolutely horrifying to think Iowans can support legislation like this. This would essentially legalize hate and discrimination against the LGBTQ community. I think we can and must do better for each other and our communities.
Ashley Miller []
Have you forgotten our state motto? Our rights we prize, our liberties we will maintain? This applies to ALL Iowans trans rights are human rights. Vote NO. Stop the attack against trans Iowans NOW.
Rachel Krofta []
Please vote no on HSB 649. Recognizing trans Iowan's gender identity is lifesaving for trans Iowas. If you pass this bill, you are telling trans Iowans that they do not belong here. Leave these decisions to your citizens and their medical providers.
Patrick Johnston []
This bill is a moral obscenity and must not advance. Transgender people have had the right to change legal gender in the US since the 1950s and we didn't have a collective panic about it. Now it seems as if lawmakers are trying to everything conceivable to make it impossible for trans people to exist in public as the gender they know themselves to be. This would force everyday interactions to involve disclosure of HIPAAprotected medical history, expose transgender people to the possibility of police brutality at traffic stops, enable employment discrimination, and many other evils too numerous to count. Even were these things not the case, simply invoking the language of Plessy v. Ferguson, the overturned Supreme Court precedent which allowed a segregated racial apartheid state in the US, should suffice to ensure this bill does not see the light of day. For the love of God and all that is holy, defeat this cruel gesture of hatred meant to destroy trans lives.
sam arnold []
I urge a no vote on HSB 649. Consider the harm this would cause for trans people, their identities, and their right to live as themselves. Not only would it harm trans folks, but same sex parents and their children would be affected by the definitions outlined in this bill. Not to mention the fact that this bill would erase nonbinary people entirely! This hateful agenda has to stop, its time for Iowas government to get with the program.
Gene Eide []
You fucking assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for this steaming pile of shit, but I know you don't feel shame. Go to hell.
Linda Smith []
Unacceptable!! Do not even think about passing this bill. Everyone is equal, full stop. I cannot believe how backward Iowa has gotten.
Janice Arthur []
As an Iowan, a teacher, and a mother, the content of this bill is deplorable. Labeling transgender, nonbinary, and intersex Iowans as a lesser class, deserving only of separate but equal public facilities, and documented publicly as other through their identification documents hearkens to times in history when evil people sought to enslave and exterminate marginalized groups they used as scapegoats to stoke their constituents fears. Do not follow that path. Protect ALL Iowans and decline to vote in favor of this bill.
E Cram []
No on this bill. This is blatantly unconstitutional and a disturbing use of state power to codify disinformation about trans people.
Anne Wilmoth []
I am firmly opposed to HSB 649.
This is terrifying and makes me think of the saying "they'll come for you next." Iowa needs to start protecting it's citizens rather than marking them for erasure. I am a licensed mental health counselor who sees children and adults feeling terrified for their safety and futures due to the recent legislation targeting minorities, including this one. Transgender people are exponentially more likely to attempt suicide because they feel their governments and communities want them gone. Please kill this bill.
Margaret Canero []
Surely at some point you have to get bored attacking marginalized people? Our governor is in Texas right now defending the maiming and killing of people seeking asylum and refuge in our country you know, what we were built for and simultaneously is pushing through any and all bills she can to prove she only cares about the money in her pockets. Stop wasting our money on violence and hate. We have been very clear about this. Most politicians clearly lack the compassion necessary to be an actual representative of people. People have love for each other, and care for each other, allow each other to take up space. Politicians refuse to give us the ability to do that, they want to force us apart and to hate each other. We can all see you for who you are. Youre trying to drive out people who will fight against your plain and unabashed oppression and discrimination so you can go about it unchecked. Funneling kids into agricultural jobs or juvenile detention to get cheap labor, jailing queer and trans and unhoused people for the same reason. Sing a different song.
Sam Thompson []
Every time I see a bill like HSB 649, I simply ask myself "why"? Why are our representatives spending the time and resources to draft and push for legislation that does nothing to enhance, support, or otherwise improve the lives of Iowans? What problem is this solving? Who are the people asking for such a bill? I honestly cannot think of any reasoning for this bill aside from the fact that it is another attack on the privacy and rights of transgender Iowans, and an attempt at vicesignaling to their antitrans base. Just as HF2416 addressed the nonissue of trans girls in K12 sports, HSB 649 is a "solution" in search of a problem. Everyday Iowans have REAL concerns: access to affordable healthcare, quality education for their children, highpaying jobs with opportunities for growth, clean water and air, and the list goes on. HSB 649 does nothing to address these issues in any way, and arguably serves as a distraction from the fact that these representatives are failing to solve the very real problems that our state is facing. Transgender Iowans, such as myself, will be hurt by this bill, and for that reason I must voice my vehement opposition to HSB 649.
Andrew Biederman []
This is one of the most terrible bills that I've seen in Iowa lately, and that's saying something! For some reason, the Legislature seems obsessed with punching down on the vulnerable in our society instead of helping everyone. Forced "outing" of one's gender identity/sex is dangerous and discriminatory. Also, the "definitions" of man, woman, sex, and such are not accurate to real life.
Hallie Davison []
I urge you to vote NO on HSB 649. This bill is absolutely disgusting and does not represent the views of many Iowans. Brown v Board of Education was passed to prove that separation is unconstitutional. How is separating Transgender Iowans any different? Passing is bill will make the lives of transgender Iowans harder than it already is. Iowa has become an unsafe place for LGBTQ+ Americans to live. "Separate but equal" will not be acceptable. More than 40% of Transgender people attempt and commit suicide. Passing this bill will just make these numbers go up. No family should have to plan a funeral because of this. Do the right thing and vote No on HSB 649.
Anita Christensen []
Please oppose HSB 649. This will cause harm to Iowans and is unnecessary.
Luna Fawkes []
The fact that something like this is even getting tabled again is nothing short of despicable. You SAW the turnout against the last one, and so in response announced one with less than 24 hours notice, yet again lashing out at once of the most vulernable populations in the country. Is this really the best use of your time? Is this benefitting Iowans whatsoever? Or are you so desperate to find a target to hit that you're lashing out at whoever you hope will look best for you in the polls? I can't answer these questions for you. What I can say is that having to watch people like me go before your legislature, again, and argue our humanity, AGAIN, does nothing but galvanize me and everyone like me to keep fighting against you. It doesn't matter how many of these you propose, or how many you ram through by ignoring your consitutents and taking every opportunity you can to block out your opposition. You will lose. Trans people will survive, we will thrive, and when these bills are nothing more than a shameful memory, we will still be here.Vote no on 649. The heartless thugs who brought it won't listen, but we'll make sure they hear us.
Jennifer Gilmore []
Absolutely NO. PLEASE do not do this to my child. Please do not do this to any of your fellow Iowans. This is DANGEROUS. Choose to be on the right side of history.
Renee Greenlee []
Recently, House File 2082 regarding gender identity as a protected class in the Iowa Civil Rights Act was, thankfully, returned to the House Committee without recommendation from all Subcommittee members. I believe they recognized how this law would certainly increase discrimination towards the transgender community.House Study Bill 649 will, without a doubt, also increase discrimination and harmful repercussions towards the transgender community which includes our young adult child. Governor Reynolds bill attempts to define the terms female and male through biological reproductive system descriptions regarding the production and fertilization of ova. What the definitions completely miss is the most important organ, the one organ that can totally negate the existence of biological reproductive systemsthe brain. Regardless of biological reproductive systems at birth, transgender people have brains that produce feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that do not coincide with some traditional beliefs about reproductive systems and gender identity. In other words, the existence of certain reproductive parts does not necessarily match what the brain makes an individual think about their body. It is not cut and dry and recent medical studies are beginning to discover differences in brains of transgender individuals ( ( These definitions also do not account for various surgical iterations for transgender individuals. For example, our child is nonbinary/agender and will have a hysterectomy soon, but will not have phalloplasty surgery. They have already had top surgery, the removal of their breasts. Our child will no longer have what this bill determines as female organs, nor will they have what this bill determines as male organs. They will effectively physically be agender, or without gender.There are multiple issues we would like to address with this proposed bill. Besides the unnecessary definitions mentioned above, this bill would potentially require transgender individuals to be subjected to further investigation or require further information necessary to determine whether a sex change has occurred in order to get an updated birth certificate. This caveat could lead to breaches in medical privacy, something that all Americans have a right to.This proposed bill would also require that transgender individuals whose sex designation has been changed to have identification documents, including birth certificates and drivers license/IDs, include their designation at birth along with their current designation. This action would lead to many negative consequences. One consequence would be that the owner of the documents would be forced to see their sex designation at birth over and over. This can be extremely distressing to transgender individuals and lead to adverse mental health conditions, as well as prevent trans individuals from feeling completely transitioned. A second severe consequence is that denoting both birth and current designations could lead to instant discrimination in situations where trans individuals need to produce an ID. This includes discrimination when applying for a new job, acquiring housing, voting, traffic stops, and more. The Iowa Civil Rights Act continues to provide discrimination protections based on gender identity, but this change could completely negate that.In Governor Reynolds statement regarding this bill, she stated that its unfortunate that defining a woman in code has become necessary to protect spaces where womens health, safety, and privacy are being threatened like domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers. This implies that transgender women are a threat to cisgender women in these institutions, which is an extremely dangerous assumption to voice. This reckless kind of rhetoric can lead to discrimination and abusive behaviors toward the trans community. A little research is all it takes to affirm that transgender individuals are not the ones who perpetrate acts of violence or abuse on others. Unfortunately, it is actually transgender individuals who encounter a high likelihood of experiencing systemic physical and verbal abuse and harassment. According to a 2022 study by the National Library of Medicine regarding this systemic abuse, researchers concluded that to ensure future improvements, research and interventions need to shift the focus and burden from trans people to cisgender people who are the perpetuators of antitrans sentiment, stigma, discrimination and victimization. ( you think critically about gender identity, it is obvious that knowledge of another persons gender identity should be on a need to know basis. For the vast majority of individuals, their gender identity needs only to be known to certain family members and their physicians, no one else. It is not necessary for job applications, housing, voting, or traffic stops. IF further interactions occur with institutions such as crisis centers, prisons, etc., then an indepth interview can take place that determines safe and equitable treatment and placement of all citizens, especially transgender citizens. Please consider how many bills have targeted the trans community, particularly in the last two years. Trans youth and their families cannot make medical decisions for themselves, books are being banned that feature trans characters and themes, and trans students are not allowed to use their names and pronouns without permission. Simply, these bills are ridiculous and waste taxpayers money and legislators time to work on truly important issues. But if nothing else sways your opinion, be certain of thisthese bills will only lead to trans individuals leaving the state in droves, and prevent trans individuals from moving into Iowa. This will be a detriment to our Iowa culture, community, and economycertainly not something we want to detract from.Please search deep inside yourself, open your eyes to the Governor's unceasing and dangerous agenda against trans individuals, and make the right decision. Thank you for your time and critical thought about this harmful bill.
Janet Casson []
We shouldn't even have to say this. You shouldn't need to be told what to do here. There should not be a question in your mind but to vote NO on this bill. Assert that you will not reinstate practices that have been implemented throughout history to other, discriminate and attempt to eliminate our fellow humans. There are hundreds of comments here that say the same thing. If you do not vote down this bill, there will be no question that you are not listening to your constituents, but rather are driving forward an agenda that does not reflect the values of our state. Show us that you are worthy of the job you were elected to do and protect the human rights of your fellow citizens.
Lili Rodey []
This is a disgusting breach of a person's privacy. Not to mention taking even more bodily autonomy from people. The fact that you are SO obsessed with other people's bodies is disgusting. This is unconstitutional. Trans rights are human rights!
Sofia R []
How about we mind our business and stop being CREEPY towards trans people. Leave people BE!
Jaime Bonner []
The only purpose of this bill is to discriminate against people who do not conform to a narrow interpretation of male/female, man/woman. Governor Reynolds is wasting Iowa's time and resources on hateful nonsense.Please do not pass this bill out of subcommittee. It is harmful and not representative of Iowans' values.
Ren Mattson []
I urge you to vote NO to HSB 649. Gender identity is a legally protected class and this bill would directly harm trans individuals. This bill is unnecessary and immoral, and we should be putting our time and energy elsewhere. Vote NO to HSB 649.
Ali Iserman []
Absolutely NO! What good could this possible do? How can you live with yourselves if you agree with this kind of treatment of human beings. Bills like this are an unacceptable abuse of power and an incredible waste of Iowas resources. Stop pretending that LGBTQ and trans individuals are causing any kind of harm. Its political acts like this that cause harm. Absolutely appalling that this is even being considered. Do better for Iowa!
Michelle Squier []
As someone born in Iowa, I have followed Iowa issues. I also have a transgender son. Because of these kinds of bills attacking transgender individuals, I have reconsidered visiting your state or holding our family reunion there. Maybe if you would quit attacking citizens' rights, more people might choose to stay or visit your state. HSB649 is horrible and not very christian.
Stacey Bartz []
Please vote down this bill. It is harmful to our transgender citizens. Let's keep their private lives private!
Katherine Klus []
I am writing to ask you to please oppose any bills that discriminate against transgender people. This includes efforts to retract access to affirming healthcare, sports, and public facilities that match their gender identity. Discriminatory efforts like these are deeply harmful to already atrisk trans children. Not only does this affect people identifying as trans but all Iowans. By letting lawmakers decide who gets protection, against the will of their constituents, sets a dangerous precedent for future issues. We need to start voting by issues and stop voting against our own interests and the dignity of our fellow Iowans.
Myles Evangelista []
There is no other option but to oppose this bill. No context exists for which having both a gender marker and sex at birth designation on a public identification document will keep people safe it is invasive and dehumanizing for transgender Iowans.
Lio Bourbon []
Iowa is about to bring back the nazi pink triangles used in genocide. Iowa's politicians will forever be known through history as aiding and abiding in a white supremacist regime spreading throughout the united states aiming to repeat the sins of past fascist countries. Blood will be on your hands for what you are doing to us. This country is becoming a Nazi nightmare and everyone needs to wake up and understand that there are horrifically dark times ahead if we don't stop this and demand change. There is no greater hate than "Christian love" and those who claim to "love their neighbor" while passing hundreds of genocidal and dangerous laws.
Julianne Hackett []
HSB 649 is a direct attack on an already marginalized group of Iowans and requires a your NO VOTE. The discrimination this bill would create is unconscionable and helps no one. Iowan's overwhelmingly notified our governor and legislators that they were not willing to allow the transgender community to lose their civil rights and we are speaking out again to protect the transgender community from losing their identity.Be "IOWA NICE" and vote NO on this bill!
Nathaniel Cabral []
Do not pass this discriminatory piece of legislation. Trans rights are human rights. Trans people deserve to have lives full of love and compassion, not hatefueled discrimination.
Soleil Lorenz []
The government has no place deciding anyone's biology. Do literally anything else with your time besides worry about what is going on inside everyone elses body or pants you creeps! This is a disgusting display of fascism!
Alexis Taylor St.Clare []
Dear Committee, I urge you to vote no on this bill. I was born in Iowa. I got my education in Iowa. The state has a truly wonderful history including having the first University to admit women on an equal basis to men and at one time being leader in trans civil rights. Years of watching the legislature debate my humanity and my existence drove me to leave for my own health. This bill is hatful and regressive on so many levels from its attempt to enshrine legally desecrated phrase "separate but equal" into to Iowa law to marking transgender people apart from nontrans people. The disturbing parallel to the Nazi policy of marking those they did not like both on documents and clothes is very clear. This bill is cruel and will only subject transgender people to more violence and more discrimination. This bill is unAmerican. I urge you to vote no.Sincerely, A former Iowan.
Patricia Clark []
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Stop working to remove these traditional, foundational, American rights of every human.
Maya Willertz []
This bill is unconstitutional and an embarrassment to American society. Separate but equal has never meant equal. It is another way to ostracize the trans community and it should not pass.
Amy Day []
Vote no on HSB 649. This bill does nothing to improve or protect the lives of Iowans. This is a deplorable and destestable return to the early practices of Nazi Germany. Shame on any government leader who has not studied history enough to be horrified by the implications of this bill, not only for our trans community but for all of us.
Peter McCann []
This is truly deplorable, as shown time and time again separate but equal accommodations are NOT equal and are unamerican.
Stephanie Barrett []
I am STRONGLY AND MORALLY opposed to this disgusting and hateful bill. You know who also made certain groups carry 'separate government identification?' The Nazi party. Iowa Republicans, and ESPECIALLY our poor excuse for a state leader, are following in those very same footsteps. Why are we wasting valuable time and resources seriously considering taking away fundamental civil rights from LGBTQ Iowans? No longer can the Republican party claim to be the party of 'family values' as these hateful, bigoted bills are in direct opposition of that. LGBTQ families MATTER. Do better and be better humans.
Who wrote HSB 649 for Corporate Kim? Jim Crow? Separate but equal certainly did not work well for AfricanAmericans...but republicans appear to want to take us back to that time in our nation's history. This bill is absolutely deplorable, it never should have been written, and it should not be receiving a committee hearing. Kill it before it has an opportunity to go any further.
Amy Blessing []
I'm strongly opposed to this harmful bill. As a mental health worker, I foresee passage of this legislation as being painful and traumatic for many Iowans. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I'm sad and scared by the increasing hatred towards all of us, especially people who have the courage to identify as trans and embrace authentic identities something that should be celebrated rather than reviled. It's my hope that you will vote against this hateful bill and consider using your powers for projects that actually benefit all Iowans rather than wasting them on rubbish legislation like this. Mental health, feeding kids, and cleaning up the environment are just a few areas in dire need of attention that spring to mind. Thank you.
Nix Slater Scott []
Jane Bowman []
This is horrible. This bill cannot pass. We should be trying to protect trans people, not further isolating them.
Emily Plummer []
I strongly oppose this bill. Stop legislating hate against our fellow Iowans.
Ericka Nguyen []
Honestly, this is a sick bill that is trying to be passed. At the end of the day everybody is still human. We all care about each other the same day. This bill is potentially hurting others. Why? Just why. Is all I have to ask. It doesnt matter what people identify as or who they are. Lets focus on real world issues that are happening currently. Like gun control. Youve done nothing to help Perry High School, but you want to try and pass this bill? Hundreds of kids are traumatized. People have died from gun violence. Even more people will end up killed or dead because you want to out everything you believe isnt right. What statistically is about LGBTQ is harmful? Guns kill people everyday.
Giada Morresi []
Separate but equal is INHERENTLY unequal. How dare you threaten Trans Iowans so openly. There shouldnt even be gender markers on licenses. This is ridiculous and such a waste of time.
Hope Johnson []
Do not let this ridiculous bill move one step further. It is mean and hateful to a relatively small population of Iowans. Its completely unnecessary and accomplishes nothing that Iowans have been asking for. All it does is reinforce how mean our governor is and tells Iowans and others who might consider making Iowa their home that trans people are not welcome here. Stop it.
Julia Janocha []
Please vote down this bill. This will cause unnecessary burden to Iowans.
Laura Webber []
VOTE NO. Why are Iowa legislators continuing to attempt to codify discrimination, segregation, and hate instead of working to actually better Iowan lives? We all know that separation is not inherently unequal is blatantly untrue.
Kaitlyn Munro []
This bill is harmful, not just to the transgender people it targets. It negates the complexity of human life, and it means to undermine the dignity of your constituents. Passing it would directly violate the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of American citizens. This bill is dehumanizing, unAmerican, and as far from the moral teaches of law and religion as you can get.
Jennifer Horak-Hult []
I strongly oppose HSB 649. Transgender Iowans deserve to go about their daily lives in safety and with dignity. Please vote NO.
Tim Nelson []
I urge this subcommittee to vote against this naked attempt to segregate and discriminate. Trans people belong in Iowa and erasing their identities is utterly disgusting.
Anne Noonan []
Please vote NO on this bill. Transgender Iowans have the right to medical privacy as much as anyone else does. Nothing good can come out of this bill. Whatever happened to the HIPPA law which protects everyones right to medical privacy? This bill will not help Iowa in any way. Trans rights are human rights. Again please vote NO.
Tammy Shull []
As a retired Human Resources Director, I urge you to respect the dignity and privacy of all Iowans including members of the LGBTQ community. The state should no be requiring that medical information about assigned sex at birth appear on drivers licenses. All individuals in Iowa deserve respect and privacy. Please do not allow this bill to advance.
Susan Baley [`]
I proudly support the civil rights of all LGBTQ+ Iowans. This bill would force one of my most valued colleagues to leave Iowaafter she and her family moved here because of the civil rights protections for members of the Iowa LGBTQ+ community, which have been in place in this state since 2007. Iowa was the 18th state to pass civil rights protections for gay people, thus protecting LBGTQ+ individuals against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, public accommodations, credit, housing, and education. Please do not allow Iowa to become the first state to take away those rights. Bills targeting the human rights of LGBTQ+ people will drive away people and business from Iowa. I urge you to vote NO on HSB 649!
Whitney Young []
Our last bill gets shot down by the public because they love and respect others. What do we do? We change our words but not our meaning or intent. Screw those who feel or think outside of our comfort zone or closed doors and windows separating us from reality. This is absolutely ridiculous!! Leave people alone and let THEM decide how THEY want to be addressed. What is the "Golden Rule" we were ALL taught growing up and and still preach to this day? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Be kind and respectful. Vote no!
Kyra Jones []
This is a blatant, unconstitutional targeting of LGBTQIA people to make them lesser citizens than their straight, cisgenger peers, with the end goal of forcing them in line with antiquated ideals of sexuality and gender.Consider this: What does the state of Iowa truly have to gain from this? How will this actually make the state better? How will forcing intelligent, resilient, human beings to leave the state for their own safety better our communities?
Tami Haught [Sero Project]
I strongly urge you to vote NO on HSB 649, this bill is based on ignorance, hate and discrimination. The Iowa is already targeted and vulnerable to violence, this bill will only increase that risk. Leave the trans community alone, they are our friends and family. This bill does NOT represent Iowa values.Please vote no and stop the hate.
Honey Grodt []
HSB 649 is a harmful, discriminatory bill. If this bill goes forward, it will make our state a hotbed for bigotry and hate. Please do not advance this antiquated piece of legislation.
Sharon Treloar []
This bill is a travesty against trans Iowans. They simply want the right to live their lives as themselves without fear. This piece of draconian hate legislation is completely unnecessary. Its a solution to a problem that does not exist. There is zero evidence of any trans person harming anyone in any restroom anywhere. There is no need to mark a persons drivers license or birth certificate so as to single them out. It will lead to crimes against trans persons. They have a right to live in peace, as do all Iowans.
Kristopher Anderson []
Really? All the crying about the Holocaust from the right, and here we are actually trying to pass law that will bring back the conditions that caused that perfect storm? If the term LGBT was replaced with Jewish this bill wouldve been shot down immediately. We shouldn't have to be teaching grown politicians how the constitution and bill of rights works, how their job works, and why they cant go mad with power trying to discriminate like this. Unconstitutional doesnt event begin to cover it.
Argo Watrous []
I vote no against this. Its disgusting and shameful that we as a community of PEOPLE think we can dictate others bodies. You cannot deny basic human rights to minorities. let us live. As a transgender individual I should not fear for my safety every single day. You are harming real people with real families and real lives by proposing this
Andrew Nostvick []
I am against HSB 649. I'm also angered that this is even being considered. This bill will cause so much harm. I'm disgusted that this has been proposed. Vote NO!
Carmen G []
No no no. This is awful. Strongly oppose HSB 649. Our liberties we prize our rights we will maintain. Its right there on the flag lets just do that instead of these dreadful time wasting bills that keep trying to take rights from citizens of our state.
Amy Kremer []
I am so disappointed in a state and country that will take away basic civil rights after they were fought so hard for. Our constitution says everyone is created equal, has the right to free speech, and not be discriminated against based on race, sex, gender, age, or religion. The government DOES NOT have the right to require anyones sex or gender to be on any type of document. It should only be optional in the same manner that race on documents is optional. Vote this bill down and show respect for peoples rights to privacy.
Carrie Jacobs []
I strongly oppose this bill. I am so tired of our elected officials repeating history. Please stop your incessant attack on the LGBT community! Please move on to the real interests of the people and fund schools, fix our roads, provide the necessary services needed by those you were elected to serve.
Andy Ham []
I have no words for how frightening this bill is. Please vote no on this bill and protect transgender people's human rights.
Megan Derhammer Capek []
Trans Iowans and their families, friends and allies show up in numbers emails, comments, speakers, physical bodies as their personhood is threatened. They mourn and fear and hope and dream and celebrate that representatives chose to stop the HF2082 in its tracks. They show up and the governor still says they aren't worthy of equal rights, THE VERY NEXT DAY by introducing HSB 649. Our community celebrates learning and democracy and education and support at the LGBTQ Day at the capital and the hearing of a bill to redefine their lives as nonexistent is scheduled THE VERY NEXT DAY. This isn't random. This is a pattern. This is malicious. This is an active attempt to erase Trans and queer individuals. This is violence. STOP THE HARM. Use your influence and vote NO on HSB 649.This bill is trying to rigidly redefine terms in a way that excludes my LGBTQ+ loved ones from certain legal protections in the Iowa Code. Instead of the law flexing and expanding to support and seek to understand complex human identities (that are not new) the bill attempts to double down and limit multitudes of identities, whittling down the breadth of human joy and love to fit into tiny little boxes on outdated forms. This bill creates intentional problems for samesex parents, and transgender Iowans going so far as to require separate government documents, and requiring ridiculous documentation of folk's personal private bodies. This is VIOLENCE. Stop the harm. Vote NO on HSB 649.
Mae McDonough []
I strongly oppose HSB 649 and urge the subcommittee not to move forward with the bill. Trans Iowans deserve equal rights and respect. This bill is an unnecessary attempt to further isolate and ostracize them.
Cassandra Higgs []
How many times do we have to show up here and ask you to leave trans people alone? This bill goes against the Iowa Bill of Rights, which states that everyone should be allowed to pursue and obtain happiness, and have the right to enjoy their liberty. Needless to say, I oppose this bill.
Benjamin Claes []
As an Iowan who recently moved back home to be near family, I am horrified by the onslaught of legislation targeting LGBTQ Iowans, including HSB 649. This legislation may as well ask trans Iowans to wear a pink triangle when out in public. Forced outing is dangerous for trans individuals, as you are all well aware. Experts have repeatedly informed Iowas reps about the dangers trans Iowans face, yet they are repeatedly ignored.Additionally, the text of this bill asserts "Separate accommodations are not inherently unequal". Perhaps Governor Reynolds is unaware that in 1868 the Iowa supreme court determined that separate accommodations ARE inherently unequal. Iowa's legal legacy of acceptance, respect, and protections for atrisk groups goes right out the window with HSB 649. Life in Iowa is difficult enough for trans people without state reps continually placing a target on their back and paving the way for businesses and other institutions to discriminate against them. As an Iowan, I beg you to strike this harmful bill down and concentrate on issues that Iowans actually want addressed. Why are we hacking away at civil rights when were facing a public health emergency with our disturbingly high cancer rates in Iowa? Why are we removing human rights when our bridges and roads are close to the worst in the nation? I am incredibly sick of Iowas state legislature picking on lgbtq Iowans in order to score political points instead of actually HELPING IOWANS. Do your jobs and stop singling out and targeting our most vulnerable populations! Iowan legislators used to view Iowa as a safe haven for the oppressed that guaranteed freedom and equal protection for all. What happened?
Chelsea Mumm []
I urge a no vote on this hateful bill. The persistent attempts to legalize discrimination will not stand. It is clear that the purpose of this type of legislation is to essentially erase the existence of transgender and nonbinary people. But these populations exist, and the attempts to erase them does not change that.
Kalen Stefanick []
This bill is horrendously transphobic, homophobic, queerphobic, and just plain cruel. Stop targeting queer and trans Iowans! You should have learned DECADES ago that "separate but equal" has NO place in our laws. Trans people should not get outed on their legal IDs, samesex parents deserve rights and respect, nonbinary people deserve to be legally recognized, and domestic violence prevention programs shouldn't have restrictions on funding. Please STOP wasting taxpayer dollars on this fascistic nonsense and do the things that Iowa citizens actually WANT and NEED you to do!
Zachary Gilchrest []
This is a horrific bill, reminiscent of the Nazis. Not only should it not be passed, but the people who vote for it should be ashamed that they spit in the face of America's values.
Angelica Freeman []
These bills our house is trying to pass/push are absolutely disgraceful and judgemental. How a person chooses to express themselves should not call for these bills to have any place in our capitol. What a disgrace. Leave people alone, all this is is hateful speech and atrocious.
Katie Freeman []
Hi My name is Katie Freeman and I livein Johnson County with my wife and two Children. I am Iowan, through and through. I was born in Johnson county, grew up in Iowa, gained my education here,Kindergarden through undergradand now working on mygraduate degree. This is where I met and legally married my wife almost 14 yearsago. And this is where I gave birth to our youngest and where we are raising our children. The two times I lived outside of Iowa, I spoke of Iowa with pride. After all we were the third state in the union to legalize marriage. Over the last week and a half, Iowa has broken my heart.It is heartbreaking to have my own journey of self discovery be equated with a mental illness. And now laying groundwork to interfere with my family by targeting us all. A time that should be joyous is instead filled with fear. Fear of losing access to education, housing, work, and financial institutes. Understanding myself and my gender only enriches my life and makes me a more valuable member of the community in which I live, work and raise my children. Therefore, please continue to protect my rights to be an active, thriving, even flourishing member of the state of Iowa and vote no on this Bill.
Shannon Sullivan []
I stand in opposition of HSB 649. Though not an Iowa resident, it is clear that this bill will continue, perpetuate, and worsen the quality of life that trans, nonbinary, and all other nonconforming folks endure, daily may I remind listeners. Governor Kim Reynolds stated in response to HSB 649, "The bill allows the law to recognize biological differences while forbidding unfair discrimination." The inherent bigotry this comment displays further highlights the lack of knowledge these representatives obtain. AGAIN, this bill will NOT be 'forbidding unfair discrimination' as Governor Reynolds stated, it will be OUTING trans, nonbinary, and other identifying individuals. The weight of this bill will not fall on the ones deciding, it will fall on the shoulders of the existing marginalized communities of LGBTQIA+ community. I urge you to consider these effects, and remember the power that you all yield.
Debi O'Brien []
Who cares? Why should the state care? Serious question as I believe this is another example of state overreach when this matter belongs to an individual. Frankly I am quite tired of this type of proposed legislation when there are children in this state who, once again, must live without basic supports to nutrition and health care so that nonsense like this is tossed around.
Mary Mason [General Public]
I am against passage of HSB649. This legislation is unnecessary.
Rachel Terlop [Simpson College]
I have strongly oppose.
Matthew McIver []
I strongly urge you to vote no to this bill. The negative consequences, unintended or not, will be significant. Trans people will be placed in positions of increased risk of discrimination or harrassment. The bill has the potential to damage the rights of many types of parents in many types of families. The legislative focus on attacking trans people, rather than focusing on the real needs of attracting and retaining talent and properly funding our vital education system is a sign of profound failure in the legislature.
Jeanne Lyle []
Dear Representatives Hora, Boden and Steckman, Please stop taking rights away from Iowans. It's unAmerican and unChristian. We want the rights to our own healthcare and identity out of the hands of people who know nothing about us as individuals. That would be everybody but our doctors and trusted family and friends. Please start making laws that help people raising the minimum wage, supporting our schools with adequate funding and helping provide affordable child care and food for those children you say you care so much about. Thank you for reconsidering this illconceived Bill. Jeanne Lyle, West Des Moines
Jean Swenson []
Please vote no on HSB649. This bill, to me, is meanspirited and unnecessary. As I read and reread the bill, I am offended that we have to "out" people on their driver's licenses. It seems eerily close to making Jewish people wear stars during WWII. I do not fear trans people, as they are PEOPLE and they are not scary. Please stop this hurtful legislation that is loaded with unintended consequences.
Craig Olson []
With the many real, pressing issues facing Iowans, it saddens me that so much time is spent on nonsense legislation such as HSB 649. Please redirect your energy to improving (not limiting) the lives of Iowans. We will all 'Remember in November' for years to come.
Jennifer Santiago []
I urge you to vote no on pushing this bill forward. It is a ridiculous, unconstitutional attack on LGBTQ people who are just trying to live their lives. It is increasingly frustrating that these types of propaganda proposals that help no one continue to take precedence over actually helping Iowans live.
Alice Fuglsang []
This bill is horrific and will only put people in harms way. We have to do better, Iowa. ALL people deserve to be treated fairly and live safely in our state.
Lori Lovstad []
Please stop trying to legislate hate and discrimination back into our legal code. Separate but unequal was a stain on our countrys soul for generations and trying to rebrand it in the 21st century is truly evil. Leave people alone to live their lives. Someones gender identity has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE ELSE BUT THEM! The Nazis tried to purge anyone who didnt look like, believe like or live like them. Take a good look in the mirror and ask who your reflection looks like trying to pass these hateful antiLGBTQ laws.
Jesse Crittenden []
This bill would mark every trans Iowan in daytoday life and put a target on our backs, and particularly endanger trans women in spaces defined by birth sex. It also sets a precedent for defining the sexes as "separate but equal." Is that really the path you want to go down??? Additionally, it is a massive privacy breach for people who have had genderaffirming healthcare. Again, the lack of care for Iowan safety and security astounds me. This is fascism plain and simple; it's clear why people have compared this bill to the pink triangle used for queer people during the holocaust. Do not pass this bill!!!
Sam Bass []
I urge a no vote for HSB 649. This bill not only threatens the protections of trans and nonheterosexual Iowans. Every bill that targets the LGBTQ community threatens to undermine the safety and wellbeing of Iowans, as well as diminish Iowa in the eyes of prospective citizens who could bring their talents to our state.
Emilie Dolphin []
DO NOT pass HSB 649. This would directly affect people I love dearly in my family. This bill would force them into unsafe, discriminatory, and traumatizing situations. If you care about children, your neighbor, your community, and this state you will not pass this legislation that causes direct harm to people who are fiercely loved and cherished for who they are. The Iowa I live in and want to continue living in is a safe haven for all.
Teresa Carter-Lewis []
I have heard the governor claim that the point of the distinct trans drivers license is in part to safeguard womenonly spaces. Will all businesses that offer restrooms or changing rooms be required to employ people to control entrance to those facilities by checking drivers licenses? I dont think so because it would be a financial burden on businesses large and small. I think the actual rationale is to encourage a general atmosphere of fear and hatred of trans people. Leave trans people alone. They are just equal citizens getting on with their lives. They are parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, fellow Iowans. Stop being mean to them.
Nicole Weber []
Dear Representatives, As an Iowan, I believe the words on our flag say it best, Our Liberties We Prize and our Rights We Will Maintain. Iowa did away with Separate but Equal 100 years before Brown Vs. Board of Education so why are we even entertaining HSB 649 when it would do the very same thing? That is offensive to the Iowan values. I do not believe that Iowa should be entertaining laws that codify discrimination. Please reject this grossly unconstitutional piece of legislation. Thank you, Nicole Weber
Luna B []
I may not be from Iowa but I will inform my peers to speak out against this. This goes against the popular vote.
Marley Toffton []
I strongly oppose this bill. This bill will hurt the livelihood of many Transgender individuals. Trans rights are Human rights. Vote No.
Corey Rogerd []
I am asking our lawmakers to please vote no on this bill. It is both hateful and unnecessary. I would ask that we consider the effect of hateful rhetoric and policy like this on the mental health of our LQBTQ+ citizens and the economy of our state. We are clearly in a mental health crisis in this state. While part of the solution is ensuring adequate and accessible providers, we must also address how systems and laws impact citizens and their need for support.Further, consider the impacts on our states economy. Our young people are paying attention. The brain drain isnt just about jobs. Its about living in a state that supports and celebrates ALL people. As the parent of an LGBTQ+ high school student, we are looking at colleges in states without hateful laws like this. I believe businesses also consider these factors. At this point, why would a family or business want to move to a flyover state that others any citizen subgroup.
Marra-Lynn Rodriguez []
Note no, please. A human being is a human being and deserves to be able to live their truth.
Sav Chavez []
I urge a no vote on this hateful bill. The persistent attempts to legalize discrimination will not stand. It is clear that the purpose of this type of legislation is to essentially erase the existence of transgender and nonbinary people. But these populations exist, and the attempts to erase them does not change that.
Jill Bjorklund []
LGBTQ+ families in Iowa are TIRED. Week after week and now day after day, we are being hit by divisive, discriminatory, unconstitutional bills that solve NO problem. The Republican party is seeking to erase the legal status of trans individuals in Iowa and put them in danger by creating separate but equal identification. You are making my home state hostile to folks who dont look, think, and love like you. Leave our families alone! My trans daughter asks me all the time how long she will have to keep fighting hateful laws and bullies in the government who are punching down on her and her community. Please I beg you, focus your energy and power in improving the lives of Iowans and making a positive difference in our state. Im sure thats why you wanted to run for office in the first place. Vote NO on this bill and stop legislating hate!
Haleigh Cowan []
I urge you to vote no on HSB 649. It is extremely disheartening to know that we live in a state where the government feels they are entitled to tell me what my family can consist of. At no point in time have I ever cared about who Kim is in love with, because its simply none of my business just like my family is none of Kims business, I have fought long and hard for both of my kids, who both so undeniably loved by anyone who meets them. When passing this kind of bill you are going way deeper than having an opinion that children cannot express who they are or their identity, you are making it so families can and will be openly discriminated against. Stand up for what is righ and what is right is that my lifestyle is one of your business. Speak kindness and stop trying to dictate.
Kimberly Machovec-Smith []
Please do not pass HSB 649, it is another cocktail of cruelty directed at the transgender community. It is inhumane force transgender Iowans to be outed every time they need to show a license. Your definitions are deeply flawed and unnecessary. This bill actually serves no one and hurts too many. Please stop being the bully.
Heather Riley []
I strongly, intensely oppose every element of this bill. It is not necessary to subject trans Iowans to more discrimination and humiliation and target this community for mistreatment any further. The idea of adding a "Scarlet Letter" to trans Iowan's driver's license is abhorrent. This is a privacy breach of the worst kind. The work going into writing discriminatory legislation by this current group of legislators is appalling. Please vote "NO" and instead, encourage your colleagues to focus on writing bills that will actually improve the lives of Iowans. ALL of them.
Lorelei Krebs []
What a horrible piece of legislation produced to disguise the further subjugation of Trans people. Its bizarre how much lawmakers care about Trans people trying to live happily with their true identity rather than the real issues in their state. Talk to actual Trans people and look at the leastbiased studies. Fear of Trans people is fueled by the fear of difference and change. You are showing your unwillingness to grow and learn by proposing this legislature. Embarrassing.
Margaret Van Houten [Personal]
Please do not move this Bill any further than its initial proposal by Governor Reynolds. This is at least one step too far. This is close to the identification requirements of Hitlers Germany. The drivers license and other provisions are no more acceptable, constitutionally or morally, than those requirements. Practically, the legislatures actions are going to have a long term effect of ridding our already underpopulated state of many upstanding citizens, for no good reasons. Not only will LGBTQ+ college students avoid Iowa colleges and Universities, , so will their siblings and friends because of our states regressive stance on this wonderful community. The economic drain of losing our own children and immigrants from other states will become worse than it already has. Employers will have trouble hiring talent and even getting Iowans to move back for that reason if for no others. We need to be a state that is welcoming to all, not a state that is willing to treat members of this community as if they do not deserve anything decent in life. That is not the Iowa I know. Please vote no on this measure.
David Muskovitz []
Section 1, items e and f state: "e. The term "equal" does not mean "same" or "identical." "f. Separate accommodations are not inherently unequal"Note: I make no reference to race here because we are simply human beings, who deserve freedom. The United States of America has a history of discrimination. As part of that history, we enslaved other humans. We eventually realized the horror we were imparting on other humans and began to change. As a part of that change, discrimination remained. That discrimination is an incredibly shameful facet of our history. I am absolutely aghast that language like that echoes the "separate but equal" claims made to discriminate against other humans would appear in a proposed bill. Unconscionable and shameful are the only words I have to address that.This bill seeks to continue our history of discrimination in a modern context. It is inhumane and wrong.
Ann Brownsberger []
I urge a no vote on this bill.
Corey Trucke []
Enough with this idiotic culture war nonsense. I am firmly against HSB649
Annie Sarcone []
Hello my name is Annie Sarcone and I am the director of the Queer Youth Resource center. I am asking you to vote no on this bill. One day is all we were given to celebrate HF 2082 being defeated before Governor Reynolds decided to attack our community again. This bill will reverse time and take Iowa backwards. Are we really here today debating on the terms of separate but equal. You do remember what happened to groups of marginalized people when that phrase was invoked? The discrimination and violence that ensued. Forcing trans folks to have specific designation on their drivers license and medical history is a violation of privacy and inherently unconstitutional. It will put members in our community at greater risk of being discriminated against and open the door for more violence. Trans folks make up a small minuscule of Iowas population, arent you tired of coming after us? Can you imagine how it feels to not feel safe in the place you call home. To feel as if you are cast outs in society, being outed and put on display. Try as she might the governor will not succeed in her eradication of our community. She wants me to carry around a marker, well I will wear it as a badge of honor. She wants me on display, gladly, Ill hold my head up high when doing so. I will continue being proud of who I am. I am a proud trans individual and that is something that can never be taken away.
Sarah Powell []
The people attempting to pass this bill are either incredibly blind or incredibly hateful. People in this countryespecially transgender peoplesuffer due to sex and gender based discrimination every single day. The point of designating sex or gender on a legal document, like a drivers license, is mainly for identification in the case of an emergency. There is NO reason why someone should have to disclose whether they were assigned a different sex at birth than the gender they express other than to further belittle and separate a specific community of people. Designating whether someone is trans or not on a legal document opens them up to abuse and inequitable treatment in hundreds of situations. Think of every situation you have to show an ID for Traffic stops, bar or club entry, purchasing alcohol or other age restricted items, entry to concerts and events Showing an ID at of these places opens a person up to the risk of being discriminated against, harassed, abused, or worse. These are all points of high intensity, but it all boils down to one point. Trans people are PEOPLE. Their identity is fully theirs, just as every other person. There is absolutely no reason why they should be required to designate whether they have transitioned or not, and I hope everyone trying to push this bill sees the amount of hate they are willingly expressing and the danger they are happy to put their fellow humans in.
Rebekah Schurz []
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain. So why does Governor Reynolds continue to infringe on our rights to be who we are, feel safe, and be treated as equals.
Gordie Felger [Freelance]
Requiring transgender people to have two gender markers on official documents will cause them to out themselves whenever they show those documents. This opens people to discrimination by those who refuse service to transgender people. This will likely result in undue humiliation, as well as potentially dangerous situations. If a pharmacist or a health care provider refuses service, people may be denied ANY medically needed treatment. As far as I know, the conscience bill has not yet passed in Iowa.I dont understand why some lawmakers see transgender people as a threat. They have existed throughout human history, and they will continue to exist long after they are no longer in office. Love they neighbor! Let people live their lives. Bills like this will do a lot of shortterm damage, but theyre fighting a losing battle in the long run.
Melissa McAllister [Dungeon's Gate]
I am a constituent, begging you to vote NO on HSB 649. This bill is heartless and just absolutely wrong. Passage of this bill would make it even more dangerous for LGBTQ+ Iowansparents, children, and families, college students, our workforceso, so many Iowansto simply exist here. Separate but equal was reversed by the US Supreme Court with Brown v. Board of 1954. This is a transparent attempt at another kind of segregation. I cannot fathom why Iowa wants to employ this way of thinking toward LGBTQ+ Iowans? This is not the Iowa I know. This is not how we treat our citizens. Just last week, I joined throngs of Iowans at the Capitol to speak out against removing gender identity as a protected class. Iowans made it clear that stripping away enshrined civil rights is not Iowa nice. I beg you to consider the implications of this bill. Iowa cannot become the first in the nation to remove civil rights and to create a second, lower class of citizens. Doing so would also have farreaching implications for our workforce, our college students, our families. Iowa is not somewhere people are going to want to remain, to seek their education within, or to seek employment within. Please dont let Iowa create a second class of citizens. Please protect ALL Iowans. Please remember, "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain."
Anthony Allou []
I strongly urge the subcommittee to vote NO on this bill. Unfortunately the actions of a number of Iowa office holders continues to harm the well being of many of the most vulnerable members of our community. It is a moral tragedy that language like "separate but equal" can still work its way into a matter of public consideration. Again, it is unfortunate that people continue to dispute the reality of our society and prevent us from celebrating the rich diversity in our country. Again and again I find myself disappointed that bigotry and hatred rather than love and acceptance find a way into our government.
Ben Millett []
This is a discriminatory bill in search of a problem to solve. We dont want this hate towards trans individuals codified into law. Setting up a database of individuals who are different from the cis, heteronormative leaders at a governmental level has never ended well for the people on those lists.
Emily Bowe []
It is absolutely unacceptable for this bill to have been announced with such short notice. Advancing HSB 649 will not accomplish what legislators believe it will, and only serves to harm transgender Iowans. I strongly urge, DO NOT pass this bill!
Angela Pittman []
I am beyond exhausted having to send yet another message to our legislators about a bill that should not have made it even this far. The fact that Kim has decided that this is what Iowans need is disgusting! Please stop picking on a marginalized group that just wants to feel comfortable in their own skin and be happy. What is wrong with that?? I wish you were working harder at solving the gun control issue in this state. Remember Perry? That didn't seem to affect you at all. Instead you have spent your time and our tax dollars trying to erase transgender Iowans. Get to work on real issues!! Stop just being bullies!! I have two full time jobs right now. My regular job and now my second job is going to all of these subcommittee meetings to try and get you to vote "No"!!!!!!!
Andrea Davis []
Iowa was once known as a place of inclusivity and progress. Legislation like this makes me wonder what year this is and if its worth keeping my family and tax dollars here. Revoking the rights and privacies from citizens by outing them in this way, or by banning books, religions, defunding public education and libraries, clipping the wings of the auditor, and stripping women of bodily autonomy (all of these things have been proposed or actually happened in the last couple years under Republican leadership) it feels like Iowa doesnt have much freedom to do much, let alone flourish.
Jordan Selha []
Attempts to codify gender stratification into Iowa code must fail. Gender diversity, from intersex people, to masculine women, to nonbinary and transgender folks, have existed throughout time. In many societies and religions, gender diverse folks were/are honored and considered sacred. Yet it is only in the past few years that we have been mischaracterized as threats requiring legislative solutions to put a stop to us. But the socalled threat is never defined with factual examples, data, or statistics demonstrating the supposed harm we have caused. In 2020, we were invisible. Suddenly now we are public enemy #1. Fear and misinformation has been allowed to guide proposed legislation that will do harm to us all not just trans people. Defining who we are and the rights we are afforded based on reproductive criteria is dangerous and offensive to all Iowans. If you care about women, you would be well advised to recognize that women are more than their reproductive ability. A post menopausal woman is no less a woman. You may feel safe focusing on biological differences and assuming you can place people into neat boxes that can be controlled to behave as the sex assigned at birth. But trans and nonbinary folks cannot and will not be forced into a binary that limits who we are. And non trans men and women also do not want to be limited by a gender dichotomy. Girls who choose trucks and boys who prefer dance are along the same gender continuum as you and I. Your attempts to divide us and push us back into our gendered boxes must fail.
Anya Slabaugh []
This bill is an abhorrent violation of Iowans civil rights. Despicable.
Stadlman Rebecca []
Do not move this bill forward. It is mean spirited and irresponsible and moves Iowa backward.
Nathan Morton []
I am strongly against this bill. It is despicable. Vote NO. Separate is not equal. Special designations for trans individuals on IDs and birth certificates is a Nazi tactic to lable and track trans individuals. Let people live their lives.
Rachel Bruns []
Vote no to this terrible bill.
Deidre Wahlin []
I strongly oppose this bill. What depth of hatred does one have to go to to forget history and to dehumanize people in order to strip them of their civil liberties and attempt to erase them from existence?! Stop it
Teddi Yaeger []
Forcing people who are considered other to carry identification papers?! Have you learned nothing from history? This is appalling, unconstitutional and a complete waste of time and resources. My family and I moved to this state with our family ten years ago and if things keep heading in this extreme direction, well be leaving soon.
Nathan Wood []
Man I'm so sick of this. Why do we have to keep up with oppressive legislation all the time? We are PRO trans rights. We don't want this bill. No one wants this bill. There is absolutely no reason to have introduced this bill. I'll 100% be looking into anyone who voted yes for this and making sure I don't and no one I knows votes for them. I'll be watching
Meredith Stanbrough []
I urge a no vote on this disgusting bill. Who benefits from this bill? How is this not a medical privacy issue? The local bank teller, the cashier at the grocery store, and the usher at an R rated movie have no business having access to this information. Just another way to other your latest prey. Please just stop obsessing over whats in everyones pants and focus on some real issues.
Richard Hurban []
May I ask what problem is trying to be solved by this clearly discriminatory bill? The use of the term separate but equal is anything but. I keep hearing Republicans claims of protecting people. This is disingenuous, it is a blatant attempt to create fear and isolation of persons who do not conform to religious definition and not scientific evidence. Gender and Sex and sexual prerference and identity are fluid. There are in fact persons who at birth have both sex organs and nonconforming DNA. Not that GOP members care but how are these persons to be classified.Please stop wasting time attacking very small % of the population and perhaps focus on self education and acceptance.
Ysandril Morrigan []
Vote no to fascism and to forcing trans people to wear an armband. This is vile and reprehensible. This is unthinkable. This is bigotry, hatred and discrimination. The first three months of every year I have to ponder what more could Iowa republicans and their leadership come up with? This is 2024. Put an end to this disgusting and harmful legislation. Let us live in peace. Trans rights are human rights.
Cara Muta []
You must reject this horrible bill. It is unconstitutional, it is hateful, it is unconscionable, and it is a clear violation of civil and human rights.
Jeff Burnham []
Please do not move this bill forward. I agree with another commenter who believes the underlying rationale is to encourage fear and hatred of trans people. Leave trans people alone. They are parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, fellow Iowans. Hatred of others is not an Iowa value.
Sheila Tipton []
I adamantly oppose this and all other legislation targeting trans individuals specifically and LGBTQ individuals in general. Such private information should not be included on drivers licenses and similar public records. To do so will only lead to discrimination and harassment. The legislatures time would be better spent dealing with the real problems facing this state, like hunger and the lack of affordable housing.
Michael Speer []
I oppose HSB 649. Its embarrassing to tell people I am from Iowa.
Kathryn Fink []
I oppose HSB649. Please do not let it move forward.
Morgen Bermel []
You must vote No on this bill. This is not what your constituents want. This bill will take us backwards and is harmful to so many people. This is not necessary and a waste of time. Vote No and don't waste anymore time!
Kathleen Winter [- Select -]
Vote no on HSB 649, the governor's bill to force transgender people to disclose that they are transgender on their driver's licenses. I am horrified that the government would ever consider putting people's private medical history on a government document that is so frequently used. Imagine if the government had forced Iowans to disclose their vaccination history on their driver's licenses. Everyone would have been, appropriately, outraged that such a private piece of info was being shown every time they had to buy alcohol at a grocery store or pick up a package at the UPS store. Yet that is exactly what HSB 649 does. Additionally, this bill will create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters, and enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law. Please vote against this bill, and protect the privacy of all Iowans. Can you give me one example of where this issue has been a problem of any sort? Not some hypothetical, if this happens that may happen. This piece of legislation is nothing more than a license to bully, discriminate and endanger the lives of our loved ones.
Ryn Hartraft []
This bill claims to "forbid unfair discrimination", while encouraging more discrimination. Having a special marking on transgender individual's IDs is reminding me of some awful practices in WWII that used similar tactics on Jews. This is deplorable and unethical. My loved ones are Iowans and trans, and this makes them wish they weren't from Iowa. Instead of building camaraderie and pride in being Iowan, this is pushing it's own citizens away. I urge you to say no to this bill and focus on more pressing matters that require our immediate attention than what kind of genitals someone has.
Zoie Stanbrough []
I deeply oppose this bill. It would harm so many Iowans. And its completely unnecessary. Trans Iowans should not be separated. I strongly urge you to vote no.
Renee Alexandra []
This is an extremely dangerous measure against a nonexistent issue born out of ignorant hatred and fear. Outting a trans person publicly through identification would be putting a target on every trans person in the state, and making them a target when going to any other state. Trans people are just people who want to live a normal life without being discriminated. And this motion reflects strongly of previous moments in history when an oppressed group was forced to display a mark of their identity. It will be used for targeted violence.
Anthony Parisi []
This bill is designed to specifically discriminate against those with trans identities whose gender differs from the one they were assigned at birth. There is no reasonable justification for this discrimination, and the fact that it is being pushed with so little time for public comment is all the proof required to understand that those wishing to enact this bill know that it is as evil as it is unpopular and unnecessary.If a bill were proposed to label individuals by religion or political affiliation it would rightly be pointed out by all moral people that such a bill would only serve bigotry and discrimination. Yet the individuals pushing this agenda would try to enact such a law against their fellow Iowans, and justify it because these Iowans are transgender and they feel justified in bigotry towards transgender people.Iowans are mostly wonderful people who do not support this kind of bigotry. If this passes it will be a stain on Iowa's history and whether it passes or not it will rightly be a stain on the moral standing of every person who votes for or supports it in any way, shape, or form.
Laura Rank []
Separate but equal is unconstitutional. The attempted efforts to systematically dehumanize marginalized people and communities is deplorable. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak outbecause I was not a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak outbecause I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak outbecause I was not a Jew.Then they came for meand there was no one left to speak for me.Martin Niemller
Madeline Ehlinger []
I strongly urge everyone involved to vote no to this bill. Separate but equal has not, nor will ever work. Our state motto says it all. Our rights we shall maintain. This bill is disgusting, fascist, and deepseated in antitrans beliefs. The trans people in the state of Iowa deserve better. Everyone in the state of Iowa deserves a better governor. One who will listen to what the constituents want rather than fighting a culture war to win points with some presidential candidate or organization devoted to taking rights away from American citizens.
Megan Brown [NA]
Vote NO to HSB 649. I am horrified that the Iowa legislature is considering a bill that enshrines the idea of separate but equal into the law and forces Iowans to disclose their private medical history on a drivers license. In addition to these morally reprehensible acts, this bill will create problems for samesex parents and jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters. Vote NO to HSB 649 and protect the privacy of ALL Iowans.
Dawn Dillman []
Please vote NO on this bill. There is no reason to continue to label the ID of a trans person with their sex at birth after they have transitioned. Changing the processes for issuing ID for this purpose is a tremendous waste of time and effort for someone that will not benefit anyone.
Kathi Bower []
Please vote NO on HSB 649!! Taking away protections is the WRONG way to go. Iowans do not want this.
Dani Misyuk []
I oppose this bill
Robert Tierney []
Dear State Representatives HoraCH, Boden and Steckman,I believe as an Iowan I believe the words on our flag say it best, Our Liberties We Prize and our Rights We Will Maintain. Iowa did away with Separate but Equal 100 years before Brown Vs. Board of Education so why are we even entertaining HSB 649 when it would do the very same thing. Haven't we had enough cruel laws passed already?I believe that liberty and justice for all is not optional. Iowa should be entertaining laws codifying discrimination. Please reject this grossly unconstitutional piece of legislation. Thank you,
Haley Matias []
This bill is a disgusting overstep of government. Stop taking Iowa backwards. Vote no.
Gwyn Bertocki []
I do NOT support this bill! This is yet another attempt to harm human beings who have done nothing to deserve all the hate and fear directed at them. When will this madness stop? We should be united, not divided. Please show kindness and understanding and rundon't walkaway from this type of legislation.
Kevin Chorniak []
Bill HSB 649, the governor's bill to force transgender people to disclose that they are transgender on their driver's licenses, is very disappointing to see. I am horrified that the government would ever consider putting people's private medical history on a government document that is so frequently used. Medical history and information is deeply private and needs to stay that way. It has no place on a drivers license or any other government or public document.Imagine if the government had forced Iowans to disclose their vaccination history on their driver's licenses. Everyone would have been, appropriately, outraged that such a private piece of info was being shown every time they had to buy alcohol at a grocery store or pick up a package at the UPS store. Yet that is exactly what HSB 649 does. Additionally, this bill will create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters, and enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law. Please vote against this bill, and protect the privacy of all Iowans.Please vote no on HSB 649.
Alicia Ambler []
I am vehemently opposed to this bill. Iowans have real problems to solve and this is a waste of our money and time. It doesnt represent me.
Allie Smaha []
As an Iowan Im appalled this incredibly discriminatory and dehumanizing bill has been introduced and I strongly urge you to vote no and not move this hateful legislation forward. Trans and nonbinary Iowans deserve to have equal rights and access as everyone else, deserve to have their gender identity recognized, deserve the safety of not being outed by force and against their will in numerous public places (which this legislation would require), and deserve to be left alone without continued baseless attacks via the misguided legislation continuing to be introduced. This law wont make Iowa better, but it will make it significantly less safe for many. Your constituents dont want this or any similar legislation. Enough of the fearmongering policymaking. Do your jobs and focus on the real issues that need funding, resources and energy and leave trans Iowans alone.
Stephanie Simatovich []
I strongly oppose this bill and urge you to vote no! This bill would do nothing but encourage even more discrimination against transgender Iowans. As well, it will expose personal, private medical information. The fact that this bill was introduced is disgusting and embarrassing. Anyone who supports this bill should be ashamed.
Cam Mears []
Dear State Representatives HoraCH, Boden and Steckman,I believe as an Iowan I believe the words on our flag say it best, Our Liberties We Prize and our Rights We Will Maintain. Iowa did away with Sperate but Equal 100 years before Brown Vs. Board of Education so why are we even entertaining HSB 649 when it would do the very same thing. That is offensive to the Iowan values? I believe that liberty and justice for all is not optional. Iowa should be entertaining laws codifying discrimination. Please reject this grossly unconstitutional piece of legislation.
Jess Bierling []
I strongly urge you to vote No on this bill. I should not be placed in a position where I will need to fear for my safety whenever I need to present my ID.
Lex Letourneau []
I strongly oppose this bill and urge all representatives to vote NO. This bill places a pink triangle on trans people, endangering the lives of trans Iowans and emboldening bigots. Trans people belong in iowa. This is horrifying. DO NOT PASS THIS BILL!!!
Julie Powell-Mohr []
To Our LegislatorsI am deeply saddened by the proposed transgender legislation making its way through this legislative session, and I am holding all of you close to my heart asking you to stand in the shoes of our transgender Iowans to protect them, to feel what it is like to be excluded, to live each day in caution and fearnot because you have done anything illegal, but because of who you are.Their deepest yearning is to belong, to be accepted, and they deserve this.I am reminded of a sentence I read in one of my science textbooksEverything belongs. That was wrapped around with all the science explanations of how everything is connected, but that phrase imbedded itself and changed how I see everything around me. It has been a wonderful journey. And you are invited.I know this is a long letter, but I hope you will keep reading.Some time ago I made a commitment to become more deeply informed about the lives of our transgender brothers and sisters. I wanted to stand in their shoes, but I had no idea how to do that. So I joined a support group as an ally and with a promise to be witness to their stories. I couldnt have imagined what I would learn or the tears I would shed. The story from a mother whose teenaged transgender son committed suicide because it was too hard to live in his body. The story of a transgender woman who feels so alone. The hate stares. The threats. The denial of necessary medical treatment. We would not deny medical treatment for someone born without arms or legs or with one lung or any other birth anomaly. Why would we deny medical treatment for someone whose physical body doesnt match their gender? I am still learning. All of this is a result of a culture of exclusionand all of us suffer. This is an opportunity. What could happen if we didnt try to solve everything with laws, but instead promised ourselves to find a way through to understandingand a nondualistic solution? The most beautiful lesson for me is realizing that the transgender community understands better than most of us how to stand in anothers shoes. Over and over again, I have seen their compassion for each other and for those who have rejected them. We have much to learn from them. Please protect our transgender brothers and sisters. I am pleading with you to let your heart be cracked open and to oppose this hurtful legislation. Please vote no on HSB 649Sincerely, Julie PowellMohr
Alex Thole []
Really Iowa? How far we have fallen. I am a transgender man, I turn 19 in 2 weeks, Ive been transitioning for nearly 4 years now. When I came out, I thought I would be in a safe state that would protect my rights as a trans person. How sorely mistaken I was. I just barely missed the school bathroom bill by a couple weeks because I graduated early. I barely missed the transition ban because I turned 18 a few weeks before. After nearly being declared mentally disabled, Im now going to be forced to out myself to anyone who sees my ID. This is so dangerous for so many of us trans folk. Transgender people make up less than .5% of the Iowa population, yet we are the single largest issue that the state faces right now? How bout we fix some actual problems.
Ellie Elk []
This is something the Nazi's literally did. A Star of David sewn on all clothes of Jewish people. Pink triangles for lgbtqia+ people. I hope this is a bill to shock people into seeing the horrors of transphobia, but I doubt it. Why should this be okay to do? Why make this a law? What is the point beyond discrimination? Why should this be necessary on an ID beyond creating an "other" or a stoking fears of trans Boogeymen.
Michael Blacksman []
This policy is deplorable. Forcing transgender people to identify themselves with a marker like this is disturbing there is no reason a marginalized group who faces extreme violence and prejudice should have to advertise who they are. Being transgender does not endanger anyone, this policy should never be anywhere close to legal.
alina dumas []
This bill is disgusting. why cant we just let each other be happy.
Ashley Ayres []
I am begging you to vote "no" to HSB 649. I have been a Republican for decades, but your obsession with who people can love and the constant bullying of the transgender community has made me embarrassed to be part of the Republican Party. I will not vote Republican ever again. You are not God.
Paul Uzel []
When I as an 8 year old moved to Florida with my parents in 1958, I learned in Georgia along US Highway 1 what "separate but equal"means: white porcelain water fountains clean shiny for 'whites only' and porcelain water fountains caked with mineral deposits, mud and even befouled by whites for 'coloreds'(from upstate Jersey I had to ask what a 'colored' was. Now the GOP would return us to days of 'yesterday year.' NO. I am confident in the DBQ legislative delegation to oppose this. Are you in the GOP Christian enough (meaning like Christ: loving, merciful, gentle, kind enough or must you be led by 'the god of this age' (Revised Common Lectionary for Transfiguration Sunday coming)?
Jonathan Danker []
I oppose this bill because its discrimination and very unconstitutional. It will bring more harm to the community. This is not Iowa Nice. Please Vote No on HSB 649.
Elizabeth Arnold []
Please vote against this bill. Trans people are people and deserve the sales rights and freedoms as all other people. The constant attacks and othering of this community is disgusting and frankly discouraging to potential residents. These hateful bills must be stopped.
Anna Watts []
This is horrifying & unjust. We are not treating people with the rights they deserve. The trans community deserves respects just as much as anyone else does! This is not the kind of state I want to live in & certainly not one I could be proud to be from. I hope our legislators do better by Iowans.
Sarah Schroeder []
I strongly oppose this bill. I urge you to vote no and not move forward with this.
Chan Dolan []
I strongly urge a NO vote on this bill, as it is BLATANTLY obvious this bill is meant to target and harm trans Iowans. This bill would effectively out and other trans people on the state, leading to an increase in violence, especially of trans women. It is clear that this bill is akin to that of pink triangles. Vote no on this discriminatory bill!
Valerie Sailsbury []
This bill is horrifying to even be considered. Please vote no. There is absolutely no good that will come from this but it will absolutely harm our trans friends and family in this state. Please please please do not let this fascist idea go any further.
Tonya Simatovich []
I strongly oppose this Bill! Once again my wife and I live in fear. Why do republicans and republican politicians want to eradicate trans existence? Its just pure hate! For you so called Christians dont know the first thing about Christ teachings. He taught love not to set in judgement of others. If you really believe in heaven and hell maybe you should really be thinking about where youll be going.
Rhea Lefaivre []
This is beyond the pale. The very consideration for prejudice echoing the Nazis ought to make anyone stop dead in their tracks. Whoever is considering this truly are hatefilled scum incapable of empathy or humanity. This directly reflects if I will consider ever living in Iowa and only encourages me to persuade people away from such an ignorant place.
Courtney Collier []
Vote Yes on HSB649This legislation is common sense and basic biology. Up is not down. Down is not up. Right is not left and left is not right. 1+1 still equals 2. People can choose to live in their delusions and confusions in their own home, but the rest of us should not be made to join them. I am a woman an adult female human. I have ovaries and a uterus that developed and then birthed 3 humans out of my vagina after laboring for hours. NO man who takes hormone blockers, puts on makeup and womens clothing can do that! Its beyond ridiculous that we have to legislate to fight to keep these men out of our designated women spaces. Pass the bill.
Autumn Bailey []
This bill is disgusting and a play straight out of Nazi Germany. Legally changing your gender marker is already an incredibly difficult and time consuming process in most of America. It makes me sick to my core that my home state would attempt to take such undemocratic, and frankly, monsterous actions towards a marginalized group in 2024
Nikole Marth []
I and my entire family vehemently oppose bill HSB649. We regard it as an unconstitutional attack on our trans friends and loved ones. Its a shameful attack on the citizens of Iowa and puts the lives and wellbeing of an already persecuted group in even greater peril. VOTE NO on HSB649
Noah Petersen []
Do not pass this bill, stop fucking using the state legislature to target and bully trans, other members of the LGBTQ community. Separate but equally eat my whole ass you fascist clowns.
Susan Benderson []
Don't pass this bill through your sub committee. I can remember not too long ago when Iowans were livid at the thought of requiring people to divulge their covid vaccination status and this is so much more personal. Also, there is no definition of intersex, which is a real provable option. This would be incomplete without it. If you feel that isn't necessary to add then perhaps the motive for this legislation is highly questionable. And honestly, I'd be embarrassed to live in a state that feels the need to add definitions you can find in any dictionary to legislation.
Billy Kellingsworth [SHINRA]
I support this motion because trans women will literally never be real women. They are men with mental illnesses. Invest in mental health and keep outing these sick people, thank you so much for the work you are doing.
Alys Luna []
No. Time to stop this attack. If you stand for this bill then you stand for hate. Be better tell them that are lives have some value and we deserve respect.
Libby Waterbury []
If the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice, one wonders why Governor Reynolds and her Republican legislative peers would throw so many hairpin curves in its path. Iowans may have lost our standing as the education state, but we are not yet so foolish as to have forgotten when Brown vs. Board of Education revealed separate but equal to be what it was and will always be: sugarcoated language barely disguising ugly, vicious bigotry. Gay, trans and nonbinary Iowans especially children have not known a moments peace since this administration set its sites on othering them. Outing and humiliating them. Putting them on display and putting them in danger. Making an example out of what happens when you dare to be different in Iowa. There is a season for all things in politics, and Gov. Reynolds and friends will eventually see the pendulum swing back hard against this kind of hate, and the separate but equal folk will once again be relegated to the wrong side of history. But until then, Iowa leaders should remember another axiom that has longguided the decisions of our state: Live, and let live and vote accordingly.
Jay Henderson []
This bill cannot be passed. Trans people are humans. They deserve the right to live as themselves, and not in uncomfortable misery. No one deserves to live in fear of a society that was taught to hate them for merely existing. You cannot act as if these people don't exist. You cannot pretend they lack the same basic human rights as everyone else. You have absolutely no right ruining innocent people's chances at comfort, support, and happiness. If you let this bill pass, countless kids, teenagers, and adults will suffer from your arrogance. You have no right to ruin people's lives.
Marilyn Rue []
I am completely opposed to this bill and urge you to vote against it. Like countless others, I am sick and tired of the way our governor and legislators are targeting vulnerable Iowans.Im profoundly ashamed of the direction my adopted state is taking and relieved that my children have chosen to live elsewhere.
Zoe Mahler []
I urge you to vote no on this bill. Iowa is becoming an increasingly inhospitable place for anyone as our representatives choose to focus on targeting minority groups instead of sitting down and doing actual work to ask their constituents what would make their lives better. When you target trans folks, we will call everything youve ever done into question, we will not stop until you have looked within yourself and seen the vile energy you have brought into your own lives by creating a fear out of absolutely nothing. Trans people are a nonthreat to your safety and happiness, only you are the immediate threat to the safety and happiness of yourself and those around you if you are putting your power and energy into entertaining new and cruel ways of stripping people of their most basic rights.
Mark Klutzaritz []
I'm worried about this bill because it makes ID cards say your gender as it was when you were born. Imagine if your ID said you were a different age or had your name spelled wrong it would be confusing and uncomfortable. This law could do the same for transgender people. I'm asking you to vote NO on this because we need laws that respect everyone's gender identity and treat everyone fairly.
Drake Richter []
Oh. I thought this was a joke. I thought there was no way Iowan state reps actually had the audacity to go all in on both "separate but equal" AND Nazistyle ID markers. I mean, the history books are right there, in simple English, available for anyone to very easily understand what they're doing and why it's a bad idea. Not to mention how utterly bizarre it is to be this obsessed with other peoples' genitalia.Like, this IS a joke, right? You don't ACTUALLY want to be the new Nazis... right?
Amanda Cousins []
This is a disgusting bill which is against both the Iowa and US constitutions and democracy. Stop attacking our freedom and propose some legislation that will actually help Iowans. Seriously this is the most destructive and lazy congress I have ever seen in my 20 years of living in Iowa. Iowa GOP Just STOP letting outside conservative groups write your legislation for you. STOP SELLING IOWANS OUT. DO THE WORK. We see you.
Brooke Danielle []
I urge you to oppose this bill as it furthers the danger and discrimination of trans folks and other members of the LBGTQIA* community. This bill only suits the agenda of fascists.
Amanda Cousins []
VOTE NO. in case I wasn't clear.
Paula Nelson []
Why are you so afraid of someone who is different from you? Why do you feel the need to bully, and feel justified doing so? What do you have to gain by knocking down one of the smallest segments of our society? I do not believe there is a justifiable answer to any of these questions. Please leave these creative and precious people alone! Protect them! And focus on something important to all of us, like CLEAN WATER! This is a distraction. STOP IT!
Nate Orlow []
Do not pass this bill. Stop hurting Iowans who are just trying to live their lives. I'm sad to see our representatives propose making the Iowa experience harder.
Maya Faaborg []
This bill is unbelievably cruel, and a dark sign of what GOP members of the government have planned for trans people. It would amount to forcing trans to people carry a document that identifies them as trans, which is literally a policy that Nazi Germany used on Jews and LGBTQ people in order to keep track of them. This is absolutely horrific, and we won't stand for it.
Evelyn H []
Do we want to add a pink triangle next? Maybe make trans people sew it onto their clothing so you can make sure you know just who they are? What is this psychotic nonsense? Not only is it blatantly unconstitutional, it's quite clearly pointless outside of attempting to stigmatize trans people. Are you so soulless as to keep pushing this?
G Tigges []
How many times do the good people of Iowa, regardless of their gender or orientation, have to fight for their right to exist by protesting whatever prejudiced bill is trying to get passed this week for yall to get the memo that we dont want this. You arent protecting or saving anyone by passing these bills. If passed, they will be as effective and positive as the segregation laws before them. History will ALWAYS have its eyes on you.
Brandi Basey []
I'm a mother that wants to protect my child and the government is taking that from me. I moved from the south to enjoy the diverse culture only to be subjected to having everything we moved here for taken away. Why is everything coming from the "government" targeting trans/lgbtq lately? Something isn't right with how aggressive these changes are happening and the speed being passed.
Jane Montañez []
This proposed bill amounts to nothing more than an unconstitutional bill of attainder designed to attack transgender members of our Iowan society.
No Thanks []
This is a textbook stage of genocide. And this is coming from someone who is a direct descendant of a Holocaust survivor (who by the way, agrees with my last statement). I have held my grandmother's passport in my hands, with the big red "J" on it for all to see. What this bill is proposing is not only nonsensical and unnecessary, but an incredibly dangerous precedent to set. Trans people just want to be LEFT ALONE. Records of any trans people committing whatever crimes you think we're committing are basically nonexistent. Hell, more *republican lawmakers* specifically have been arrested for assaulting people in bathrooms than all trans people combined. Republican lawmakers have at least three counts, trans people have ZERO. In fact, trans people are far more likely to be assaulted themselves in a bathroom just for being trans. Any legislation intended to "protect" people is just playing into an imaginary boogeyman, and the consequences are that trans people get harrassed, assaulted, lose their civil liberties, and often lose their lives.Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non binary people are non binary. Any attempt to put us in boxes, restrict our rights, or in this case unwillingly label us to the world, putting us in danger, is genocide. If you look up the ten stages of genocide, you'll notice that not only is this bill a direct example of two of the stages, but trans people in America have met EVERY stage already short of mass murder. And restricting HRT, leading to loss of lives, is tantamount to murder anyway.And this is all for what? To protect your precious heteronormative binary, your fear of being emasculated? To protect some nonexistent victims of nonexistent crimes? LEAVE US ALONE. We are NOT your political pawns, and we will NOT go quietly into the night.Go to hell, you rotten pieces of shit.
Molly Enochson []
I urge you to vote NO to HSB 649. I urge you to look inside yourself to ask why this fearbased law is so important to you. So important that you would endanger the lives of innocent folks who just want to exist without having to wonder what new harmful legislation the next day will bring. This bill is a hurtful waste of so many people's time and however inconsequential to you, could have deeply horrible repurcussions.
Cassandra Barnhill []
This isn't just unamerican, it's deplorable and should make anyone's stomach churn. This is literally how a genocide starts, only this time instead of a yellow Star it's a pink triangle. The people who wrote this should be ashamed to call themselves Americans, we will get nowhere as a country by othering people and dividing us.
Amelia M []
As a former resident of the state of Iowa I am incredibly disappointed that this awful bill was even proposed. HSB 649 should absolutely not be passed for the safety of all trans people in the state.
Mackenzie Turner []
This is horrid and straight out of the fascism playbook. I heavily urge a NO vote. This is a completely unnecessary and cruel legislation.
Justin James []
I vehemently oppose this discriminatory bill. Trans people are not a third class of human. Trans women are women and trans men are men. There is no value in trying to create a separate but equal structure other than through pure discrimination and bigotry. No money is saved, no person is protected, no justice is brought, no point is proven, no progress is made. The only accomplishment is statesponsored bigotry and ignorance.
Julia Tote []
Please vote NO. This is literal facism. The Nazis would label LGBTQ+ people in the same vein that this bill proposes. It puts unnecessary risk into merely existing as a trans person. The pretense of protecting the kids is lost when it's about markers on driver's licenses. The goal is to eliminate an entire group of people purely for being themselves.
Jordyn L []
I strongly support this bill. This is common sense. Thank you for protecting women across Iowa.
Evin Niblock []
As a transgender Iowan, is it a coincidence that the same day a bill submitted by Governor Reynolds attacking transgender Iowans legal statuses is also the same day Governor Reynolds submitted a bill to force the investment of purely forprofit state funds and against environmental, social, and governance investing?SSB 1094 12K.1 Legislative findings and intent. 16 Thegeneralassemblyisdeeplyconcernedovertheincreased 17 prevalenceofinvestingbasedonsocialandenvironmental 18 factors,knownasenvironmental,social,andgovernance 19 investing,ratherthanpecuniaryfactors. Therefore,the 20 generalassemblyintendstoensurethatstatefundsandfunds 21 administeredbythestate,includingpublicemployeeretirement 22 funds,areprotectedfrompoliticalinfluencedetrimentalto 23 thefinancialhealthofthestateanditscitizensandpromote 24 thegeneralassemblysgoalofprotectingfreeenterprise. this ISNT a diversion that Governor Reynolds knows will never happen and is NOT purely to distract from the fact that shes pushing to use state funds to increase that $1.83 billion surplus by pretending the environment and social services are just Democrat policies, right? She does this ALL THE TIME btw. Every time Reynolds pretends to have an opinion, shes covering for some shady stuff shes pushing through for her investors. This has nothing to do with transgender people.
Anne Ulm []
If you want Iowa to be a welcoming, successful state then bills like HSB 649 will only drive people away or keep them from coming here. You are separating families by even bringing this bill up for discussion along with all the other gender bills you keep finding to add to Iowa. Members of my family will be leaving at their first chance and I will actively discourage any person that is considering moving to Iowa to look at Minnesota , Illinois. Please do not do this to Iowans.
You Ain't Getting My Name []
I don't even live in Iowa anymore, but I know hate when I see it. This bill is evil. I know more than one person I studied in college with that would be affected by this hate bill. Stop fucking with trans Iowans. Sincerely, a straight guy who would gladly protest this bullshit hate bill if he was instate.
Alan Lohff []
It is unthinkable that the governor of the state has nothing better to do with her time than to constantly try to make life harder for trans people. Spend more time working on real problems and less time on culture war nonsense. Let people live their own lives, stop trying to shove government into people's pants.
Steven Rhodes []
Republicans are some tranny obsessed fucking weirdos
Corey Mickle []
Forcing Iowans to disclose their transgender status on something so public as a driver's license is a clear violation of privacy and has the potential to create serious safety concerns for trans Iowans and increase hate crimes. There is simply no need for that kind of medical information to be included on a driver's license. That's not even getting into the other negative aspects of HSB 649. This bill would create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters, and enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law all of which are unacceptable. Please vote against HSB 649, and protect the privacy of all Iowans.
Allison Bielenberg []
Vote no on this bill! As others have clearly already stated, this practice where transgender, nonbinary and intersex Iowans are singled out and discriminated against is unconstitutional. It opens the door for other discriminatory practices based on race, religion or other inherent identities. Furthermore it signals that Iowa is not a safe place for anyone, especially transgender people to work, live or visit.
Jenny Goodman []
Voting no to HSB 649 is an easy decision. Will it increase discrimination? Is it a violation of citizens privacy? Is it poorly constructed and thoroughly unvetted? When I moved to Iowa, I told nonIowans that Iowa had Midwest kindness with a western live and let live attitude. Some in our government are attempting to destroy this culture, and if left unchecked, will leave Iowa a shadow of its former self. Start reversing this regression today by voting no.
Bob Grove []
I strongly oppose HSB 649. Not only is it discriminatory it is also unconstitutional. Any bill requiring personal health information (PHI) be included on a drivers license is in direct violation of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) of 1996. Lets stop the smoke and mirrors act and get back to solving real problems in Iowa.
Melani Carty []
This bill would turn back the clock to Nazi Germanys pink triangles and yellow stars. Certainly Iowa legislators can see this, realize that trans people are now annd anlways have been your constituents, and vote NO on this appalling piece of legislation.
Kim Van Es []
Please stop this damaging bill in its tracks. We do not need to make life any harder for trans Iowans. This bill is unnecessaryonly harmful.
Dise Knutts []
I think everyone who supports this bill should have a marker added to their driver's license or govtissued ID, and that marker should be a swastika. They should also have that forcibly branded on their forehead, right hand, and right buttock.
Lindsay McClintock [LinkedIn]
Please leverage your time and resources to work on issues other then marginalized youth with experience some of the highest mental health and suicide rates in the nation.
Yoh Maama []
If we're going to identify people solely by the sex on their birth certificate, we should also use the weight identified on their birth certificate, meaning that instead of 220 lbs I would officially weigh 9 lbs. This would also cure the obesity epidemic.
Sean Flaherty []
Dear Representatives Hora, Boden, and Steckman,I urge you to vote against advancing House Study Bill 649.HSB 649's current language would require that a Iowan's driver license indicate if they have had gender reassignment surgery. No one should have to disclose this fact to strangers, which would be the inevitable consequence of this provision. Trans status is at least as sensitive an identity in our society as sexual orientation. Should a man or woman who is not trans but is gay, lesbian, or bisexual be forced to offer a document to grocery store worker that discloses their queer status in order to buy beer or liquor? If not, why not, if trans people must so disclose themselves? The bill would preclude protection against sex discrimination of a person medically transitioned to the gender they were not assigned at birth. A person transitioned from male to female could not claim sex discrimination against her because she is a woman. This would be an ipso facto denial of civil rights.HSB 649 would appear to require that transitioned people use the bathrooms and locker rooms for their birth gender in governmentfunded facilities; there is no evidence I am of social harm from providing medically transitioned people access to facilities provided for their gender. There is every reason to believe denial of such access would bring psychological harm to transitioned Iowans.Last week a bipartisan subcommittee of lawmakers unanimously stopped a bill that would have sanctioned discrimination against trans people. HSB 649 would codify discrimination against trans Iowans. Please vote no on this harmful legislation. Sincerely,Sean Flaherty
Joseph Kaplan []
There is absolutely no problem that this is designed to solve. This is simply an attempt to attack a marginalized group and it is disgusting.Leave trans people alone and get on with your actual job of governing Iowa.
Jane Robinette []
Vote no on this horrendous bill. As many others have mentioned, the language and apparent intent of this bill is straight out of white supremacist and Nazi playbooks. The fact that the governor put her name on this bill tells you all you need to know about her and the Iowa Republican party. These constant attacks on the LGBTQ+ community must stop. Do the right thing and vote this down in subcommittee.
Steve Gude []
I am opposed to this legislation, as it looks to me like it codifies discrimination. This should not be what we are about as a state. Just because there may be other states going down this path, it does not mean we have to follow. Please vote NO in the subcommittee. Thank you.
Zoey Riordan []
I am ashamed of what my home has become. Iowa has long prided itself on being ahead of the curve in regards to civil rights. What happened to the Iowa that was the third to legalize gay marriage? I moved away from Iowa in 2017 and used to dream of moving back. Not anymore. I am transgender and with the bills Iowa has been passing I feel hesitant to even visit anymore. Iowa no longer feels safe.
Molly Dahlberg []
This bill is unnecessary and harmful. There is no need to identify trans people on their license or in other ways to make them feel different or unequal. Im appalled at the daily attacks on trans people on our state by this legislature.
Haleigh Wilson []
There is no reason for us to create terms and factors that further divide Americans as a group of people. This can put a target on the back of transgender Americans when they cause no harm to other while discovering themselves
AM Racila []
I strongly oppose this bill. By singling out groups of people and misrepresenting their lives in records, this bill will harm already vulnerable Iowans.
David Borger Germann []
I urge the committee to vote NO on this bill.
Randall Duvall []
Im a gay man. This is beyond disgusting! We need to stop this madness! No one needs to be singled out for who they love our how they live their lives. Shes reaching and I wonder why!?Thank you.
Matthew Golden []
Republicans are among the worst people in our world right now. They want to force you to be exactly like them. Dont let these bullies tell the rest of us what to do.
Megan Klein-Hewett []
I am writing in opposition to HSB 649. This bill discriminates against transgender Iowans, samesex parents, and their children and is in direct opposition to the foundational principles of our state. All Iowans are Iowans regardless of their gender identity and should be treated equally. Reinstitution of the idea of "separate but equal" is backward, harmful, and discriminatory. Please do not forward this bill.
Izzy Kippes []
I urge a NO vote of HSB 649. Critics of this bill are calling it the pink triangle bill, due its requiring transgender people to have specific and explicit identifiers of their trans status on this identification bearing striking similarity to the pink triangle used by Nazi Germany to identify gay men and trans women, targeting them for violence and placement concentration camps.I want to end this comment with a quote from the Bible:10 Anyone who loves their brother and sisterlal lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. 11 But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.1 John 2:1011New International Version
Judith Jones []
Dear subcommittee members, I have loved living here for the past 7 years. I'm from the midwest and have been welcomed to Iowa with open arms. This legislation does exactly the opposite. As an educator I stood up for all my students in the classroom, hallways, and throughout the community. I'm doing it again now. For the sake of all Iowans, stop this discriminatory and fearmongering legislation. All Iowans deserve a place where they are welcomed and supported. Thank you for choosing love over hate and community over discrimination. Judy Jones
Aaron Murphy []
HSB 649 is an abomination, straight from the Nazi playbook and history will judge its proponents accordingly. It brings shame on all Iowans and serves no legitimate state purpose. It is also blatantly unconstitutional and a waste of taxpayer dollars to defend if enacted.
Helen Benesh []
I am so tired of the relentless attack on our LGBTQ+ community. One bill is defeated, and another bill pops up immediately, just like the whackamole game at an arcade. Our state has so many other problems that we could be working on,instead of attacking our citizens. Please do not support HSB 649.
Tara McGovern []
Iowa legislators are embarrassing themselves and humiliating the state of Iowa with this constant barrage of abuse towards the trans community. Politicians pushing these bills are sad, pitiable puppets acting at the behest of those growing desperate in their veil of hatred and thrashing out with one ridiculous, harmful waste of time and resources after another. You cant erase us. Weve always been here. If we go, we bring with us everything about Iowa that makes life worth living.
Phil Walsh []
This bill is harmful to Iowans, is an unwarranted invasion of privacy, and uses language that recalls Jim Crow.Please stop attacking transgender Iowans. You are doing harm.
Angela Miale []
I strongly oppose this bill. It hurts Trans Iowans who are simply trying to survive. Why are we attacking them? This doesnt make a bit of sense to me. I can tell this bill is targeting the Trans community. What I cant tell is, who is this helping? No one.
Jules Freeman []
Please vote no on this trash
Brad Fleener []
The goes beyond the unnecessary into the needlessly cruel. There is no benefit to the public at large by this bill, and serves only to create gaps in classification.
Jill Purcell []
Shame on republicans for trying to sow fear and hatred of our friends, family and neighbors. This bill is not necessary. Let people live their lives. Its hard to believe in this day and age you argue that seperate can still be equal. Just embarrassing behavior and makes our state look hateful Nd ridiculous. This drives people away. Please vote no.
Samuel Glenn-Angell []
This is absolutely deplorable. To even broach the use of the phase "separate but equal" completely unmasks this as a bigoted hateful action. This is meant to demean, threaten and endanger transgender Iowans. Gov. Reynolds should be ashamed. Republicans should be ashamed. I am saddened and embarrassed by this sick act. This does nothing to protect anyone, it does the exact opposite.
Grant Manwaring []
I strongly condemn HSB 649. It serves no purpose other than to harm and further ostracize transgender Iowans.
Kristen Anderson []
This states ceaseless attacks on LGBTQ residents must stop. This bill doesnt solve any actual problems, it only creates more layers of marginalization and vulnerabilities for an already at risk population. Grow up and start addressing the problems actually facing our state like growing income inequity, water quality, cancer rates and housing.
Mathew Martinez []
I strongly oppose this bill. Segregation isnt right in any way, shape or form.
Colin Underwood []
I oppose this bill. Trans rights are human rights.Instead of focusing on anything that remotely benefits the people, these so called officials have chosen to appeal to a small, hysterical base of bigots by attacking marginalized peoples. Its despicable, and the good people of Iowa will not stand for it. I would like to imagine the state legislature has something better to do than cater to these attacks. Giving them false salience, for the sole purpose of rallying a small group of zealots and hateful fanatics. Its shameful.
Stacy Volmer []
I strongly oppose this bill! Please show kindness and compassion and vote NO!
Hannah Wolos []
Please stop attacking the LGBTQ community. All citizens deserve to be treated equally and be granted the same rights. This bill is harmful and blatantly discriminates against peoples based on gender and sexual orientation. It is 2024. Leave this community alone and please introduce bills to actually help our state. We have hungry kids, people struggling to pay bills, gun violence problems, and this is what is being discussed?! Do your job as elected officials and work together to help better this state.
Jennifer Gardner []
I strongly oppose this bill. Please vote no. This bill is about hate and needs to stop.
Marty Reichert []
I urge a NO vote on HDB 649. This bill is unnecessary and demeaning. Also the fact that this bill was introduced and brought to committee so quickly without allowing for the public to review and comment on it shows the cowardice of those who brought the bill forward. This bill is hurtful and unconstitutional. I urge every member of this committee to vote no on this horrible bill and encourage you to focus on matters that truly are affecting our state. This is political grandstanding and pointless lawmaking from a witless governor who only cares about how to make others feel excluded.
Angela Petraline []
Good Morning.I am writingto ask that you vote against HSB 649 in subcommitteetoday.Why? I am the mother of a transgender man. I am a friend to transgender people most of whom are Iowans. None of whom has harmed a soul in just living their truth.This bill was conceived to generate buzz and hate and nothing more. The vast majority of Americans and that includes Iowans have no problem with transgender people, are not afraid of transgender people and want nothing more than for them to live their lives happily. This bill was created to appeal to a small number of voters in the Republican party and moreover, to grab headlines and get Kim Reynolds the attention she craves from vicious right wingers.This bill makes transgender people props and pawns and completely ignores the hurt it will cause not just that, but completely ignores their basic rights guaranteed by The Constitution. It does absolutely nothing to better the lives of any Iowans, which is what you all are supposed to be working at. It's what you all are being paid with our tax dollars to do. Don't support this political stunt. Find the kindness in your soul and extend that to people who just as you do want to live their lives in peace.Don't let hate define your party don't let it define YOU. Don't be part of the division and hate poisoning this country. Speak out against it. Turn the tide. Iowa is better than this.Thank you for taking time to read this from myself and my son.
K Moore []
We need to stop legislating peoples bodies. This bill is a violation of the civil rights of every person. Please let it never see the light of day.
Laura CangeySymmonds []
Vote No to 649. This law is wrong for all the prople of Iowa, All people are created equal. The rights and freedoms of this country are built on the freedom to be different and not to place our judgment on others partners or how they want to live. Please stop 649 and work on something important like better education, better infrastructure. Thank you
Kalmia Strong []
This bill is is unconstitutional, unnecessary, and harmful to Iowans. Please stop it from moving forward.
Tiffany Welch []
This is such a harmful bill. Creating a law that legalizes outing someone every time they show their ID is deplorable. This will continue to make attracting and retaining workers to the state difficult. I urge a no vote
Paul Swenson []
HSB649 must be defeated. To codify discrimination is wrong in so many ways. Please get back to writing and passing legislation that helps all Iowans, not legislation that hurts an entire group of people.
Erica Rissi []
History teaches us that segregating communities leads to injustice. Let's not repeat past mistakes. This bill is harmful and divisive. Focus on real issues like infrastructural accessibility, opportunities for enhancing public education, and the immense support needed for all kinds of social services like the child welfare system or our unhoused population. Stop the divisive politics, vote against it, and get back to work healing our fragmented world with the power your seats hold.
Kasia Uhrmacher []
This bill is extremely unChristlike. Any lawmaker voting for this should be immediately excommunicated from whatever religion they pretend to practice. Whoever introduced this bill is a flatout Nazi, hands down. Sickening.
John Anderson []
This bill is frankly disgusting. The only reason for passing this bill is to take away even more rights from trans people and make it easier to identify them (sounds familiar to what Nazis did to "undesirables").
Alexandra Gray []
As a Black Trans Woman living in Des Moines. I am finding myself in a dystopian novel where it won't end well for someone like me. Let's see I am a educator and the state level government has gone after books in which characters who look like me and have my experiences have been erased. Now you are coming after my person directly. it is a historically proven fact that aspects of the Jim Crow South were used in elements of the Third Reich. To tell a Trans person that they need different marking elements on identification sounds a lot like " Slave Passes" and identifying marks like the pink triangle. I would truly like to know which politician thought long and hard about this legislature that they felt that fascist elements needed to be implemented. Remember the words " When They Came for Me there was no one to speak" since you are dead set on going after marginilized communities all in the name of imagined fears and religious zeal.
Gillian Renk []
This is absolutely appalling. Given the resounding opposition to the recent bill that tried to reclassify trans people, it seems to me that these new bills are nothing but an attempt to exhaust those fighting for their rights and those who fight alongside them against unlawful and malicious bills that seek only to harm people. Vote this one down, the same as the last, and don't stop voting them down until trans people, citizens of Iowa, are allowed to live in peace.
Lori Durian []
I stand firmly against HSB 649. It is wholly unconstitutional and does nothing to address issues that affect the daily lives of Iowans. This is a bill looking for a problem to solve what is the current societal harm that this bill is attempting to correct? There is no states interest at stake here. The Iowa legislature's continued attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community is deplorable and exhausting.
Dawn Bassett []
I urge you to vote no! This is horrendously discriminatory for Iowa citizens.
citizen citizen []
So you're not even pretending that you're not Nazis now huh? Just moving straight into holocaust tactics, just like last time. You're evil and you have nothing of value to contribute to the world. Let people live in peace.
Andrea Wilson []
This is an unnecessary law that will discriminate against Iowans. Stop wasting time and resources on solving a problem that does not exist.
Wynn Greenlee []
This bill reduces people down to their assigned sex and is extremely harmful to transgender individuals. The "separate yet equal" phrasing is directly reminiscent of segregation techniques, which should immediately make it clear how wrong this bill is. Vote no.
Waverly Zhao []
Limiting the legal protections of samesex couples & transgender Iowans, as well as forcing transgender Iowans to have separate identification, is precisely the bill that Adolf Hitler would enjoy and copy for his deliberate dehumanization, discrimination, and vilifying of Jews, disabled people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Stop trying to legislatively embody Hitler and mask it as protecting the state, its embarrassing and honestly incriminating of how you really feel. Start writing and sponsoring bills Iowans actually want before you get voted out.
Madison Atwood []
I would urge the legislators to not let this bill through. Whatever supposed reasons that it is needed do not outweigh the negative impacts it would have on Iowans. LGBTQ Iowans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and this bill could create dangerous situations for transgender people, who are already at greater threat of violence and discrimination as a marginalized group.
Diana Petraline []
Time to stop sowing the seeds of hate and fear! Time to come togetherfor all people.Time to stop the heartless from destroying our country
Zoey Yatron []
This bill is disgusting and so is everyone who supports it. Antitrans hysteria has rotted the brains of too many politicians. This bill violates the constitutional rights of a class of people. The supporters of this bill are exactly the kind of tyrants the second amendment exists to help to put in the dirt.
Nichole Eden []
I strongly oppose this dangerous bill and implore the subcommittee to vote against it. I also wish to thank the people who have filled this comment section with the words that so often fail me when faced with such blatant injustice. It's hopeful and meaningful to know that the majority of Iowans want freedom, safety, and kindness for all people.
Taylor Battinson []
I urge a NO vote on HSB 649, the governor's bill to force transgender people to disclose that they are transgender on their driver's licenses. I am horrified that the government would ever consider putting people's private medical history on a government document that is so frequently used. Imagine if the government had forced Iowans to disclose their vaccination history on their driver's licenses. Everyone would have been, appropriately, outraged that such a private piece of info was being shown every time they had to buy alcohol at a grocery store or pick up a package at the UPS store. Yet that is exactly what HSB 649 does. Additionally, this bill will create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters, and enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law. Please vote against this bill, and protect the privacy of all Iowans.
Jody Caldwell []
This is a reprehensible bill to write hate into law. It would require citizens to place personal medical information on governmentissued IDs, something I am quite certain many lawmakers would be uncomfortable with. Have you learned no lessons from history? Have you no empathy or compassion for anyone other than the face in your own mirror? Unfortunately, we know the answer to this. Dont turn your smallminded, ignorant hate for trans people into law. Trans people arent going anywhere just because youre uncomfortable due to deep ignorance of self and the world around you. Grow up. Get up. Do good, dont do hate.
Levi Wood []
I urge a NO vote of HSB 649, passing this bill will harm trans Iowans. Forcing us to carry special designations on our ID's and birth certificates (sounds like 1930 Germany)because we are trans is far too close to the nazi's pink triangles for anyone seriously looking at this bill to not be disgusted and horrified. This bill looks to define us out of the law, claiming that trans people simply do not have a right to exist as ourselves, that how our lives and our bodies are is simply too inconvenient for the legislature. This bill endangers trans people, and trans women especially, in any state or government or institutional setting, especially in prisons and jails, where we already suffer profound violence. This bill violates countless federal protections for trans people in countless settings and will be challenged and struck down in court.Vote NO and let this blatant discrimination fall here.
Austin Brown []
I oppose this horrible bill.You should all be ashamed that these blatant attacks are even being considered. The singling out of a minority group for persecution like this is an abhorrent use of government resources. This is an attack on human rights, and I will not support it.
Brianna Stoever []
Under 24 hour notice for a bill that would negative impact many Iowans. Deplorable. I urge no on HSB 649. This violates protected rights and the humanity of Iowans. The legislature is constantly revealing itself as transphobic and against the safety and freedom of all its citizens.
Doug Winkey []
This is an unbelievable waste of time and effort targeting a population of Iowans whose biggest desire is equity and inclusion. Leave them alone and stop advancing bills that prevent them from expressing their full identity the way all Iowans can. None of the content in this bill is anything more than red tape designed to make Iowans lives harder. Please focus on issues that actually matter, like broadband internet in rural communities and ensuring our environment is protected from pollution from farmers.
Natalie Hall []
Dani Ausen []
Iowans deserve a legislature that addresses important issues affecting the state, including food security, living wages, affordable housing, the lack of mental health infrastructure in our state, our crumbling roads and bridges, I could go on. Instead, we have a legislature that insists on attempting to erode the rights of the most vulnerable Iowans over and over and over again. Stop spending valuable time and tax payer dollars trying to score points in a meaningless culture war and use those resources to actually help Iowans.
Tristan Miedema []
Nothing about this is equal. Separate is moving backwards and legally and morally corrupt. Please vote NO and protect our LGBTQ+ parents and children.
Tristan Miedema []
Nothing about this is equal. Separate is moving backwards and legally and morally corrupt. Please vote NO and protect our LGBTQ+ parents and children.
Anne McCullough Kelly [mental health counselor]
I am gravely concerned about the potential impact of HSB 649, the governor's bill to force transgender people to disclose that they are transgender on their driver's licenses. Putting people's private medical history on a government document that is so frequently used is both invasive and can create dangerous situations for transgender people, depending on where they need to show driver's licenses. I reflect on what could happen if the government forced Iowans to disclose, for example, their vaccination history on their driver's licenses. Everyone would be outraged, and rightly so, that such a private piece of personal information was being shown every time they had to buy alcohol at a grocery store or pick up a package at the UPS store. Yet, that is exactly what HSB 649 does. Additionally, this bill will create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters, and enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law and that's a phrase with a long history of legalizing discrimination in this country (separate drinking fountains, eating areas in restaurants, seating on buses and trains, schools all in the name of keeping people of different races "separate but equal"). Please vote against this bill and protect the privacy and civil rights of all Iowans.
Tristan Miedema []
Nothing about this is equal. Separate is moving backwards and legally and morally corrupt. Please vote NO and protect our LGBTQ+ parents and children.
Felicia Coe [Business Owner]
As a concerned business owner in Iowa, I am in opposition to HSB649. I am not alone in my concerns, many small business owners across the state share my worries about the potential impact of this legislation.This legislation sends a harmful message that transgender individuals and samesex families are not valued members of our community. Such a stance has real consequences for our economy and the vibrant cultural tapestry of our state.One of the worries we share is the potential exodus of talent from Iowa. Skilled and diverse individuals, including those from the LGBTQ+ community, contribute significantly to the success and innovation of our businesses. If this bill becomes law, it sends a message that Iowa is not a welcoming place for everyone, which would lead to a loss of talent, creativity, and expertise that our state desperately needs.
Nicole VanderLinden []
I deeply urge a no on this. Even by Kim Reynolds's standards, the costbenefit ratio is wildly unbalanced. Please don't pay such a high price in freedoms and civil rights to further target your fellow Iowans. We've seen this film before, and it does not end well.
Sarah Herman []
Stop this bill. Iowans do not deserve to be treated "separate but equal" as there is no such thing. I strongly oppose this legislation. You call this "Freedom to Flourish?" You should be ashamed.
Lindsey Taylor []
This bill is deplorable. Iowa Legislators are attempting to take Iowa back to segregation with this bill. Pursuing the passing of this bill will negatively impact Iowa's economy, as most transgender individuals and samesex families are planning to leave the state. Requiring transgender individuals to put both male and female on their legal documents will put those individuals in immediate, letal danger. I have a transgender daughter and and transgender exwife, and many transgender friends. I fear for their lives daily. I want my daughter to grow up in a place where she can be a strong, proud young lady, not where she has to walk around with a target painted on her back for hate crimes, discrimination, and being treated as less. Please reject this bill and all antitrans, antiLGBTQ bills, for the sake of all our amazing LGBTQ community members. Thank you.
Joshua Ratel-Khan []
I am beyond frustrated and disappointed in Iowa legislators regarding the current policy priorities. It is disheartening to witness critical issues affecting everyday people being overshadowed by divisive measures that harm vulnerable communities.Our state faces pressing challenges that effect the material lives of Iowans like budget strains, child care access, economic security, education, health care, and environmental concerns. These issues directly impact the wellbeing of Iowans, yet they seem to take a backseat in policy discussions. Families struggle, and our communities bear the brunt of inadequate support.I am troubled by the disproportionate attention given to policies that harm transgender individuals. These policies perpetuate discrimination and exclusion, diverting resources from urgent material needs.I urge you to reconsider the allocation of time, resources, and legislative efforts. Let us prioritize policies that uplift all Iowansregardless of gender identityby addressing material challenges headon. Our states progress depends on pragmatic solutions that benefit everyone.I implore you to listen to the voices of everyday Iowans. We need policies that reflect our shared values and address the tangible struggles faced by our communities. Please refocus your efforts on material wellbeing and inclusivity.
Sara Even []
Once again, vote no on governmentsupported discrimination and erasure of trans and nonbinary Iowans. This is clearly unsupported by the people you supposedly represent. Stop wasting taxpayer time and money and focus on real issues impacting us.
Jessica Musil []
Vote NO. This bill is antitrans and awful, I don't even know where to begin. Is this really who we are discriminatory instead of accepting? Allowing harassment and further stigmatization? Your justifications are baseless. If passed, the impacts will be far reaching and detrimental. Trans individuals deserve better. Iowa needs to do better for ALL, not just the white heterosexuals cisgender individuals. You claim to care about children through your antiabortion rhetoric, and yet don't care for those who don't fit your definition of 'appropriate' humans. STOP the attacks on trans individuals. DO BETTER.
Morgan Hockey []
HSB 649 would put specialized gender markers on documents for only trans people. I can think of another time a government required special identifying symbols for a minority population, can you? Was using a pink triangle a little too on the nose for you? We know where you're going with this. We know what happens next. It's shameful that you would try such dirty tricks as a last minute hearing to pass this hateful bill. You know it's unpopular. You know you're going to lose.VOTE NO ON HSB 649.
Anna Gudenkauf []
I am against HSB 649 and hope all representatives vote NO.
Vernette Williams [wdm]
Stop worrying about Trans people, drag queens, border crossings in TEXAS. Stop blowing smoke up our behinds with your ideological tripe. to attain your campaign funding. Start addressing real world issues that IOWANS can get behind.
Teresa Baustian [Iowa citizen]
Stop this bill right here, right now. It is a blot on Iowa that such a terrible bill has even been proposed. Iowans are hardpressed to see any purpose to a bill that places person's medical history on public documents such as drivers' licenses or birth certificates. These are private matters and should remain so. As to the statutory construction provisionswhere does this end? It, in effect, erases gender nonconforming people from the protection of our laws? Why? Why would a state legislature do such a thing? Everyone should be able to have recourse to the protections of the law in a nation built upon the rule of law. Is there a "phase 2" for this beleagered and persecuted group, once the state has excised them from any protection? Just stop this, right now.
Robin White []
I am legally recognized by the United States Government as a Transexual Female. Any new law that the State of Iowa enacts regarding the legal definition of my sex may end up being challenged in Federal Court. If HSB649 is passed into law I may be forced to seek legal counsel and file a complaint against the State of Iowa.Robin E. White
Mitch Smith []
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with this bill and urge you to vote no. This is a blatant and disgusting attack against Trans Iowans and the entire LGBTQ community. I strongly urge the committee to stand up against this proposed legislation and show support for the rights and liberties of every Iowan. Trans rights are human rights!
Will Bamber []
I was born in Iowa. I have lived all of my almost 34 years in this wonderful state. I used to proudly state that I was an Iowan. How far we have fallen when the state that I love is trying to pass a bill that literally uses "separate but equal" terminology. I am tired of all the hate in this legislature. I vehemently oppose this bill and if it passes I will most assuredly be moving to a less hate filled state.
Thomas O'Donnell []
I urge you to oppose HSB649 at your subcommittee meeting today. My daughter, a National Merit Scholar, moved to Oregon after graduating from Iowa State University with honors. At the time, it was the best job available after none were open in Iowa, but now its also become the best place for her personally. I miss her terribly and want her to return. Any Iowa employer would be delighted to hire her. But as a Trans woman, the states government is hostile to her and her existence. This bill, which would essentially legally mark her under her former gender, is an attempt to erase her and to enable discrimination. It will put Iowa on an expensive path of litigation. Please reject it.
teri patrick []
I support this bill. It is a shame this bill is needed, but unfortunately. this is where we are at. In this day and age where up until a few years ago everyone understood what was a male, female, sex ... it was not controversial. It is now necessity to define for clarity amid evolving language and societal understanding. Biology, as the foundation of reproductive and physiological functions, should serve as the primary determinant. This acknowledgment ensures equitable treatment in healthcare, education, and spaces. Biology XX, XY, honors scientific truth and protects individual rights. It is common sense.
Jennifer Brown []
Trans Iowans are not handguns, and they are not dangerous motor vehicles. They are people with a specific medical history, which by law is between them and their doctors, and anyone they *choose* to disclose to. Unless you want to set a legal precedent that may one day require you to register your history of diabetes, cancer, or plastic surgery, you must vote no on this bill.
Storm O'Brink []
Oppose it. You scheduled this as quickly as you could yesterday, without informing many, because you didn't want the opposition to it. You don't want to give your constituents time to give you feedback or assemble at the capitol, and that's deeply shameful and undemocratic. This bill is blatantly fascist and you know it. You don't care what the people of Iowa think, you only care about how you can use the trans community as a scapegoat. I'm also very concerned about how this is going to impact our compliance with the federal Violence Against Women Act, as victim service centers are required to give trans survivors accommodations that align with their gender identity, and the language within this bill intends to disrupt that.
Donald Brown [None]
Chairman Hora, committee members Boden and Steckman:I have not before in my almost 90 years offered comments on any legislation, even years ago when my brother, John, served in the Iowa Legislature from Emmetsburg. However, HSB 649, in my opinion, would do more harm than good. I have a transgender granddaughter (whom I thought for 18 years was a boy). I think she is still my neighbor, and yours. Jesus said to other Jews, I think, that "we should love our neighbor as ourselves", and pointed to a nonjew (the "good Samaritan")as proving to be a neighbor. The lesson I take from that is that we should not do things that harm others except to protect others. I see no harm, certainly no physical harm, coming from most transgender people. So I think this legislation imposes an unnecessary "cross" for them to carry. A "cross" that is disproportionate to the danger. I hope you will reflect on your responsibilities as Christians, or whatever faith you embrace. Respectfully, Don Brown
David Jennings []
Please vote no on this bill. I have deep worries about the path we're going down marking individuals like this. Remember these are our neighbors and friends and family members who all just want to live a good happy life.
Missy Springsteen-Haupt []
This bill is hateful and will continue to harm trans Iowans. Stop trying to codify hate.
Chris Heffner []
How about spending your time and energy helping people in this state instead of attacking trans folks?
Andrea Krueger []
I am LIVID that they decided to make a bill RESTRICTING transgender individuals from expressing themselves as the gender they are comfortable with. I may not be trans, but I have trans friends and family members in Iowa and I will not let them be repressed because of some government official who should have no authority over the matter, decided to remove peoples rights to express who they are. I agree with the individual that said this is like fascism.
Andrea Krueger []
I am LIVID that they decided to make a bill RESTRICTING transgender individuals from expressing themselves as the gender they are comfortable with. I may not be trans, but I have trans friends and family members in Iowa and I will not let them be repressed because of some government official who should have no authority over the matter, decided to remove peoples rights to express who they are. I agree with the individual that said this is like fascism.
Susan Langan []
Vote no to HSB649. This bill is a bad, bad, bill and it makes me furious that it is even being introduced. It is a bill that goes against our constitution. Doesnt our constitution say liberty and justice for all? We do not get to pick and choose which groups we allow civil rights according to our personal beliefs. I am so sick of hearing from people who believe there are only two genders. Instead of using their faith and religion as an excuse to degrade and treat transgender folks as equals, maybe they need to do some training from One Iowa or Iowa Safe Schools. We have folks in our state who are EXPERTS dealing with LGBTQ+ issues. Those staff members are also some of the most respectful and kind people you will ever meet, even when they are continually having to deal with discrimination from people who should know better. There are many people, including Governor Reynolds who continue to bring issues up for transgender folks that are unnecessary and very hurtful. This is outrageous. Our state needs to be dealing with SO many more important issues. As an educator for 40 years, our schools need help with mental health issues and not just putting the crisis information on student IDs. Passing HSB649 on will only make things worse for many students and adults. If you really do care about ALL people of Iowa, you know this is true. Cant we focus on more important issues that are affecting our citizens? If this bill passes, it will do more damage to our transgender youth and adults. All they want to do is live their lives and be productive citizens. Please allow them to do that by adamanty and quickly voting NO to HSB649.
Allison Chapman []
I'm National LGBTQ+ Legislation Researcher. This proposed legislation is some of the most extreme I've seen introduced this year, and that is saying something. It would force out trans people when they have to present and ID and it could put them in dangerous situations. What you are doing by this bill is forcing trans people to carry around a pink triangle. If you vote yes on this bill you are doing what Nazi Germany did leading up to WWII.Vote NO on HSB649.
Phillip Malerich []
One would think that decades of legal proceedings would be more than enough to disprove the "separate isn't inherently unequal" garbage spewed by Reynolds, but here we are. It would appear that as far as the Kim Reaper is concerned, the only good Iowan is a dead one.It's been horrifying watching the Iowa Republicans drag the state from one of the first to legalize samesex marriage to this mockery of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.I've known a number of selfproclaimed "sane" Republicans. Well, now is your chance to prove it. Vote no on HSB 649.
Larry Kaster []
I stand firmly against this bill and urge a no vote from all. This bill aims to remove rights and liberty from an already oppressed group of human beings that reside in this state.
Megan Jones []
I strongly urge you to vote NO on HSB 649. This harmful and deplorable bill is an embarrassment to all Iowans. It is a huge step backwards for our state and for civil rights. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr said, "The time is always right to do right." History is watching you, Representatives.
Diane Abell []
What a heartless and hateful proposal. Please stop this meanspirited and dangerous spread of hate. We used to be Iowa "Nice" and were a welcoming state. You may or may not have a family member or friend in this class. If you do and you care about them, vote "no" on HSB 649. Or if you simply want to do the right thing and you understand that humans, all humans including the LGBTQ class, should have full access to human rights, vote "no." Past history on "separate but equal": the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and "separate is not equal" and segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment. Legislators have a job and that is to represent all, not just some. If you care about the economic impact of a bill like this, know that major basketball, skatepark and other events may opt not to come here. The participants and potential attendees would understand the very real safety concerns. The statewide bathroom bill and "conscience" proposals are some other proposals that have strong economic implications. Also consider that some of the bills being copied from other states do not impact Iowa the same way as the other stateIowa already has laws, precedents, etc that may be impacted differently than in the other state. If this law is passed, the message is that it is okay to hate, okay to treat people who are different than you differently, okay to put a target on those you don't like or don't agree with and hurt them, and it's okay to separate them and not treat them as humans.Please do the right thing and do not support this proposal or the hateful and meanspirited proposals that target the LGBTQ class.
Anna Hamilton []
This state is quickly and frighteningly becoming Germany in the 30s. This legislation is targeting LGBTQ people who literally want to live their lives and be left alone. As a single mother of a trans child and a lifelong Iowan this is horrendous, deplorable, fascist, incomprehensibly evil. Iowa GOP is nothing more than the same as Hitler's SS. You should be truly ashamed of yourselves. Take a look in the mirror and legislate that. Leave MY CHILD ALONE!!!!!
Martha Fifield []
As a person of faith, I find this bill deplorable and perplexing. What is the point of this blatantdiscrimination against some of the most vulnerable of Iowa's citizens?We are taught to love the outcast. Not to endanger. Not to harass. Not to degrade.Trans people are just ordinary citizens who want to live their lives in peace. Please focus on laws that will improve the lives of all Iowans,not tear down and separate us.
Sophia H []
I vehemently urge a No vote on HSB 649. With this bill, Iowa strives to become first in the nation in gender discrimination. HSB 649 uses the doctrine of separate but equal to codify discrimination that Iowa courts rejected over a century ago in Clark v. Board of School Directorsdecades ahead of the national rebuke in Brown v. Board. This invocation of a tried and disproven method of justifying segregation on the basis of a false guise of protection must be similarly rejected.Despite Governor Reynolds statement, this bill does nothing to help vulnerable Iowans. Under the cover of protection, the newlyminted definitions of sex limits Iowans of all genders to their reproductive capacity. As if men are no more than their capacity to impregnate, as if you become less of a woman for not producing eggs after menopause or medically necessary intervention. I have never known a womanhood so feeble. There is no factual basis, in Iowa or nationally, for increased harm to cisgender women in public facilities due to the presence of trans women, nor are there threats posed to cisgender men by the presence of transgender men. Meanwhile, documented hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people soar. We face increased scrutiny and prejudice while our personhood is being debated by elected officials who refuse to engage with us in person. Transgender and gender diverse Iowans will continue to exist as ourselves beyond any limited, shortsighted definition proposed or adopted by this legislative body. This bill defies state and national precedent, logic, and the needs of Iowans grounded in established fact over fearmongering fantasy.
Rebekah Stewart []
This is abhorrent. Absolutely not. Leave separate but equal in the 50's.
Marion Pruitt Jefferson [Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Clergy, Retired]
This bill is another attack on Transgender Iowans led by Gov. Reynolds and members of the white, Evangelical Christian right. This bill violates an individuals right to privacy regarding health care decisions. It forces Transgender Iowans to reveal their most personal medical choices every time they make a purchase which requires identification. This bill is based on fear and misunderstanding, and I'm sorry to say, hatred, of LGBTQIA+ individuals, and not in our shared values of equality, freedom, and the right to privacy. The simple fact that this bill is using the "separate but equal" clause from one of the most notorious and discredited Supreme Court decisions should be enough to disqualify it entirely. Please do not allow this legislation to move forward.
Liz Love []
As a mother and a teacher, I urge you to please oppose this hateful bill! It will lead to so much more hate, bullying, mental health, suicidal ideation, and people leaving Iowa. A bill was already passed saying parents had to be informed or give permission to use chosen names over given names, so if theyve given permission, why go to all this extra work to then allow deadnaming. This bill encourages bullying and doesnt give teachers the ability to stop the bullying. Please dont let this hate continue. This is far from Iowa Nice.
KariAn Mulford []
There are many negative things happening in this state and in our country that our political representatives could be putting their time and energy to correcting. Instead, they continue to focus on discriminating against our most vulnerable populations. Please do NOT advance this bill!
Kyan Martensen []
My heart breaks seeing this. A few years ago, I was quick to legally change my gender out of fear of something like this being passed. The anxiety associated with your gender marker on your liscense is real. Imagine buying alcohol, getting pulled over, or going through TSA as someone who looks/sounds very masculine, but your I.D. says otherwise. Vote against this bill. Vote in favor of your fellow Iowans living a happy and healthy life. This is hate at its core.
Hannah Breckbill []
I urge a NO vote. This bill helps nobody and harms Iowans.
Anna Stevens []
This bill requiring "special designation" on ID cards will be incredibly dangerous to trans people. It will forcibly out them to anyone who sees it. It's an invasion of privacy. It is awfully reminiscent of the fascist usage of pink triangles in Nazi Germany. I do not support this bill. Please vote NO.
Kendra Thompson []
I urge you to not move on with Bill HSB649 because any person is a person. Transgender people are still people. Stripping the happiness from them and the freedom in the supposed "free country" we live in is so backwards. They haven't caused any harm to be able to do this. Trans people are here to make others smile, bring light to anyone, and have always been one of the best people I have ever gotten to interact with. Being here in Iowa has been so frustrating because everyone is a person no matter their gender, identity, sex, etc. WE ARE HUMANS WITH FEELINGS. Trans people are HUMANS WITH FEELINGS. They do not need to be belittled or put down. They're wonderful people. Please do not pass this bill.
Oliver Young []
We will not go back.
Joy Perkins []
I urge voting no to this bill. Apparently we've learned the wrong lesson from the NAZIs registering the Jews before World War II. No marginalized community should have to register their "difference" for the majority culture and risk facing persecution. Let them live their lives as normal people.
Clara Muggli-Toyloy []
Strongly oppose, please stop attacking and trying to take away civil rights for trans Americans
Allegra Hernandez []
As an Iowan who is trans, this bill does nothing but punish and harm trans individuals and samesex parents. Forcing trans individuals to have different government IDs such as birth certificates or driver's licenses is truly disturbing as it allows "separate but equal" to become law in the state of Iowa. The end goal of this proposed law, and many other bills that were written, is to oppress and harm trans and other LGBTQ+ people in our state, making it harder for us to exist publicly and not have the same civil rights and benefits as anyone else. There are so many other reasons I could state. Do not pass this bill. I ask that Iowa legislators focus on other issues and STOP harming LGBTQ+ residents. Other pressing matters in our state include childhood hunger, water pollution/quality, lack of access to mental health care, and committing to fund public education so our students can succeed. Protect and uplift trans people who do so much to contribute to the state of Iowa economically, culturally, artistically, and bring so much to their communities every single day.Allegra
Patrick Geer []
This bill is an absolute attack on the civil rights of Iowans. It should be voted down and condemned as the absolute violation of basic rights that it is. This legislation and all bills like it are just more and more the hallmark of newfascist ideologies attacking anyone who is not a white, middleclass Christian in this state. I'm ashamed it is even making it into subcommittee as a lifelong resident of Iowa.
Teresa Miller []
you NEED to vote NO on HSB 649!!!! passing this bill will harm trans Iowans. what are you even thinking? omg your value as humans is subpar for even thinking this!
Amy Luebbert []
Please vote NO on this bill. If passed, this would endanger trans people directly. This attack on the trans community protects no one and only harms an already heavily discriminated against group of individuals. Being trans is not a choice, and it is not bad. It is beautiful. There is room for all of us to be who we are without threatening others. Please stand in solidarity with community members and vote NO on this destructive bill. Thank you.
Katie Imborek []
I am opposed to HSB649 and urge you to vote no on this bill. Transgender people experience not only discrimination but also violence at levels that surpass their cisgender peers. This bill enacts a mechanism to overtly identify persons who are transgender, thus increasing the likelihood they may experience separate and UNEQUAL treatment at the hands of others. Furthermore, this could be the beginning of a very slippery slope one in which everyday rights can be one by one taken away from a group of people. Please ask yourselves the existing problem that needs to be solved and weigh that against the potential harm caused by this bill. Vote no.
Janice Binder []
Gender is not just a simple, binary, either/or biologic proposition. Science now looks at gender as more of a spectrum and involves many different genes. The number of genders is not definitive and depends on the context. Gender also is a cultural concept, with some researchers counting over 80 different cultural variations in gender around the world, such as Native American Two Spirit. Other terms to describe gender constructs include male, female, transgender, cisgender, agender, gender fluid and gender nonconforming,Even genetically, there are more than just XX or XY genders. Some people are born with an extra X or extra Y chromosome. About 25 genes go into sex differentiation. Some people are born with both female and male genitalia, formerly known as intersex, now better described as DSD or differential sex development. About 2% of births have a congenital difference in chromosomes, hormones, gonads or genitals is different than what many people expect of males or females.Some of these infants are assigned male or female at birth (AMAB or AFAB). Many times, intersex babies assigned a particular gender at birth, are subjected to medical interventions to have their outward appearance conform to the gender chosen for them. These children can then grow up to feel as if they are in the wrong body, known as gender dysphoria.
William Renk []
Vote NO on HSB 649Ms. Reynolds has clearly demonstrated that she does not care about the rights of her constituents. She apparently believes in equality only for white cishetero men with maybe some equality for women and wealthy minorities if there's enough to go around.Equality is not a commodity. We either have it or we do not. It is deplorable that on the 60th anniversary of THE Civil Rights Act, our government continues to try to find ways to exclude people from equality, equity, and fair treatment under the law.If even a single person must live their life according to a law that others must not, we have no equality.
Lisa Ferretti [Lisa Ferretti LISW]
I strongly oppose this bill. Please STOP oppressing the marginalized. This bill hurts humans. Upon what science are you basing this Machiavellian legislation? This bill will very likely lead to worse mental health outcomes for already marginalized Iowans: increased suicide and selfharm; increased depressive disorders; increased anxiety disorders.
Jenny Kula []
This is disgusting. The deliberate labeling of trans gender individuals with special markers is fascists and reminiscent of Nazi Germanys system for identification of gay and trans people. The continuation of this bill defies any pretense that the legislature cares about the will of its constituents.
Danetta Dobre []
I oppose this bill. this horrendous bill has me disappointed but not surprised. From a party that supposedly upholds limited government and personal freedoms, they are awfully comfortable piling on what can only be described as weaponized, hateful bureaucracy. Iowa has actual problems that need solving and anyone who considers separate but equal an appropriate solution to this so called problem has no business being in public, let alone representing the public.
Charlie Grove []
As a trans person in Iowa Im so tired of this. This bill isnt being proposed to help people or improve anything. Its meant to make Trans Iowans feel targeted and unsafe so that we leave or kill ourselves. We have actual problems in this state, but we cant solve any of them because our governor and GOP are focused on culture war issues to score political points. Im tired to f being fodder for political posturing, I just want to live my live in Iowa, its my home and you can pry this state from my cold dead hands, which Im sure youd love to see.
Vicky Brenner [Retired Teacher & Community Advocate]
I urge you to vote NO on HSB 649. The majority of Iowans recognize this as discrimination which is sowing the seeds of hateful "Usthem" division. This legislation is straight out of the Nazi playbook, and I would hope you recognize that it is coming from very a dangerous group of people in this country. We elected you to solve problems and make Iowa a good place to live. You should be focused on things like providing healthcare, funding public education, protecting our seniors in nursing homes, ensuring clean water and soil, roads and bridgesnot targeting people who just want to live their lives like everyone else. Finally, I am tired of Iowa taxpayers having to pay for Gov Reynolds' lawsuits (and this bill is definitely unconstitutional) because she doesn't know how to actually govern. All of her recent attempts at dictating legislation belong in the trash bin.
Jamie Hanson []
I strongly oppose HSB 649.
Jessie Ryan [University of Iowa Community Clinics]
This bill is another example of overreach from the Iowa GOP. I'm sick of their culture war bills intended to limit the freedoms of specific Iowans. Let's focus ways that will actually improve the lives of everyone in the state that focus on mental health, child care, and education. Iowa used to be a state I was proud of, but these past few years we have taken a disappointing turn in focusing on all the wrong things in an attempt to get a base riled up and vote a specific way.
Ramona Messenger []
This bill is full of terrible ideas that have little support in Iowa, which is why it's being rushed through a hearing on less than 24 hours notice to try to avoid attention. It would force many transgender people to disclose that they are transgender on their driver's licenses, and restrict even more from carrying an ID that reflects their gender identity which doesn't help the public in any way except to make it easier to harass the trans community. Our private medical history has no place on a government document that's used in everyday life. Imagine forcing Iowan's IDs to disclose their vaccination history, mental health medications, or that they take erectile dysfunction pills. It would be outrageous, but that's exactly what HSB 649 does. It will also create legal peril and cost for samesex and all adoptive parents, and deny the kids in these families the happiness and stability of recognizing the parents they know; jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters; violate ReadID federal requirements, and maybe most disgustingly, attempt to enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law.This bill is nothing but culture war signaling to those few voters that want the right to be terrible to and discriminate against people and face no consequences. If passed, Iowa will waste millions in legal costs to defend the indefensible, all in hopes of appealing up to the supreme court to try to erode more basic rights countrywide.
Katie Tschopp []
I urge a NO vote on HSB 649. This bill forces transgender people to share private medical information with anyone who needs to see their identification, putting people in danger of discrimination or violence just to pick up their mail or buy medication. Brown v. Board of Education reminds us that "separate but equal" is not possible: if you separate us, we are not equal. Passage of discriminatory bills like this one will cause more and more people to leave the state of Iowa and take their businesses and tax dollars with them.
Wynn Greenlee []
As an addition to my previous comment: Having the audacity to generalize intersex individuals as being disabled is appalling to me. Their designation of themselves is THEIR choice. Many intersex people do not consider themselves disabled and this law overwrites their ability to choose. This bill is terrifying to me as a nonbinary person with gender designation on my birth certificate. Years ago, my family fought for the right for me to have accurate classification of my gender, and now Iowa is taking major steps backward for trans rights. Vote no.
Deborah Hannen []
This is not only discriminatory and meanspirited, it's pointless. What do people's genitalia have to do with their driver's licenses? Iowans are going hungry and dying of treatable diseases, and this is what the legislature is spending time and energy on?
Dave Smith []
I am alarmed that our governor and legislature are even considering a bill as harmful and hateful as this. Please stop targeting transIowans. Please do not further HSB 649, it is absolutely contrary to the values of Iowans, and will create more hate and misunderstanding of a portion of our society that is already facing discrimination and hate from a public that doesn't understand what it is to be trans. ThankYou for your time, and please do not further HSB 649, 'The Scarlet Letter Bill'.
Jacob Griffin []
I strongly oppose this bill. It will harm Iowans. It is an overstepping into the privacy and health choices of its community. This bill effectively creates a registry for the state to track those they view as "other"
Pamela Mix []
I strongly urge you to vote NO on this harmful and ignorant bill. Othering and further marginalizing an already vulnerable population places trans people like my child at even greater risk, not only for their own mental health but also for their personal safety. Data overwhelmingly show that trans people experience harassment, violence, and even murder because of their identity. This bill places them at even greater risk by publicly calling them out as trans. There is no data that supports a risk to cisgender people because of their identity, nor a risk from trans people against cisgender people. You have a responsibility to protect ALL Iowans. This bill does the opposite.
Andrew Boge []
I strongly urge each subcommittee member to kill this bill. It is a deplorable attack on legal protections in Iowa Code for transgender Iowans and other LGBTQ+ peoples and families in the state. The bill is the lastest installment in the culture wars by legislators and our governor to rally their base and continue to try and take away the civil rights and protections for transgender and queer Iowans. OneIowa argues, "the bill would create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal domestic violence prevention funds, and force transgender Iowans to out themselves on their driver's licenses. The bill even enshrines the legally and morally discredited phrase 'separate but equal' into Iowa law." Simply put, the bill erases nonbinary and genderexpansive Iowans from law. State legislators and our governor need to stop trying to take away the civil rights and protections of trans and queer Iowans and spend time actually helping the state. I once again urge each subcommittee member to kill this bill.
Olivia Hockey []
Was the backlash from the last antitrans bill not enough? Take a hint and stop pushing legislation that strips LGBTQ people of their rights! It's a full on obsession at this point. Quit wasting time and taxpayer dollars with fascist policies,and spend it improving the state for EVERYONE.
David Thrasher []
With as many things that need to be done in this state that would actually benefit Iowans youre wasting valuable time on this culture war crap? Taking away rights from a small minority without a lot of power is not only despicable but makes me question why youve been selected to serve our state. Mississippi might be considered the worst state but you seem to be working very hard to make Iowa beat it as the most backward state in the union.
Medea Saunders []
As a woman, I am more than my eggs, my uterus, or my ovaries. As a citizen, I am more than a vessel made to produce babies. My husband is more than his sperm. The idea that we are our gametes reduces our human capacity to simple sex objects, which can then be manipulated by outdated Victorian beliefs about sexuality. As the mother of a kiddo who is discerning their identity as an adult, gender identity and all others, I am angry that Iowa would even consider adopting Aparthiedera laws to discriminate against a group of people. Live and let live, and leave people's personal freedom to be who they are in public and private alone.
Katie Carlson []
This bill is the equivalent of legislating cruelty. Of created separate (and for LGBTQIA+ Iowans, inferior) classes of humans. The government is charged with protecting and legislating *for* the people, not stripping them of their rights and protections. Not telling them that they are "less than." This bill is dangerous and sends a clear message to LGBTQIA+ Iowans: you are not welcome here. It would be an astonishing embarrassment for Iowa to be on the wrong side of history with this bill. It is bad for human rights, bad for business, and serves no purpose other than to attempt to erase LGBTQIA+ Iowans. Do not do this. Vote NO on this bill.
Ben Stanbrough []
I strongly oppose this discriminatory bill. Stop causing problems for a small group of Iowans and start solving the problems that already exist.
Ev Wilson []
This bill is dangerous and discriminatory. There are tens of thousands of transgender Iowans. We are and will continue to be targeted. This bill serves nothing but to increase transphobia, bigotry, and violence. Specifying an individual is transgender on legal documents allows discrimination. Transgender people deserve to be addressed as their identity, whether it matches their biological sex or not. I've been a victim of verbal, sexual, and sexual violence because of my identity. This bill fully excludes nonbinary people, and gender nonconforming people. This bill also excludes intersex individuals, who are literally intersex FROM BIRTH. Trans people are going to die and it is fully in the hands of our government. This bill is murder.
Genevieve Ellis []
Please stop legislating hate. Vote no on HSB 649.
Hannah Soyer []
I am absolutely appalled that you continue to attack Iowas LGBTQ community by introducing bills such as House Bill 649. As a gay woman living in Iowa, I am sickened at the way our state is becoming. I assure you that an individuals ability to parent has absolutely nothing to do with their gender, and I also assure you, as someone who has very close trans friends, that bills which seek to pathologize and demonize trans identity are harmful and cruel. Do you not realize that our state has much more pressing issues that we should be spending time and energy on? For example, the thousands of people still on Medicaid waiver waitlists? Something to more than think about, Iowa legislators. Do you job.
Oliver Weilein []
This constant bullying of a small and vulnerable demographic of Iowans is irredeemable. To throw transgender Iowans under the bus to cash in on this current hot button issue for right wing clout is some of the most vile and despicable behavior I can imagine. Vote no and stop this embarrassing nonsense.
Kirsten Faisal [Kirsten Faisal]
I would rather pee in a bathroom full of transfolks than with one person who supports this bill regardless of their gender. It's unconsitutional, unAmerican, and immoral to treat people "separate but equal".
Elizabeth Heffernan []
I strongly urge a NO vote in HSB 649. We already have multiple statutes forbidding unfair discrimination. All this bill will do is create unnecessary confusion and harm to a vulnerable group of people who are simply existing in the state. It is difficult not to see this bill is a vindictive attack against trans and nonbinary individuals. Others have also already pointed out that it also completely ignores intersex individuals.There are many other real, concrete issues that we can use our time to address. This bill is not one of them. Thank you for voting NO on HSB 649
Robert Kremer []
Please vote no on this preposterous bill. All Iowans deserve human rights.
Kelle MacQueeney [Broadlawns Medical Center]
To my Legislators, I hope this comment finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and strong opposition to Iowa House Study Bill 649 (HSB 649), which aims to eliminate certain civil rights protections. As a resident of Iowa and a fervent advocate for equality and justice, I firmly believe that this proposed legislation poses a grave threat to the fundamental rights of all individuals in our state.The cornerstone of a just and fair society is the protection of civil rights for all citizens, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic. Any attempt to erode these protections undermines the principles of equality and fairness upon which our nation was founded.HSB 649, as currently drafted, not only undermines existing civil rights protections but also sets a dangerous precedent for discrimination and inequality in our state. By eliminating crucial safeguards, this bill opens the door to unchecked discrimination and prejudice in various aspects of public life, including employment, housing, and access to essential services.Furthermore, the passage of HSB 649 would send a chilling message to marginalized communities, signaling that their rights and dignity are expendable. This is not the Iowa that I know and lovea state that prides itself on its commitment to equality, fairness, and inclusivity.I urge you to stand on the right side of history and oppose HSB 649 in its current form. Instead, I implore you to champion legislation that strengthens civil rights protections and ensures equality and justice for all Iowans. Our state's reputation and the wellbeing of its residents depend on it.Thank you for considering my perspective on this crucial issue. I trust that you will make the right decision in protecting the civil rights of all individuals in Iowa.
julia baker []
I strongly oppose this bill because it is extremely harming and cruel to an entire community of people who only want to be seen and supported. This is horrifyingly narrowminded and outdated thinking that deserves no place in this modern era.
Jennifer Schulte []
Wow. Iowa's government has solved so many of their actual problems that they're making things up just to pass time. Trans people don't deserve this hatred. Change the documents to reflect the person as they are and leave it at that. You don't need to note a history of their past life on government forms.
Jordan Speer []
I strongly oppose this bill. It is not only illegal but also unethical. Iowa politicians should focus their efforts on aiding marginalized groups, not further disenfranchising them. This bill serves no substantive purpose other than to place a target on the back of trans Iowans. The concerns it aims to address are purely strawman rhetoric. Iowa politicians need to focus on real issues facing Iowans, not this bullshit.
Laura Crowley []
I am totally opposed to this despicable bill that intends to legalize discrimination, in the best interpretation, and to exterminate fellow human beings in its most likely interpretation. Put an end to this fear and hatred of LGBTQ people and vote no on HSB649.
Laura Crowley []
I am totally opposed to this despicable bill that intends to legalize discrimination, in the best interpretation, and to exterminate fellow human beings in its most likely interpretation. Put an end to this fear and hatred of LGBTQ people and vote no on HSB649.
Whitney Rissi []
HSB 649 is absolutely unconstitutional. It puts your lgbtq tax paying constituents in a category of other. This doesnt reflect a free country and puts your constituents at risk. Vote no to this.
Sora Anderson []
As a transgender Iowan, I firmly oppose this bill. I do not want to have to put myself and put myself in danger everytime I show my ID. I am also afraid that if this bill gets passed, I may loose my section 8 and my apartment just because I'm a trans man. This bill is dehumanizing, discriminatory, and unconstitutional. Nobody should have to be afraid of loosing their jobs or their homes just because of their gender identity, skin color, etc. This is wrong on so many levels. besides why can't we focus on real issues like... raising the Iowa minimum wage? Why are we doing this in 2024? I want to go Forward not backwards. If I have to come and protest this bill again, I will. I firmly oppose HSB 649..please vote No on this stupid piece of crap bill. All Iowans Belong in Iowa regardless of what Covid Kimmy thinks.
Oliver Schoenborn [Grinnell College]
I strongly opposed this piece of legislation, which would require an individual's assigned gender at birth to be listed on their birth certificate, driver's license, and other important records. Nobody wants this; someone's assigned gender at birth is no one's business except their own. Passing this piece of legislation will lead to increased discrimination and possible physical violence against people whose gender identity (and even their legal gender identification) does not match their assigned gender at birth. This bill is just another way to attempt to regulate EVERYONE'S bodies, and not just the bodies of GNC, transgender, and nonbinary Iowans; unlike cis folks, however, trans Iowans are going to be made physically and psychologically vulnerable because of this bill. How does anybody benefit from this? Stop the unlawful and unnecessary antitrans legislation.
bill cosmo codmo []
yes i suport just for war
Aiyanna Wilson []
My name is Aiyanna Wilson. I am urging you to vote NO on this bill, as it is incredibly harmful to trans people in our state. We have seen an alarming increase in antitrans bills being passed and brought up not only in our state, but across the country. Time and time again, trans people are viewed as less than human. Trans people deal with transphobia and hate crimes on a daily basis, and these bills tell those that it is okay. That they do not have to respect this person or treat them as a human, just because they are of an inconvenience to them. When trans people are just trying to live beautiful and full lives. These people are your neighbors, family, friends, students, customers, patients, clients, and so much more. This bill would be harming them by making them identify how the government wants them to. This bill could also out people, which is very dangerous. So i urge you, to see trans people as human beings with lives because that is who they are. People with families, friends, hobbies, and dreams. Trans people are beautiful and should feel safe, especially when it comes from our government. I urge you to vote NO on this bill because trans people deserve to live in peace.
Aiyanna Wilson []
My name is Aiyanna Wilson. I am urging you to vote NO on this bill, as it is incredibly harmful to trans people in our state. We have seen an alarming increase in antitrans bills being passed and brought up not only in our state, but across the country. Time and time again, trans people are viewed as less than human. Trans people deal with transphobia and hate crimes on a daily basis, and these bills tell those that it is okay. That they do not have to respect this person or treat them as a human, just because they are of an inconvenience to them. When trans people are just trying to live beautiful and full lives. These people are your neighbors, family, friends, students, customers, patients, clients, and so much more. This bill would be harming them by making them identify how the government wants them to. This bill could also out people, which is very dangerous. So i urge you, to see trans people as human beings with lives because that is who they are. People with families, friends, hobbies, and dreams. Trans people are beautiful and should feel safe, especially when it comes from our government. I urge you to vote NO on this bill because trans people deserve to live in peace.
robin dabank [none]
no i like no war just dxd
amy brooks murphy []
do the right thing and vote no to HSB 649. stop harassing innocent people, it's infuriating and embarrassing for our state.
bill makril []
i don't like this bill pls no billyes
charles dabank [none]
carter dabank []
Sara Neppl []
I strongly oppose HSB 649. Please do not move this bill forward.
Morgan Hockey []
As I read through these comments, I can't help but notice the overwhelming opposition for this bill. Just from some quick searches I found 4 in favor while there are over 400 people opposed. Listen to your constituents. Vote NO on HSB 649.
bill cosmo codmo [none]
no bill mybe yes just too see if they get rid off them
Kathy Graeve []
Vote NO on HSB649. This bill is not needed and causes further harassment to trans Iowans.
Boe Jiden [N/A]
Trans people don't belong in this world
Emily Berntson []
This should not even be considered! Vote NO on HSB 649! This would take Iowa so many steps backwards, let's not continue in the direction Reynolds has been taking us. This bill will impact so many Iowans negatively and make even more consider leaving the state. I would never raise a child in Iowa in today's climate, it is unsafe and they are making it so the most vulnerable people in the community feel neglected. VOTE NO!!!!!
Nathan Paul [Corteva Agrisciences]
Time and time again, these attacks are the antithesis of "Iowa Nice" and promote fear, hate and division among ALL of our states citizens. Stop these hateful bills that do nothing to protect anyone. All they do is seek to divide, instill fear and drive people out of our state due to the closed mindedness of its elected officials who seem to have never met a person different from them without hating against them. Just stop before you hurt more people.
Sora Anderson []
As a trans man, I find HSB 649 very scary. If this bill were to pass, I am afraid of losing my apartment as well as my section 8 and rental assistance just because I happen to be transgender. Nobody should fear losing their house, apartment, job, or anything or the sort just because they happen to be transgender. This bill goes against the very nature of the Iowa I know we can be and the Iowa we were once upon a time. Iowa was one of the first states to legalize same sex marriage and we codified gender identity protections into the Iowa Civil Rights act. This law as it is written goes against the Iowa Civil Rights act. And it's also just discriminatory, disgusting and unconstitutional as hell. I am so sick and tired of the Republican legislators and the governor trying to take the rights of trans people and the LGBT+ community away. I have a right to live in this state as a trans man. AND all my trans siblings also have a right to live here as well as Iowans. ALL Iowans Belong here!.One more thing, separate but equal is not equal. It is discriminatory, fascist and authoritarian not to mention unAmerican as well. I am beyond disgusted that this bill is even a thing. As it is written, the thought of having to put myself as transgender everytime I have to show my ID is a very scary and sickening thought. Also, I have come to damn far to go back. I'm here, I'm a man, and I have a right to live my life openly as such. Do trans people really scare you that much, Kim Reynolds? We are Iowans just like you and unlike you, want our state to be an opening and accepting place for EVERYONE regardless of their gender,race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. ALL Iowans Belong in Iowa! I will not support this fascist legislation. Vote NO on HSB 649!!
Maggie Ballard [Heartland Family Service]
Dear Members of the Education Subcommittee,On behalf of Heartland Family Service, I hope that you will think better of Iowans than to consider passing HSB 649 out of committee. This bill takes us back to the days when people of the LGBTQ+ community were as unsafe as they were in the early to mid20th century. At Heartland Family Service, we work hard to ensure that people in marginalized groups are able to feel comfortable in their own skin and treated with equity in their communities whether they are understood or not. HSB 649 does one thing after another that would make our LGBTQ+ clients and staff unable to live their lives freely. We understand that proponents of this bill may have a hard time understanding the complexities of gender identity and sexual orientation and therefore think HSB 649 will "straighten things out." Instead, what this will do is RUIN many aspects of people's lives. It will give the government too much power over how they live. Please vote "no" on this bill and do not let it pass out of subcommittee.Sincerely,Maggie Ballard
Cheryl Wieseler []
This bill is absolutely horrifying. Iowans are worried about the economy, child care, cancer rates and water quality, not about trans people just trying to live their lives in peace! Why don't you actually do something to HELP Iowans? The Iowa GOP are so hateful that they will waste our tax dollars to harass a group that makes up approximately 0.3% of the state population. This is 2024, we need to be PROTECTING Iowans' civil rights, not taking them away. This bill is unconstitutional and I urge you to vote NO!
Justin Sawina []
I have considered myself pretty centrist/conservative for most of my life but I assure you that the republican party just lost my vote. This bill is an absolutely ridiculous backside into the 1930s. What's next do they need to indicate their sex by sewing a star into their clothes? I have genuinely never been so disgusted in my country. I urge everybody involved in this process to not pass this bill, it is a complete affront to American values and frankly common decency.
Trisha Borowicz []
I am writing today as the mother of a healthy, happy, but unfortunately atrisk trans college student. I am lucky that I work for a LGBTQ+ inclusive corporation and have inclusive health insurance. I am also lucky that she has already fully moved through transition as a young adult just this past summer, but there are still legal battles that target her for no reason, and there are so many other families out there that aren't so lucky. My family fights for the health and happiness of all the trans people out there. HSB 649, the governor's bill to force transgender people to disclose that they are transgender on their driver's licenses, is a step backwards. It's harmful for trans individuals and their families and is completely unnecessary. It's cruelty for cruelty's sake. I am horrified by this bill and urge you to vote NO and protect the privacy of all Iowans.
Odessa Neeley []
This bill is a clear violation of my 14th amendment rights as well as right to freedom of expression. It blatantly intends to make citizens who do not follow gender norms identifiable as a target for harassment. This isnt a trans issue it will affect every Iowans right to freedom of expression equally. The language in this bill is authoritarian and completely unconstitutional. Please strike immediately.
Josie Broxson []
Vote no!
Julie Duhn []
Dear State Representatives HoraCH, Boden and Steckman,Enough is enough. It is time to STOP discrimination of our fellow Iowans, not promote discrimination! HSB 649 is shameful and it's promotion is an embarrassment to our state and will cause irreparable to our citizens. It is hard to grasp the thought that the words on our flag Our Liberties We Prize and our Rights We Will Maintain could so easily be stomped on. HSB 649 mocks those words. 'Separate but Equal' is offensive to Iowa values. It is shocking really offensive on every level. I believe that liberty and justice for all is not just an optional thing. Either you believe in liberty and justice or you don't. Iowa should be entertaining laws codifying discrimination, not promoting it. Please reject this grossly unconstitutional and offensive piece of legislation.
Michelle Soyer []
Vote NO Passing this bill would be a crime and very very harmful. No harm should be the primary focus of bills. The federal government long ago decided Separate But Equal is illegal. Focus on making some actual changes that benefit all Iowans.Stop spreading hate and start taking care of your constituents.
Sarah Chang []
My opposition to this bill is as strong as my faith and as deep as my involvement in my church, where I have been one of the most involved members for years. Making the drivers license different for trans Iowans would out them in many situations, drastically increasing the likelihood of their being discriminated against, mistreated, or even put in danger, and I would fear for many of my friends and loved ones if something like that were implemented. Rigidly defining mother and father on official documents would cause similar harm, extending beyond trans parents to any notstrictlyheterosexual family. Additionally, enshrining into Iowa law the phrase separate but equal would cause harm rippling far beyond this one demographic, and history has made clear that such separateness is never equal. People of all gender identities/expressions and gender histories are our families, neighbors, and coworkers, and contribute immeasurably to our communities. They should be treated as the integral and indispensable part of society that they are, not singled out for secondclass treatment. This bill would not benefit anyone, would harm many Iowans, and repel many potential Iowans, both within and beyond the LGBTQ community. Please reject HSB 649 resoundingly!
Zoe Frey []
Why are you focusing on bullying the LGBTQ community? There are so many other issues that should be focused on in Iowa. HSB 649 is so harmful and needs to be voted against. It's everyone's human right to have a private medical history and not something that everyone who is required to check IDs (which is a large majority of workers; package delivery, store clerks, to get hotel rooms, etc.) deserves to be disclosed. Do you think the DMV will appreciate taking extra time to make this part of their job? World War II was a time that also forced Jewish people to face discrimination by having their personal identity out publicly, by force, for people who didn't need to know, to have that information to intentionally discriminate against. Why force this? How is it anyone's business? What makes you feel that you deserve to know anyone's information like that? Vote NO on HSB 649.
Zoe Frey []
Why are you focusing on bullying the LGBTQ community? There are so many other issues that should be focused on in Iowa. HSB 649 is so harmful and needs to be voted against. It's everyone's human right to have a private medical history and not something that everyone who is required to check IDs (which is a large majority of workers; package delivery, store clerks, to get hotel rooms, etc.) deserves to be disclosed. Do you think the DMV will appreciate taking extra time to make this part of their job? World War II was a time that also forced Jewish people to face discrimination by having their personal identity out publicly, by force, for people who didn't need to know, to have that information to intentionally discriminate against. Why force this? How is it anyone's business? What makes you feel that you deserve to know anyone's information like that? Vote NO on HSB 649.
Shannon Zehr []
This anti trans bill is a huge setback in civil rights. This is shameful for the state of Iowa. Our leaders are not prioritizing what the majority of people electing them have put them there to do.
Melinda Moore []
Quick reminder that representatives are elected officials who are to represent their constituents. Not their own beliefs. From what I see here, anyone who votes in favor of this ridiculousness better start looking for a new job.
Ann Beuligmann []
I am compleetly opposed to HSB 649. Please do not pass this. It is embarrassing to Iowa and dangerous for the people that live here.
Torina Gedler []
I am absolutely against the asinine and unnecessary HSB 649 and urge its termination. Please, do not pass it.
Sophie Steffensmeier [Current Iowa Educator]
As a teacher who works directly with trans and nonbinary students each and every day, this bill is an insult. We should never treat anyone as second class citizens and neither should our government. Vote NO!
Katy Patterson [- Select -]
What an absolutely abhorrent bill. Trans people aren't hurting you, they're not ruining your lives, they're not stealing freedoms, but you sure are trying to do those things to them. Why? Personal hated? Disdain? Well that makes you small minded, which you are free to be, but that does NOT give YOU the right to ruin their lives, to steal their freedoms, to harm them. Separate but equal?! Seriously? Absolutely disgusting.Vile.Keep your hate in your own house, THAT is what's not welcome here. It's not Trans Iowans who are unwelcome. Trans Iowans are Iowans. With the same rights as the rest of us. They're not "other". Side note, when you think you're willing to include your sexual infection history, your prostate exam results, (for women your pregnancy history), or any of the rest of your medical history on YOUR driver's license, you let me know. I'll advocate for you to be the test case and we can see how much you appreciate "has low testosterone" or "HPV positive" or "incompetent cervix" boldly printed on your license.
Brian Bruening []
This bill would further demonize the LGBTQ+ community and make our lives more difficult and our children less safe. In addition it shows the the world that Iowa isn't a safe, welcoming place to live and will cause more and more young people to flee the state. Bad legislation, bad intentions.
I was raised in Iowa from age 3 through college and still consider myself a proud Iowan. So I am furious and deeply disturbed when leaders in my home state resort to bigotry and hate crimes, which this law most certainly is, and most certainly will encourage. Trans people are people. Their gender identity is THEIR gender identity, their truth, and THE TRUTH. A M/F designation on a license is akin to a pink triangle, a scarlet A and other public acts of labeling, shaming and invitations to violence. I strongly implore you to vote no.
Nicole Yeager []
I urge you to vote NO for HB 649. As a Ph.D. student of psychology, I understand that this bill blatantly ignores the science of human development. We know that human development does not unfold in such a way that we have two neat, clearly defined categories (please see image attached). We also know from studying human cognition that humans love to categorize we love to make quick, simple judgements to understand our world. We see a red brake light? We brake before we can say BRAKE. It is adaptive, and can be helpful, yet, the world is not simple and quick judgements erase, dehumanize, and disconnect us from the chance to learn. Nothing is simple. For those that feel most comfortable believing that gender is binary, or perhaps that men are from Mars and women from Venus, two sides of a coin, it must be cognitively taxing to acknowledge and apply this in practice. If you pass this bill, you will be showing us your cognitive weakness. Your desperation to not understand others outside of yourself. You will show us your desire to force others to conform rather than take on the cognitive load of expanding your preferred categories. You also will be gravely threatening trans, nonbinary, and genderfluid youth and adults across this state. I understand that supposedly representatives of the state of Iowa care about mental health, particularly youth mental health. By some estimates, there is 1 mental health provider for every 19,000 youth in Iowa. Let me be clear: we don't have the capacity (i.e., psychologists & therapists) to respond in a timely manner for anyone regardless of socioeconomic status. If you pass this bill, trans youth will try to conform. They'll try to hide themselves from YOU. And some of them very well may complete suicide as you seek to create a world in which they cannot exist. I wish this were alarmist, but this is our reality. Passing this bill you will have blood on your hands. VOTE NO for this bill & please get on with passing bills which put our tax dollars to use for Iowans in every corner of this state. The clock is ticking.
Charles Borowicz [Real life]
This bill HSB 649 and its timing are atrocious acts of 'governance'. Formally defining gender as sex designated at birth is not just medically incorrect but morally divisive.And forced Outing on driver's license creates a dangerous precedent. Creatinga separate but equal status quo and exclusion of trans people from federal protections is the exact opposite of what government should stand for.
Shelly Northway []
Vote NO.
Jennifer folley []
This is absolutely atrocious to see a government entity in the US try to pass such a hateful attack on minority groups.
Linda Kent []
This bill is abhorrent!! Like HF2082 it is a HATE CRIME in the planning stages!!There is absolutely NO reason for this other than to cause harm to our fellow Iowans! I pray that you will not give this nastiness even a moment of consideration!!Thank you,Linda Kent
Mickey Rottinghaus []
Trans Rights are human rights.Full STOP.As in: STOP trying to shove people who are struggling with their gender identity to the back row, to the side, AWAY from the rest of us. People are people. Inserting yourself in their personal lives simply makes you a nosy neighbor. Ask anyone. No one liked Mrs. Kravitz. She was a nosy neighbor.Privacy used to be something Republicans respected. Get back on board with that.Then step down from public service.The "service" you offer is not helpful.
Mariah Obiedzinski []
Dear State Representatives HoraCH, Boden and Steckman,I believe as an Iowan I believe the words on our flag say it best, Our Liberties We Prize and our Rights We Will Maintain. Iowa did away with Seperate but Equal 100 years before Brown Vs. Board of Education so why are we even entertaining HSB 649 when it would do the very same thing. That is offensive to the Iowan values? I believe that liberty and justice for all is not optional. Iowa should be entertaining laws codifying discrimination. Please reject this grossly unconstitutional piece of legislation. Thank you,Mariah Obiedzinski
Connie Rommel []
This bill is just another way to harm our Iowans! You republicans need to back off on all the bills going after LBGTQ people and start worrying about what really matters in this state! I personally know two people who have or are in the process of their change. I could tell the first days I met them when they were both young kids that they were given the wrong gender at birth. One was male and the other female. Both are great loving people. They are not harming you so why go after them? Its hard enough for them let alone you people telling them what they can and cant do and what needs to be on their drivers license etc. QUIT IT! And by the way, Im not a democrat!